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Posts posted by katcol

  1. There sure were alot of details left out, though. Did this toddler wonder into the neighbors yard unsupervised and into the territory of the dog? What was the child doing within reach of a chained dog? The owner was attempting to be responsible by chaining the dog. Some dogs that are NOT vicious dogs end up biting for various reasons. I was attacked by a dog when I was 5. The dog had a broke leg with a cast on. I must have gotten too close to the dog, which was hurting, and it lept up and bit me on the face. I am in my 30's and still have a scar. But it really wasn't the dogs fault. It wasn't the owners fault either. She told me not to pet the dog (and I didn't), but she didn't know the dog didn't even want me around. My parents did not sue.


    I'm not saying that the owner shouldn't have some responsibility, but what about the parents? What are the actual circumstances of this situation?


    You're right. What two year old is allowed around a rottie without an adult right there? Strange. Still, CHAIN <_<

  2. Well, I don't have the market on psychic ability. Maybe there is an Obermeyer whose trying to contact you? Maybe more will come to you. Any other weird things happening to you? oops, sorry off topic!


    Nothing else, so far. He is my shadow, though. Laying next to me now, as a matter of fact. I'm not sure if he adores me or if I've just made him insecure. Even when I shower he sits in front of the shower door waiting on me. He's probably just trying to get me to read his mind and take him home...lol. He does love having lots of playmates. That much I know. Roscoe is his favorite (the big guy). He gets so excited when Roscoe finally decides it's time to play.


    Sorry. Hi-Jack over.





  3. I have no problem with the company making money. I just thought it was cheezy for Kraft to allow them to do it that way. We've always had the one free game code in the cereal, that sort of thing. This actually requires that they have an adult sign up for the automatic renewal. It's bordering on false advertising whether it's for the adult or the child.


    Maybe I've been in the dark. I didn't think reputable companies like Kraft would have to stoop to that level. I know it's lame to put this much effort into it. I've just had lots of fine print lately and it's driving me insane. This one really dissapointed the kids. They'll get over it but I don't have to respect the advertising.


    By all means, go sign up for the video game rentals.

  4. Hi. This may not be of interest to a lot of you but I thought I'd post it for those of you that it will affect.


    My kids were finally allowed to get a Lunchables meal with the enticement of the Free Video Game Rental. They were so excited and have been trying to get logged on, get it to work. Well, the problem was that the company requires a credit card in order to get your free month worth of rentals. Not only do they need your credit card, they will charge an authorization to the card to make sure it will work when it comes time to charge you for the "automatic renewals". There is fine print on the side of the box stating that they will need a credit card. So make sure you read the fine print on every food product with a promotion....NOT! I have no idea how much the "authorization" charge is. We didn't go that far. It was listed as one of the Frequently Asked Questions!


    I know I'm being anal but I am just sick to death of being nickeled an dimed with my money or my time. Kraft Foods does not have to stoop to that to sell these popular snacks.


    Here's what I wrote to them:


    My comment is about the advertizing on Lunchables, a product clearly targeted to our youth. Is there a reason that you offer "Free Video Game Rentals" on the Front of the box of Lunchables only to put in fine print, hidden on away on the side, that a credit card is required...and that it will be an automatic renewal? Even then the fine print fails to tell the child/parent that an "autorization" will be charged to the card to make sure that they are "ready to go". Your company usually holds higher standards than this. I was appalled to find that you have allowed such a company to help you sell your product. I will be posting this warning on our local website where everyone goes for news. Let me know if this gets resolved and the advertizing is brought to your typical standards. At that point I will tell our entire county of your correction. Thank you so much for your attention in this matter. Since you have no human phone number, I took the liberty of giving you a phone number that will not work for me since you forced me to leave a number in order to contact you. You may contact me by email.

  5. well maybe you could say obie for short.

    Yes she is a tree climber and my hubby said his ladder was 25 ft and still didnt reach...so she climbed high.

    Hubby keeps saying fred and the cats will be fine but Im just so worried. If he did catch one and tried to hurt it I would be afraid to break it up. He really doesnt seem to have a mean bone so hopefully hubby is right!


    We have had fred 1 wk (tomorrow). He is such a lovable goof!


    Awe. He seems so sweet! Sadie had my mom's cat cornered on the bed last week. She was so excited but the cat stood it's ground. Sadie stayed a respectable distance while she tried to talk the cat through it... :lol: :lol:


    We've been trying Obey. We just end up calling him Obey-Buddy. ^_^

  6. Hopefully Fred will adjust and be more respectful after getting a couple of luv swats from the kitties. We had a dog that was aggressive to everything at first. We brought a kitten into the house, which was much easier. We just got on him really hard about it, while I held the kitten, and he eventually decided that he would raise it as his own. Later he decided he didn't like a different kitty visiter (who, of course, turned out to be pregnant). That one kicked his butt a couple of times. After that he ran from her.


    I'd hate to give you the wrong advice on this but getting excited, barking and wagging are fairly common "new and exciting" signals. Someone PLEASE correct me if I'm wrong! I had never dealt with the whole trance, trembling, drooling thing until Roscoe. I could just feel that that was not going to end well. Every other dog we've had has been able to adjust to cats.


    Yeah, we can't get used to Obermeyer. I was just looking at him one day and that popped into my head. Weird.

    There are no Obermeyers listed in Paulding public records. :p :lol:


    Looks like you got a talented little tree climber, there!~

  7. Sorry about that...I called him Buddy. I'm glad his new name is Fred. There are too many Buds and Buddys out here. We were trying to think of a different name for our Buddy. The other day it just came to me....Obermeyer! In all my days I have never thought of, much less used that name for a dog. Why in the world would that name keep haunting me? Joflo, any thoughts? This is your area of expertise. :D Maybe that's the name of the family that lost him. :huh: Edited to say...I think I'll run a check on public records. Might as well.


  8. Thanks again for the offer today, poor little Dylan hadn't been able to play and has been so scared there after his surgery we just needed a break. So at 330 we left, he played til he passed out, literally! He was playing, I picked him up, we laid down and he was snoring before I even got comfy!

    We will be there all day tomorrow, and the jekyll trip is on hold for now :(. But I may need you next week, if you are available to just take Caity for the day and let her hang with yall, to give her a break. She is a poppi's girl and is taking it hard. Hopefully he will be out by Sunday or moved or something good.

    Thanks again C, love ya!


    Not a problem. We were trying to think of something fun to do next week, since I can't take the kids out of town anywhere.



  9. I was thinking about you the other day! How are you doing? How is sadie doing? I saw a sadie at the shelter tuesday and chuclked!


    Hey. She's had a few more health issues but she's pulling through again. She doesn't give up! Thanks for asking about us. Love your new smoking buddy! We still cannot have cats around Roscoe. Since he's our horse in dog's clothing, we found it easier to be catless. I mean, he goes into a serious trance, ignores us, starts shaking, drooling, becomes a different "person". You'd think a cat killed his mama!


    Sadie LOVES kitties. As wild as she is, it's a hoot to watch her with a cat. She gets excited about them but always gives them their space. She wiggles like crazy from a distance. She wants her own kitty so bad! I'm sure Buddy will come around. This is a lot of adjusting for him right now. It'll just take time. Good luck!










  10. I'm still new at this, :D but I did load a picture of Buddy on the gallery. If you want to take a look.


    I did. He's beautiful!! Thank you for taking him in!


    you really shouldnt thank me..I got the better end of the deal :wub:


    He's gorgeous! Hey, I'll still trade you Sadie for him... :p :lol:

  11. They are still doing tests, not sure if it was a heart attack, maybe pericarditis, but they are admitting him and will continue to do cardiac enzyme lab work to eval his status. They are doing more EKGs b/c the first showed acuted MI, heart attack, and they say look better now. They gave him morphine and started a nitro drip. His hands are numb, so they are checking for blood clots peripherally. He had a carotid endarterectomy in september, so they worry he has thrown a clot or has another blockage else where.

    I will update again later as I get results.

    Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts.


    Lots of prayers!


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