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Posts posted by katcol

  1. We'll pitch in, too. Not sure how much, but we'll definitely do what we can. Maybe Ash can open up a Wildlife Rescue in Paulding ;)!




    Guys, I have to work again this weekend so somebody please try to be available for Ash, just in case. Hopefully she won't need extra help if these guys step in.





    Hey, is anyone else having trouble with notifications of replies? I'm not getting the reply alerts on this thread. :(


  2. Are you referring to the cowboy who performed at the talent show? If so, my youngest goes to school with his son.


    Yes, as a matter of fact. Maybe he's skeered that his skills won't be up to par. (Cowboys don't back down from a challenge, right? :D )


    Mom's out of town right now. He didn't return her call for help before, so we assumed he didn't want to do it. I wonder if he realizes just how close this is to their home. Maybe he'll surprise us and he's just been brushing up all this time. Maybe he thinks we'd all be watching and taping the event for Pubby... :lol: :ph34r: Or maybe I'm just embarrassing him and he only does the stuff for fun and not for real wranglin'.


    Either way, I still don't think he could get him unless he was a little sedated (the dog, that is).


    The tranquilizer gun would be the best bet at this point.


    Yes... That is where he was standing. The boy couldn't reach him but boy "Bud's" tail was wagging up a storm... That is the first time I've seen him.. I will do what I can to help. Let me know..


    "Bud" often stands wagging his tail at us, all the while barking to let us know to back off. Hopefully he is more at ease with these kids.



  3. Yeah, Ash, you sounded rough today! I figured this would all catch up to you eventually. Running around in the cold dark night like a fool. :p :p I'm just sayin' :lol: (as I cough myself to sleep)

    Truely, with you running as hard as you do for as long as you do, it's bound to getcha sooner or later. Maybe you need to rest for a bit. I still have three cans of food in my van if you want me to take this weekend. I can mix it with some of the dry & put it out. Do you feed him once a day or twice a day?


    Also, I was thinking...my mom should be back Sun. I'm gonna press her about the lasso person again. I know it's a long shot but he is literally 3 minutes from there. I just remembered that his family had moved. They practically live across the street now. Maybe that would make a difference. It's worth a shot.

  4. What side of the woods (road) does this guy hang out? I saw a dog standing out of arms reach (plus a couple of feet) from a middle schooler waiting for the bus. It looked like the one pictured and it was wagging it's tail. They were on the left hand side going towards the church.


    That's the side this dog stays on. Was that one pretty big? I wonder if he is getting comfortable around the kids. It'd be worth questioning the kids if you are around when they get off the bus. That would be great if it's him and he lets them get close!



  5. Buddy knew how long his beloved family would be gone that day due to those blasted tickets!! He decided it would be best if the family stayed home with him! :D


    Now wouldn't it be really weird if something bad happened at the super bowl and Buddy could sense it was going to be bad! Ok, Buddy would be reaching too far with that one, I guess. I tried for ya, Buddy. :lol:



  6. I hear Theatre in the Square's classes are excellent. Here's their schedule.


    I also have a friend whose daughter is taking acting classes at Mable House and will be performing at their ampitheatre in the spring. Here's their schedule, but it appears that they have already started --- they have summer classes too.


    Thanks so much! I had seen the Theatre on the Square in passing and was wondering if that was reputable. I think for now she just needs to find a decent, honest to goodness place to take a class or two and see if she still "feels" it. lol.


    She didn't make the cut in the 3rd grade drama try-outs (not a good sign.. :lol: ) but bless her heart, she was sick as a dog and had to go first due to her being there with a high fever, etc. They, actually, recommended that she might want to take some lessons. So, she might be too young to fling out there but it probably wouldn't hurt to take a class or two. ?



  7. I used to work with Cobb Childrens' Theatre, but it's for middle and high school students only. I think 10 is a little young (my opinion only). You just don't want another Britney Spears on your hands. Let her be a kid for a while longer. She'll have opportunities in middle and/or high school to try her wings. :)


    Wow, I bet that was a fun job! Would love to know more about what they do.


    I definately don't want to push her. That's why we've waited this long. I'd just hate for her to end up in a position where a try-out or audition would've gone so much better if she'd been training for a couple of years. Now I'm torn. lol.


    Is it really all consuming to get into acting/singing at their age? She will be Jr. High next year. Yikes! She started school early due to a birthday just before the cuttoff.


    How do they go about choosing the children for the CCT? Do they prefer that they have prior training? Or do they actually prefer to train the kids, I mean, is that what they do? Sorry, I'm so lost on this. I was hoping to just get her into some classes and see where it went from there. I do NOT want another Britney, though. You got that right!! :rolleyes:

  8. Hi. We have promised my daughter for years to get her into some drama/acting & singing lessons. I guess it's time to come across with the goods. Anyone know of a reputable place?


    Unfortunately, I do not have experience with this field and do not know where to start. We are here in Paulding but we are somewhat flexible. I'd go some distance to get her into a good program.


    Any ideas? Advice? She is a very stable child and a kind soul. We'd like to keep it that way. So any inside advice would be so much appreciated.







  9. What in Gods name were you doing up at 346 am??


    Anyways, That would be a heck of a load on a bed!! Plus 2 adults and probably 2 kids!!


    As a matter of fact, I was letting 340# go out to pee! Roscoe is on a high sodium (perscription!) diet so he has to drink a lot of water....which means a pee party at about the same time each night/morning. :wacko:

  10. I have been reading all of the posting just to see the picture and I also having been feeding him. I bought a bag of food and keep it in my van. I call him Hobo. He seems to know my van and he comes pretty close to me. Has he been seen latley? I look for him everyday!


    Well, this sounds like it might be a good match! :D :D :lol: . Isn't he beautiful? I would take him in a heartbeat if we didn't have about 370 lb. of dogs in the house already. :blush: Our king sized bed will not hold any more. :lol:


    Friendly reminder to everyone: If you see that Ash gets the sedative again, don't feed him at that time. She will need for him to be hungry. In the meantime, thanks so much for helping to keep his belly full!



  11. It's been my experience that barred owls are tame--at least tolerant of humans to the point of it being bizarre. Only shreech owls are more approachable that barred owls, but I think it's more strategy (assume they're not detected) than tolerance. I've been within arms length of wild screech owls. At least some barred owls will let people pass directly under them when they're in a tree, but not nearly as tolerant when low to the ground.


    I've had a few 20-foot fly-bys when calling barred owls.


    That's neat!

  12. Oh purty!!!!! Be sure to contact Chattahoochee Nature Center for information on where to take him. Just a friendly reminder, these can be kinda dangerous and it's against the law to keep him! :D


    They are planning to release him to a nature perserve....not sure that's worded right.


    Hey, Lady Liberty, I almost called you on this. You always have good bird/nature advice. ^_^

  13. Aww---what is she going to do with it?


    She's gonna train him to help her catch stray dogs. :p :D


    No, really..he's at a vet's office now. Hopefully he will pull through. Ash, where did you say they will take him when he's well?





    She's gonna train him to help her catch stray dogs. :p :D


    No, really..he's at a vet's office now. Hopefully he will pull through. Ash, where did you say they will take him when he's well?

    .....or her?

  14. Can't believe that I didn't see all this. I don't multi task very well. Kept checking back to see if I'd gotten an "update" email. Well, you don't get those if you haven't posted....duh!


    Ash, sounds like you guys watched a better show than we did...lol. Wish I had been there with the zoom lens. Let me know if you hear any definite news from AC.



  15. Which brings up another subject...

    Why is that the laws require that we wear seatbelts anytime we're in our cars and special seats for our little ones - those little ones who are being driven by someone who really loves them, while we send our littles ones on buses TWICE a day - driven by who knows who - and not a belt one to protect them?



    I feel ya, dawg.


    Not even a moniter to make sure your child isn't getting the pulp beat out of him/her while the driver tries to concentrate on driving a monster, expertly enough to keep everyone alive.

    Dallas New Era has an article calling for more bus drivers. I'm already underappreciated, thank you. ;)


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