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Posts posted by katcol

  1. So glad to hear that she's doing better! The nails were a thing with our older dogs, too. We have a dog now that won't let anyone near her feet. We got so frustrated with her that we had the vet put her under and grind them back. That is a little extreme but we have to drug her to take her to the vet anyway and they still can't get her nails cut without a lot of trauma to our girl. So if she ever has to go under for teeth cleaning, etc. that might be an option to give her better start on the nails. It has to be uncomfortable for a couple of days but Pepper never even batted an eye.


    I thought about you guys today at Petsmart. They have heated dog pads near the register. The largest one was $99. Hopefully she won't need it.


    She really favors Roscoe a lot! She looks about the same size, too. I can't remember what you said her weight was. He's in the low 160's. I know you've met him but...Here's Roscoe:




  2. So happy to hear that this sweet girl is home. Wow, I thought we were the only family that squeezed onto the king sized bed so that everyone could snuggle all night! Feel a little more normal now. And so proud that Sable has a family that loves that much!


    She does turn a head or two. Buddy had his eye on her the day we were there. It wasn't meant to be. She had an officer awaiting her arrival, with such a wonderful family to boot!


    We may have to try to get to Paulding Meadows just to see miss Sable, if she feels up to it.


    Bless your family for embracing this fine young lady.

  3. I want to start doing something from home to earn some extra money to pay off some debt and I havent a clue how to find anything that isn't a scam, anyone have any experience with a work from home program?? TIA


    Sent you a PM on what we're trying.

  4. Last week it wasn't so nice and so people were defending us on there. So this post really was nice to see!


    I got the nicest picture the other day from a woman who got two Boxers from us. Here's her two babies:


    Thanks for bringing this to their attention, joflo. You do a great job yourself.


    Love the tongue hanging out in that picture!

  5. What a wonderful match. Sounds like Sable will be in good hands.


    My daughter & Sable are on the website. Sable was happy to get attention while we snapped a picture. It's in the community area. One photo is with Baker, who dropped by our sale. The other is at the shelter w/Sable. Looks like we have yet another mascot for some of our shelter events! Woo Hoo! ;)


    Prayers for Sable's full recovery. Seemed like she had already adapted to life without the use of that leg. Such a sweetie.


    BTW: Buddy was awfully sweet on Sable when we were there. :wub:

  6. Update please! And what's her name? Pictures?


    Wow, I've been out of the loop. Didn't even see this. Glad we were able to work together. I couldn't have grabbed either of them if you hadn't have let me move ahead and take your spot... :lol:


    What's her name? She's so dainty. :wub: I don't know what the boy's name is yet, either. He's doing great.

  7. You could try Ruff Daze. I think he will at least try to blend the dogs. It might actually be very good for your pit. Just talk to the owner about it. He'll tell you what he would/would not be comfortable with. He is the most patient guy and really works with the dogs on getting them together, introducing them slowly, etc. This could be just what your pit needs. He's in Douglasville.


    Good luck!

  8. So sorry for the hijack but Katcol how is Miss Sadie and how is your family?


    Sorry. I just got back on. Sadie is doing well and so are we. Take a look a "Buddy vs. Vacuum" to see her new boyfriend. A neighbor brought him to us thinking he was one of ours. Three weeks later we still have him. He and Sadie are in love. :wub:


    It's gonna be a sad day when he has to go. We can't have a Dane and 3 labs! Honest, we can't, I tell you. She sure does love him, though.


    You guys ok?

  9. After 2 hrs. on the floor.. she wanted to get up to go outside to go potty. I put my arms around her stomach and supported her as she got up. I was wrong it's her left hip. She got outside and limped alot but went potty and is now resting on the couch.

    We do have a hardwood floor... This was so.. sudden. You would think it would have been little bit, by little bit, but no.

    She seems peaceful now.. I'm gonna give her some aspirin.

    Katcol.. thank you for the offer to come help me. We ok as of right now.


    The change in weather may have brought it on. You might have to find some big area rugs and put the stuff underneath to keep them from sliding. Our worst spot was right where they would hit the laminate floor coming off the stairs. Took too much control to keep from slipping up w/the pain, I guess. Good luck. Hopefully she'll be better throughout the day.

  10. A dose of Asprin may help with the pain. apply heat to tender areas too.

    Do not give baby Motrin or Tylenol that is not good for dogs!


    That's what I thought.


    Where are you located? Do you need help? I feel for you. There is no way I could ever lift Roscoe. He passed out a few times (long story) and I almost panicked.


    You could try to have one or two people wrap towels around her and pull up to support her weight so that she can at least get outside to relieve herself. Is she on a slick floor? That was always hard on our older dogs. One would get to where he couldn't get up on a slick floor.


    Let me know if you need another body. Our danes can be hard to help sometimes. PM me if you want me to come help. She will probably need some Rymadil (sp) or s/thing. Remind me to tell you about Dr. Carpenter's equipment.


    P.S. I'm on the South side.

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