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Posts posted by katcol

  1. I have no problem with posts in FLF that involve helping a homeless animal or locating a lost pet, because those causes ARE a service to the shelter and PHS. My problem lies with people giving away animals or selling animals and using FLF to do it. P.com has other forums for *exactly* that.


    And thanks for the bump. :)


    Hey, I have a problem with people breeding and/or profitting on animals in general so I hear ya!

  2. Have you tried MonaVie? There is a local person who's son was having some type of seizures. They ran tests on him and he came back in the red zone on lots of stuff. I have no idea what the tests were nor exactly what they meant. He decided to put his son on MonaVie. It's not a drug. It's a blend of 19 different fruits, some we have no access to over here. The main one is the acai berry from Brazil. It has a tremendous anti-oxident rating among other great things.


    They have retested his son and almost all of his readings have come within the normal range. I'll find out where the link is that shows the actual tests. As far as I know, his son no longer has problems with seizures.


    I'll PM you with more info. It's not cheap but my husband and I both have come off of enough meds to almost completely pay for it for both of us! I have no more migraines unless I go a few weeks without taking it. Imagine that, nutrition. It really works for us.







  3. I could see the problem if it was over run with free kitten ads and such but I can get through about a week of posts in this forum in maybe 5 minutes.


    I think you may have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. This is not a huge problem. We have lots of animal lovers that meet up on this forum. Sometimes we even ban together to rescue an animal that the shelter can't or won't help. I'll say can't because they really don't have the manpower to help in some situations.


    It is what it is. A place for animal lovers to unite and help one another when needed, talk about organizing to help the shelter, etc. I think it's wonderful the way it is. If you want a totally seperate forum, have Pubby add a Humane Society/Shelter forum. Maybe this forum was started to serve that purpose and instead it brought a large part of our community together to trouble shoot and problem solve in this area. How horrible! Sometimes good things just happen unexpectedly. Get over it and have Pubby start a separate forum. :drinks: Love the new smileys.


    Edited to say: Most of us feel more strongly about a pet than to just slap it into a "freebies" section. I have tried to help my neighbor place her cat and definitely put it in the forum where I knew animal lovers met up. And, my family went to adopt Sadie from the shelter based on her tough journey we followed on here. :hi:

  4. Sheri, you forgot to mention the key ingredient...YOU!


    Hopefully he will be a big romeo. I think he's been wanting so badly to be able to trust someone. Maybe now he'll have that chance. He was probably waiting until he felt that Ash wouldn't be able to let him go to the shelter. Ya never know. He is pretty doggone smart!


    Ash, after all this, you might be able to train him to do chores around the house... :lol:


  5. grill out BBQ chicken and then hand her some celery with peanut butter. that'll change her mind!


    oh, btw, did ya know that the sour cream at taco hell isn't vegaterian safe. It's made with gelatin. So are alot of candies.


    Even my little veggie scholar didn't know that one. She already knew that marshmellows and Skittles both have gelatin in them. She won't touch them with a 10' pole! Tell me that not all sour cream has gelatin. Her list is getting smaller and smaller.


    (I won't elaborate here on what, exactly, is in gelatin) ;)




    Just finishing reading "Skinny Bitch" and it's hilarious and a fast read. They lean towards vegan but they have a nice little companion cookbook, "Skinny Bitch in the Kitch." I'm not completely vegetarian but move further towards that route as time goes by.


    I just saw that book in Target! I was wondering if it was any good.



  6. Thanks again, guys! There are certain meats I cannot bring myself to eat but I've never really shared that with her. I'm sure there are things she picks up on. Derr. I hope I can join her in eliminating more of it. It's good to know that she's not alone!


    This has been SOOOO helpful!


  7. Thanks, guys. I knew I could count on p.commers. Miami, thanks for the offer. With the destruction that takes place here, sometimes, I wouldn't feel right borrowing anything from you. We've lost a library book or two due to the boredom of 4 big dogs. Yes, they SHOULD be kept put up...lol.


    If any of you know which vegetarian cookbooks have great recipes, I'd love to know the names of them and I'll go pick them up. That way it's only us that suffers any possible mishaps with the big babies.


    I'm going to head out and grab a few things from these ideas. Keep 'em coming! My daughter will be thrilled. Unfortunately, or should I say fortunately, she has incredible will power when it comes to what she eats. This may be a phase. Then again, she doesn't usually falter. I'll keep ya posted.


    Beans, cheese, pasta & Lactaid...oops, and pizza stuff. She's never eaten fish so that's not an option, either. :wacko:


    Thanks again!



  8. I respect and support her decision but I hate to cook as it is. Every time I try to find vegetarian recipes there are unfamiliar and expensive ingredients involved. She loves her veggies but I don't think she would jump right in on strange stuff. Also, I don't want to soy her to death (not that we've used it yet) because I think there was a link to high soy diets and breast cancer? Not sure that was the correct type of cancer.


    A little help? Any of you have vegetarian recipes that taste good and that I can handle cooking? I'm running out of ideas fast. Our favorite is baked potato w/some butter & cottage cheese. Even though she is lactose intolerant (which doesn't help), she can take lactaid stuff at home and still have things like this. She will still eat dairy. Out of ideas for school meals.

    PB&J forever..lol.


    Thanks for any help.


  9. If you and your hubby are going to stay then it would be a given that your youngest will be there too. I would just pay for him separately.


    I agree. It's usually understood that the siblings can come if the parents don't mind paying their portion. I'm all about being up front and communicating. It's always possible that their older child has requested a "my friends only" party to be especially for them. Or that the mom has worked really hard on specialized goody bags, or that the parents have had to turn other siblings down for some strange reason. The ones we've gotten have actually said an amount for siblings to participate.


    If they are close friends, I'd be on the phone. Of course, my friends have to have an understanding with me that we can't be over-sensitive about stuff. :lol: Most of the time that plan works. :lol:


    Just put it out there and take it for what it's worth. I'd call. If you still feel strange about it, you could make the R.S.V.P. call assuming that he is not invited. Maybe drop a line like "hubby will be there but I'll need to take youngest somewhere so that he/she won't be in the way". Possibly..."unless there is another play area there that I could go to with youngest" The response should show you where they are with this. If they say to bring youngest, I would quickly insist on paying any overage.


  10. Sheri can't find him right now. She's been making great progress with him and has seen him every day. Now he is missing in action. Any spottings? Anyone?


    Last night was the last time she saw him. She's just a little nervous right now since they have a routine and he didn't show.



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