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Posts posted by katcol

  1. There is a low cost spay/neuter mobile unit in Douglasville. The Douglas County Animal Shelter can give you the name of as I forget what it's called but they are very reasonable.

  2. If insurance companies pay for treatment for other addictions, then they should most definitely pay for treatment for food addictions.


    A food addiction has to be harder than any other, because you can't just quit cold turkey. You have to eat to survive, and there are advertisements for unhealthy food everywhere you look.


    And yes, people can be addicted to food.





  3. I am so happy that she has found a wonderful family! Thanks to everyone at PCOM for the support, Paulding Animal Control, all the volunteers, and a big thank you and hug to her new family! She is a wonderful dog and she deserves to be loved.


    She did really well overall. Just a few first night jitters. Don't worry, we won't run for the hills. Hubby is in love!




    She reminds me so much of our Sasha!


    Wow, she really does look a lot like her....if Sadie was not so skinny! We're working on that. Beautiful baby, by the way!

  4. Ok. Had to post this. Pepper is slowly taking on a "Mama" role to Sadie....even though she is the same size. Sadie has put her paws on the kitchen table twice now. Both times Mama Pepper has scurried over to her and reprimaded her with a low growl. How great is that? Pepper's gonna train Sadie!

  5. A picture's worth a thousand words! or three? pictures?


    LOL! I gave up. There were glitches. I fought hard but the glitches won. I just gave up. For just a few minutes I really thought I had this attachment thing down pat. Oh well.






    That is the sweetest picture!! I would've bet sharpei as well. How adorable!!

  6. Thanks for the pictures Katcol! That baby looks so tired! What a change from where she's been. Thanks for taking her, I don't think you'll ever regret it. She is such a love. And, she is so beautiful too.


    How's your dogs reacting to her? And your son and daughter look very happy too. That's what she needed a loving family and kids and other dogs to play with. Wait until she discovers your pool!


    That's a happy ending for sure. Thanks to Nikki13 and lovemuppet ! You both saved her life. :)


    She's so sweet. Pepper is a little jeolous but she'll get over it. Sadie had her bath and that was all she wrote. She preferred a fluffy doggy bed over our temperpedic. So we put it in my son's room and that's where she is sleeping HARD right now. She even did the content "sigh" before she nodded off. :wub:

  7. she's beautiful.




    Steve and Nemie...thanks for the kind words. Glad to hear your kitty is doing well. She is so sweet!


    And a big thanks to all who spent time with this little girl and took such great care of her! nikki13 & lovemuppet, can't thank you enough for the update and the Sadie support!


  8. Yes, we snatched that baby right out from under zoo! LOL. We actually struggled with whether or not to go ahead and take her. We were worried about "tomorrow" since Sadie has been sick. I couldn't make it back up if zoo didn't make it this afternoon. We have a female that is giving Sadie a little trouble but I think they'll be big buddies in a few days.


    Zoo, are you sure you don't want to come get Sadie for a day? She may like your place better, ya never know. ;)

    Just FYI, if you really want her, we'd adopt another one. So two dogs would be placed in a home. You might have to get past the huffy hubby, though. He was so pouty about adding another dog.....but he liiiikes Sadie! He'd get over it, though.

  9. FANTASTIC, wat to go MillCreek. Bless you Bless you for giving that baby a wonderful home.


    Ok Ms. Lily, you be good that your new little sister, yea I know might take a little time for that, but sure you will do fine.



    Hey Lisa, add me to that list also. We brought home a cat from the shelter, the one with the health issue "shakes", little russian blue girl.


    Aren't we all the lucky ones.



    Did you guys have to wait to get her? I thought we saw her there on Sunday. Her card said she needs surgery if it's the same one. What type of surgery would solve the shaking problem?

  10. I know the family is in shock and has a lot to deal with right now. I'm assuming the dogs were in the accident. Are the two that have been found...ok? Someone needs to keep an eye on them for this famliy.


    When my grandmother passed, my sister and BIL kept her dog. They brought it on a trip and were in a really bad accident. The dog seemed fine, just panting alot. Someone that lived nearby took the dog and gave them their # since all the humans in the accident were taken by ambulance to the hospital. About two days later the dog passed away. He had a collapsed lung due to trauma.


    Can someone watch out for these babies while this family tries to pull itself through this crisis?


    Literally Blessed, you are doing an amazing job!

  11. How could someone obviously teach the Chi to say "I love my Mommy" and then send it off to the shelter. Where it sits in a cage saying it in the middle of puppies barking and howling. :(


    Amazing. He was turned in as a stray, though. Wonder if his "momma" is looking for him. A friend of mine was ready to adopt him today! Apparently someone has already signed on to adopt him. I think Whitney said he's available on Tuesday. Just hope that person knows the new thoroughbred prices. He's not neutered yet. So I guess he falls into that price catagory. I hope he does since he's obviously very bright. Someone would probably jump at the chance to breed him so they need to be snipped before he is released!


    He sounds so much like a parrot to me. Such a sweet boy.

  12. Another Whirlpool Duet fan, here! We absolutely love ours. Almost all of our friends and family have gotten those. No complaints so far.


    I can tell you that it costs around $24 to replace the knob when you slam your elbow into it and break it off. Just sharin' the info.

  13. Yeah its sooo cute that when he calls the cats I cant help but laugh.


    Nope it cannot stay, I cant do anymore cats.........I have 3 boys and 1 girl and thats it. I cant deal with loosing anymore, 1 ran away and 1 got shot :angry: so this little guy will have to find a home after it is eating and healthy and possible fixed and shotted b/f leaving us. But it will leave to a great family eventually.


    At least he's not competing with all the kittens at the shelter. There are SO many! Since Roscoe tries to eat them, we can't even take one. :(


    They sure are cute, though.

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