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Posts posted by katcol

  1. I would definitely be on guard when it comes to my 14 year old daughter. There are so many sicko's out there who like adolescents. Also, you kind of let the guy know how long you'll have the zone patrol in post #26. It's so easy to give out more info than you should and not know you did it.


    I had a bag taken from me at that Walmart and happen to know that they have an excellent camera system. They were able to see what happened right away, and even refunded me for the items in that bag. Just go to the customer service in person and tell them the time and date and they can find the tape of him right away.


    Hey, Ash, have you thought about that? I know you don't want to go back there but this trip might be worth it. That's great to know that their surveylance system is that good.





  2. always remember blood is thicker than material items including money


    When you are dealing with someone who uses that as an excuse for not taking responsibility, it's time to cut the cord. We have a family member who actually set up a drug shop in her deceased mother's home. The one dying wish of the mother was that this daughter not be allowed back into the home to deal drugs since this is the battle they fought most of her life. Not only did the daughter do exactly that, she lured family members there, knowing that the wounds were still fresh and tempers were still hot. She succeeded in getting one family member thrown in jail. She eventually self destructed and ended up in prison herself. At that moment the family took over the home and completely shut the door on her. A lifelong battle had to come to this end.


    Do you know that for the first time in her life, she became sober! It even lasted a couple of years. I can't imagine the effort it took on her part to change her life. Some of the family stepped up and stood by her side. I'm pretty stubborn but even I was coming around.


    With her family's support, she decided it was ok to go back to her former lifestyle. Go figure. I think, had the family taken this route about 20 years ago, she'd probably be running for president right now. And knowing her, she'd win. What a waste of an incredible human spirit.


    Sorry....I get winded on this subject sometimes. For some, enabling is a terrible thing. They will fight to the death to have it but it buries them in the end. This may be completely different circumstances but the underlying problem is very similar.

  3. At least you know you are a good person Tabby---and WE know it too.


    Forget the $ and the heirlooms. It is not worth the pain it causes.


    YOU can lay your head in peace.




    Ok...what she said!



  4. Wow. They just don't know who they're messin' with, do they? See, you need a big, loud dog in that house with you at all times!!! Maybe in the car, too!


    I can't imaging they would ride around and take pictures of cars they'd want to steal, unless they could get a good shot of the license plate, maybe. Wouldn't that kind of put the spotlight on them? I would still be VERY careful if I were you. Maybe be extra careful about making sure the kids don't stay in the car right now as well. Isn't crime a pain in the a$$!!


    Bet Bud would bite 'em in the booty.




  5. First of all, do you need a sister? LOL! :p


    You may want to let him know, maybe in a letter, how hurt you were that you didn't get the things that were intended for you. My Grandmother was a phenomenal cook and it meant the world to me to have at least one of her hand written recipes. It's such a true piece of her. So I completely understand. You are longing for the things that made you feel closer to your lost loved ones. He is longing for money.


    You could mention that you've given him the last of any funds; what remains is simply the minimum for emergency funds for your own family. Or simply tell him that you have a responsibility to your family and he will no longer be able to receive monetary support from you. However, you would consider purchasing the items that have value to you. At least that way you are getting the items that you want while helping him. It might be better to put it that way than to say "no more money until you give me the things that should've gone to me". Maybe the repayment angle would be a good way to go. You could tell him that since he never pays you back, you cannot continue to drain family funds. Then you could offer to wipe some of the debt in lieu of some of the items, like the previous poster suggested. I'll bet that you will never see the items again....they are lost, etc., etc. unless they have to find them to get what they want. If he doesn't want to play, I'd be done with him. Sorry, I'm very impatient. I'd be there for him otherwise, but he'd never see another penny from me. In fact, you may be enabling him. Have you ever thought about it that way?


    Just a yucky, all around situation. Sorry you are in it.


    P.S. If they have the recipes, you could always offer to take a few at a time and make copies for anyone else who'd want them. The originals will fade, warranting that copies be made, anyway.

  6. So sorry you guys have lost another of your babies. I know you had some warning but death is never easy, no matter what amount of preparation you have. My heart goes out to you. Sounds like you went to great lengths to keep her as happy and comfortable as you could. Hope you are taking as good care of yourselves. You guys are just wonderful people and open your hearts so freely to others, especially your "babies". Prayers said for you and yours!




  7. They would be cute, they would be puppies. I'd be the first to fawn over and ooooh and ahhh over the babies. I'd also be one of the huge number of people that would walk away without a pup. Most people around here are maxed out, taking care of as many dogs as they can. Or they are unable to truely care for a pup. Or they will take a pup and then turn it in to the shelter, or just dump it somewhere, when it (gasp!) grows, plays and chews. You have no idea how many people will drop 'em off....only to pick up a puppy the next day at a Wal-Mart parking lot. Some of the babies will have babies. And so on, and so on.


    Your son most likely has not watched the video of all the dogs being thrown on top of each other in the gas chamber to be inhumanely killed. I won't go into any more detail than that. However, I would strongly suggest that he view this tape and decide if he will be ok with his "grandbabies" being put through this horrific torture. Some may end up at the Paulding Animal Shelter where they will actually (most likely) be humanely euthanized. Others will not be that fortunate. Lily was not that fortunate. She went on to have her own litter, to be hit by a car and to starve within a day or so of death. Do you remember the news stories about Lily? See the pinned section of Four Legged Friendzy. I can send it straight to you if it will help.


    I've been there as a very young person. I've let a dog get "knocked up". I really wish that someone had educated me on the profound effect it can have. Tell him we all love puppies and understand his desire to be a grandparent. But please get truely educated on it first, THEN make the decision. Most people have NO IDEA what the offspring will have to endure, no matter how great of a job they did at finding good homes. Statistically, a large number of them will suffer.


    Sorry for the negativity. I know that's not what you came here for. There are a lot of volunteers on here and we are stunned every time we see how expendible an animal is to some of our population. We see too much and we move on to warn others. Hopefully your son loves dogs enough to overcome his desire to have a litter of pups. Maybe he could be available to foster a litter if he just wants to experience caring for something so vulnerable and cute. Hoping he makes the right decision! :(



  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


    That's 'zactly what I'm saying. We were there. The best I could tell you is that the girl and her mom were upset. When I was that age, hormones could occassionally get the best of me and a guy trying to get directions could turn into a predator in my eyes. Mom wasn't playin', thought. She would've taken that guy down, right there in front of God and everybody, that day. And I must say, we would've had her back! ;)

  9. Lots of great ideas. He is SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!! Looks like a little Romeo.


    I especially like the idea of having the door open and then playing outside, maybe play his favorite game with the other pup. Also, hiding the treats in the yard, if the other pup doesn't get them first...lol. If he's coming out for a minute, he's making progress! Woohoo!



  10. What about the vaccine clinics that they hold at Petsmart? Has anyone used them? Are they more reasonable?


    I'm sure there is a certain amount of concern with vaccines given from a non-licensed person. I guess it would be similar to saying we could do our own vaccinations or our children's. Who's to guarantee that the individual kept the vaccine under proper storage conditions until it was used?


    On the other hand, we should not be held financial hostages to vets that charge such outrageous prices for yearly vaccines. We know how much they cost. I mean, what the freak, do they have to pay E & O insurance every time they give a shot?


    I'm just sayin'. Has anyone been considering opening a low cost vaccine clinic? Could the Humane Society do something like this? They already do the rabies clinics and chipping. I think they should expand. Wonder if it would be possible. If they could make a little bit of money off of it, that would be great, too. Anything that could be a help to pet owners and a positive cash flow should be worth considering, right?









  11. I like all animals but I cannot live without a dog. I have lived without a dog for a few months and I spent the entire time trying to find a way to have a dog in my home again. I could never do Survivor or Big Brother unless they let us have a dog...lol


    Big dogs, here, too! :wub: The smallest we've ever had was a cocker spaniel.



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