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Everything posted by LMorrison

  1. We've been using the same privately owned trash service for many years and only had 1 increase in rates over the years, we pay $42 per quarter or $60 for 2 cans.
  2. yep, same here still. Im sick of watching her commercials and turned off my tv. Turning on radio.
  3. Mine has been doing the exact same thing! Driving me nuts! I keep kids in my home and they like watching a few shows in the morning and this is driving me and them crazy. I turn off the tv and back on and watch their show for a few minutes then it will do it all over again. Message says that the White House is having them do this emergency thing and keeps going back to Today Show. Now the government is taking over our TV's!
  4. We have a big, empty freezer in our basement if they would like to store anything and have access anytime they wanted to get any food items out.
  5. I also used Dr. Smith at Cumberland almost 12 years ago now and LOVE it!
  6. That is a terrible place to try and pull out from! We were at allgood for the past 6 years and I normally took the long way around just to avoid pulling out onto 61. Hope everyone is ok that was involved.
  7. I saw this also, a page has been made to declare Feb. 3rd Teacher/Bus Driver appreciation day in Paulding. I for one will be doing something for my childrens bus drivers even though I only had 1 child ride home on a bus Tuesday. My middle child stayed home sick and my youngest was brought home by a teacher friend, those bus drivers deserve so much for what they did! I was home listening to the scanner and heard some of those drivers and applaud them!!!!
  8. Yep, right here in Savannah's Lace!!
  9. Bad here at our house Cochran Ridge off Winndale. Hubby just came back from Hiram and said it was bad there also.
  10. We were wondering what was going on. I was driving down Old Harris and when I passed by the old bowling alley, there were cop cars there, 2 cops with a dog walking down the road with flashlights and lots of cop cars in the parking lot next to old Huddle House.
  11. He almost looks like one of my neighbors boxer that wondered into my yard several weeks ago, but then this dog had on a red halter and collar and lives only 2 doors down from me. We live in the Savannah's Lace subd, so don't know if you are anywhere near there and if it may be him again.
  12. My son who is going into 8th grader uses college ruled he says, as does my high schooler. My 5th grader wanted wide ruled but said her teachers usually don't care which they use.
  13. I keep kids in my home and by August when school starts I will actually have 2 openings. Several on here know me and actually Chickadee and PastorMatt are my brother and sister in law and I keep their 3 boys right now thru the summer, but come August will only have their 1 year old. At that time I will also have another 2 year old and a 3 year old. Only thing is I do live in Dallas, but closer to PCHS near 278/61. If interested, you are more than welcome to come over anytime day or evening so feel free to shoot me a PM if you are still looking.
  14. My daughter had to ride a different bus this morning and home this afternoon due to this tree as we live in Savannah's Lace and she said they saw people up there working around the tree but the road was still blocked as of 2:45pm
  15. I have a small kitchen table and 4 chairs if she still needs something like this, it is stored at my mom's house in East Paulding if someone has a truck and can meet me there to pick up. Send me a PM if this is needed.
  16. We have our 2nd child in braces and have always used Justice Ortho. My oldest got hers off over a year ago and we are very pleased with results. Our son who is currently in braces has been for about a year and also had to have some teeth pulled when he was younger and we did have a couple of opinions before we did that. We are on the payment plan, but dental ins did pick up a small portion of this. I now understand why my mom always yelled at me saying "we payed alot for those teeth, so you be careful!" haha
  17. If they are closed, why was the parking lot full of cars this evening? I drive by daily on my way home and around 7pm tonight when I came by, parking lot was about 1/2 full of vehicles.
  18. I'm hoping that all it was is the controlled blasting, even though it was so loud here at my house, it felt like it was alot closer than Bill Carruth. that would make me feel better than it being a lab!
  19. Another report I just heard is that it may have been Garnet Ridge and not McCready, waiting to hear back for sure on more details when things calm down. As loud as the explosion was inside my house and shook the house, I can not imagine being next door or inside that house and pray there were no kids in the house!
  20. Just got off phone with a good friend who is with PCSO and said it was a meth lab on McCready that blew up. He is not working tonight and is to call me later when he finds out more. We are also in Savannah's Lace and my 10 year old just came inside to use the restroom and came running out so fast haha.
  21. Karen, I have totally forgot about sending you the info for the cards. I will send you the Band Booster Pres. name and phone number and he still has plenty of the cards for this year!!
  22. I ordered mine from Sam's like I always do. I made them with 4 different pictures on one card and ordered 125 cards for $30
  23. I also give kudos to Judy B's. Love that store and they have so much to choose from. They do beautiful gift wrapping and it's a local business. My girls love also going there in spring time for their Yellow Box shoes
  24. I'll send you a PM with my cell number.
  25. Yes, our driveway is directly across from Industrial, if coming from New Hope it will be on your left across from the 1st Industrial Rd that leads to Animal Control and Braly soccer fields. There is a Red Cross banner at the road. It was cleared out to be a subdivision several years ago that never developed, so you pull into the drive and go through the gates and you will see the church building and the Red Cross truck will be sitting out there also. It's hard to see the church from the main road unless you are looking for it since it's sits off the road some. There is also a church sign at
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