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Posts posted by katcol

  1. what family was lost??


    ((going to check the front page again, I missed it))




    A family of three in Carroll County. The news story said they slid off the road into a lake. I forget the road names. The parents and I think 13 year old child drowned before anyone could help them. Prayers for this family. Everyone take your time! Hopefully the roads have had more time to thaw.




  2. Umm, yeah -- our kids will be in school. Paulding schools are not closed. The weather is fine. Roads are wet, not really icy -- not really worse than during a good solid rainstorm.


    My daughter was talking last night about school being closed and I said "Forget about it." It's just a little winter weather -- not the end of the world.


    You must be from up North. :p :D

  3. Just letting you guys know....I am on the phone with Ash. She says they are having a hard time with their internet. They may have a bad modem. She may or may not be back on tonight.


    She fed the dog tonight and he seemed to be a little less apprehensive with her. That's a good sign.


    Anyway, she'll be back on as soon as she can. Thanks for all of your help! We are trying to get someone who can possibly laso the dog. Waiting to hear back from them.








    How could you possibly be at fault? You've tried to get help with the meds which would've been the best bet for this big boy. There is only so much that you can do with no cooperation from those that could make the situation a lot easier. Hate to place all the blame on them either, I know that puts those folks in a bad position. It's sad that our society has had such a high degree of common sense removed from our world.


    This guy could easily become the next "Baker". I have a feeling that he would flourish with the smallest amount of love or positive attention. Once that barrier is broken for him, he could be an incredible family member. Of course, I could be wrong but he seems to have an agonizing desire to have a place to call his home. Otherwise he would not come back to deal with us nuts. He would just be done with it and move on.


    Unfortunately, the homeowner does not see fit to allow this boy to stay around since he does search through the trash, etc., messing up the yard that homeowner obviously works hard to keep looking very nice. The homeowner is a nice guy with quite a bit of patience to put up with all of us for so long. At this time, I believe his patience is running out.


    If anyone has any thoughts on how to help this sweet boy, please contact Ash. Bless her heart, she's been trying so hard for him. It would be hard to see this end badly for him. :( Any ideas would be great.


  5. We have 2 cats, 1 rabbit and one great dane... The only animal that will be replaced when they go to the rainbow bridge is the dane... She will be replaced with another one....


    Your new baby is ADORABLE!!!!!


    Once you've loved a dane....lol~ How's Moxie doing? I've heard a rumor on here. Is she getting some extra company this year? :o :D :D



  6. Sorry. I just got on. I went by tonight and left him some Old Roy canned food. Didn't see him but I'm sure he came around if he was hungry. Homeowner was leaving just as we were putting out the food.


    I'll have to work this Sat/Sun. Sat @ 12 and Sun @ 2.


    Let me know what the plan is. I guess Sat is out for me unless we start really early.


    I can run by and feed him again in the morning if you want. I'm heading right by there.








  7. That is one cute dane! She'll be a biter for awhile, I bet. Most puppies are. She should get better with time....and some training.


    We were lucky. Roscoe was full grown and a perfect gentleman when we got him last year. He'll throw down with the three labs occassionally but most of the time he just loves to love. Except for the recent seatbelt chewing....he chewed through it in about 10 seconds while I was busy running my mouth. :o In his defense, we had a stray in the car with us that he didn't know from Adam so he might have been a little stressed.


    Good luck. Love your other dane also. Beautiful!





  8. Glad I ran into you today!! If you can feed him tomorrow I would appreciate it, that way if we both are buying food and feeding him it isn't too expensive or troublesome on any one person. I REALLLLLLY appreciate it!


    No problem. Should I go in the morning or night? I'm only working from 2-6 so I can do either.



    No problem. Should I go in the morning or night? I'm only working from 2-6 so I can do either.


    P.S. I promise I'm not following you. :ph34r: :lol:

  9. Hey Ash. Just give me a ring. As for the Pet Meds thing...they ask for your vet info so that they can fax a request for a script.


    If anyone on here happens to have these meds laying around, would you please pm Ash? Acepromazine would be best since that's what we gave him before and we know he doesn't have a bad reaction to it or anything. Just needed more of it.


    Sounds like the "prepped" pad might be a thought. You'd have to get the trap back out there, though.


    I can run out there to feed him tomorrow if you need me to.





  10. Bumplett and Mizcue, sorry I didn't answer when ya'll called, I talked to Mizcue but left a message with Bumplett. The fat on my arse was muffling the sound! :p

    Thanks JMD, Linda MM, katcol, and daughter.




    You're too funny. By the way, if it weren't for you, none of us would be out there helping him. You're gonna have a lot of battle scars from this one. Those briars don't know when to get out of your way! I'm glad you cleared it up that we weren't poisoning him.....although, that might draw some attention from animal control...j/k.


    The girls really seamed to enjoy the outdoor time. Like you said, at least we got to play in the woods.

    Roscoe's almost out of food so I might see you in the am.






  11. Ok. We're in....but same here, not quite at the buttcrack :lol: .


    I have hubby on board for tomorrow. We'll try your cell phone before we leave the house.


    I'm embarrassed to say how tired I was when we got home. You'd think I had run the entire time. So sad! :blush:


    I only got glimpses of him the whole day but he's a pretty boy. Hope this works!


    Ash, I couldn't find anything on the poison dart guns...lol, I mean the tranquilizer guns. Did you have any luck?

  12. I don't think you are a dog. Maybe this is the wrong forum. LOL!


    I know a while back, Vitkins used Phen-Fen which caused heart damage. Depends on what medications. I would ask my doctor and pharmacist.



    Too funny, PsychoMom! Ooops! I've been curious about his clinic myself. Any info, anyone?

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