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Everything posted by LMorrison

  1. Reminder that this is today, come on by if you can!
  2. It was brought to my attention that the Red Cross system may be experiencing some issues this afternoon. If you try and make an appointment with this blood drive, or any others, it should be fixed later on. If you would like to donate at this blood drive tomorrow, an appointment is not neccesary, but you can send me a PM with your name, what time you would like an appointment and blood type if you know it and I can log in through the coordinators site and schedule the appointment.
  3. Wanted to get the word out in case anyone is out in the area tomorrow, or looking for a local blood drive. Red Cross is holding a blood drive Friday, Nov. 16th from 3-7pm at Legacy Baptist Church, 2976 Dallas Acworth Hwy. The church is directly across the street that leads to Animal Shelter. There will be a Red Cross banner at road. To make an appointment, go to Redcrossblood.org and sponsor code: Legacybap, or PM me for any other info. **Sandy forced the cancellation of almost 380 Red Cross blood drives in 13 states and the District of Columbia, resulting in a shortfall of more than 12,
  4. Wanted to let you all know the sad news that JohnnyJ has passed on just a few moments ago. My mom just called to let me know.(my brother is PastorMatt fyi) Please continue to pray for Heather and the entire family, even though it was expected, it has to be hard. I'm sure Heather will be on here later when she is able.
  5. My oldest daughter went all 3 years to Herschel and my middle son is now a 7th grader there. We've had nothing but good experiences there and love it. I agree about Mr. Wilcox, we love him as principle there!
  6. Now I'm jealous talking about taking naps! haha. Actually about to head to bed to be up bright and early in the morning and back to work, hopefully Rodney will have another batch of the Hashbrown Casserole in the morning since we sold out this morning.
  7. KRM now I can put a face with the name! haha I was your server this morning at Rodney's and so glad you enjoyed the breakfast. Gotta say you guys were great and so much fun this morning. Look forward to seeing you both again soon.
  8. I don't know how the kids could really see what was being done on the inside of the school when my daughter told me they had them go all the way back behind the baseball fields to wait which is no where close to the school to see anything much. She just said there were LOTS of police and when the kids were going outside the police went inside. She also said if you didn't take your bag with them outside, those left inside was searched along with lockers. So SOMEONE was inside searching :-). Her bookbag was left in the classroom and she said it was obvious bags were searched.
  9. I had all 3 of my kids 1st birthday at home. Nothing big, just close family.
  10. I have always heard it pronounced like "mean"
  11. LMorrison


    This is the picture a friend of mine step-daughter took at school this morning when bus pulled in.
  12. LMorrison


    My daughter has texted me and said they were never on lockdown and she didn't know what I was talking about at first. Just now she has heard about it, so sounds like it was isolated to the bus it involved. Another parent from there said her son told her a gun was never found after the cops checked everyone on the bus. So who knows!! I'm sure we will hear more details later on.
  13. LMorrison


    Just found out, kid was on the bus with the gun and cops pulled in behind bus as it came onto school grounds. A friend of mine step-daughter took a picture of the bus with cop cars all around it at 8:20 am.
  14. LMorrison


    Still waiting to hear back from my daughter who is a sophmore there. It's crazy we have to worry about this sort of thing these days sending our kids to school.
  15. We have used Dr. Lisa West since my oldest started going and she is now 15 and all 3 of my kids love going there and we have never had any problems.
  16. McEachern class of 1990 here Hubby was North Cobb 1986
  17. We'll be there tonight but unfortunately I'll have to just listen to the game since I will be in concessions under home bleachers. I love Football season!!! GO PATRIOTS!!
  18. When I make them, I use Bisquick. Hubby and kids love them, so haven't ever tried any other way.
  19. You should try the new Fried Ribs! They are yummy!
  20. My mom and I took my 3 kids and my 2 nephews during the summer. They had a blast and there is a good bit of stuff to do. We all had a pretty good time. As for the price, we only went because we each had a $10 coupon for adults to get in or we would not have went. I guess that's a normal price for a place like that, but IMO it is way to much for entry fee.
  21. Red Cross Blood Drive today from 2-7pm at Legacy Baptist Church on Dallas Acworth Hwy.(near PCSO) If you are eligible and in the area today, stop by and help save a life! Red Cross is in critical need. For address and directions go to Givelife.org and enter sponsor code: Legacybap. All donors today will receive coupon for a free hair cut at Sport Clips and a tote bag, not to mention those yummy Nutter butter cookies!
  22. This breaks my heart!! I happened to be in the ER today with my own daughter getting her stitched up from a fall, when we knew something bad was going on and everyone in the ER started rushing around and came to our room to close the glass door and curtain and asked us to remain in the room. I had overheard a nurse saying something about 2 children and drowning, but I was hoping I heard wrong!!
  23. My mom is a hairdresser and every since I was a teen with long curly hair, she always told me to put a little conditioner in a spray bottle with water and it works for me! Both my girls have straight fine hair like their dad, and they both use it also. We have tried the detangler spray but the water/conditioner works alot better than that IMO.
  24. Paulding did lose to Villa Rica, but the final score was 26-14. Paulding got a touchdown in the last minute of the game.
  25. The email I got about this said that admission is USUALLY about $3 at the gate. Guess that has been in years past, so maybe it's still the same.
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