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Posts posted by Smiles2u

  1. Smiles2U.  I do apologize.  You are correct, and I was incorrect in my statement.  "Many" is a better statement. From my experience, many Officers that I know, who live and work in Paulding, feel a change is needed, as well as many of the friends that I have in the county.  No harm intended.



    No apology needed and no harm done, just look, you are already getting criticism and you haven't even thrown your hat in the fire yet! LOL I'll go back into my corner now! :)

  2. :blink: It seems that everyone is looking and wanting a change in law enforcement.  I know Sheriff Harris professionally, and have a lot of respect for the man and what he has done.

    I also think a change is needed in the style, amount, and quality of law enforcement in the county.

    A more progressive / aggressive approach is needed to cut and deter crime in our community.

    More officers are needed.  Period.

    Quality?  All agencies in PC are full of top quality men and women.  But retention is a problem.  Why?  PAY!!!!!  Officers have the need to feed their families.  The reason I have to work inside 285, over 1 hour from home.   If the pay becomes competitive with our neighbors Cobb and Douglas, we can retain officers longer and attract experienced officers who live in the area.  Officers who want to contribute to the community in which they live.

    I am in the process of making the decision to run for Sheriff, in the next election.  Ken took the job in Holly Springs, and I haven't heard if Bruce will run or not.

    I am 33 years old, a BBA in management from GA State University, working on my MS in Public Admin, 10+ years of police experience, and a 10 year resident of PC. 

    All I know is PC needs a change of direction.


    Well if you are thinking of running for and being the Sheriff in this good county, then perhaps you should think of choosing your words more carefully, perhaps you meant to say "many people" and not "everyone" in your opening statment, as the latter is a rather broad and biased assumption for which you have no proof - certainly not from this thread anyhow - because I have posted on this thread and yet I have not voiced an opinion about a LE change one way or another so therefore I can not be included in your assumption of 'everyone'! ;)

  3. WHY this disclaimer!!!!



    This is a secondary thread of the incident that you are reading here, you have to read the MAIN thread on this story to understand my disclaimer (the post I made on this thread is the same post I made on that main thread) - the main thread is currently located on the front page of this site.....also see my upate on that other thread as to how the news site are now reporting the Cartersville incidents as they have CHANGED their reports! I'm not going to keep updating both threads, if you want to know what's going on with the story, read the MAIN thread - and this is why I hate when there are multiple topics started on the same subject, if we all stuck to ONE THREAD then all the information would be together..guess that's just to logical.

  4. Breaking news on Ch2 morning news just now: Cartersville had 2 robberies last night and while I did not catch the details of one of them, the other one, they reported that in the early AM hours a BP store in Cartersville was robbed by '4 black men' (NOTE DISCLAIMER: this is what THEY reported, it's not ME saying they were black!!), all 'wearing black' , the clerks and customers were all robbed and one person was SHOT, another (a female) was abducted but let go a short distance away! From the report, this sounds like it could be the same guys; I know it was reported a few posts earlier that 2 suspects from the Dallas incidient were in custody, but there has been no confirmation on that information so much as I'd like to believe that I do not know for certain that it is a fact. This also could be copycats - but - they are getting more bold and violent as this time someone was actually shot and another person abducted. Keep your eyes open out there, always be aware of what is going on around you. Be safe!



    Cartersville robberies...


    From the Daily Tribune News, Cartersville Ga

    News story is reporting as 2 armed men if this is the same incident:

    Let me add my thanks to the Dallas PD and others involved in the investigation of this case. I hope they catch them soon.


    Tougher penalties for crimes committed against persons - put fear into the criminals instead of law-abidding people. :angry:


    Partial story...link not working:


    Two unidentified armed robbers struck at a Cartersville gas station Sunday.


    According to a report from the sheriff's office, an employee of Conoco, 1914 Joe Frank Harris Parkway, said two black males, wearing hoods over their faces, pointed handguns at her and demanded money.



    (Click on link to local news)



    Your story is ONE of TWO roberies that happened in Cartersville last night (remember my earlier post said there were 2 but I didn't catch details of the 2nd) - I have now looked further on websites and found that the FIRST robbery happened late last night and was TWO ARMED MEN and the second happend early AM hours today and it was FOUR ARMED MEN - the second one was at the BP/Cowboys and it where one of the customers in the store got shot and a female abducted. (ALSO NOTE: the news web sites I visited 'at this time' are now only reporting the Cartersville incident by saying "TWO or FOUR ARMED MEN", they are no longer reporting the men as "BLACK" as they did on the TV cast early this morning, I thought that was important to mention <_< .)


    CORRECTION: I just read the link you posted, that was a different issue all together as that robbery in Cartersville happened Sunday night, the 2 I saw reported on the news and on website happened recently - 1 late on Tuesday night and 1 early AM hours on Wednesday.


    Here is a link to the Ch2 news about the recent ones in Cartersville:



  5. Yeah, I saw that advertisement in Sunday's paper - the way I go through TP in my house I thought maybe I'd give it a try too, they say we are never to old to learn (to conserve) ! LOL :D Hmm...thoughts...are there different "rolls" for #1 and #2?, or do they get 'seconds' for #2?!?! TMI!! :blink: :p

  6. I saw on the news this morning that the convenience store "Cowboys" in Cartersville was robbed.  It was 4 armed men in black clothing and face masks.  The first thing I thought was this may be the Tequila robbers.  Sounds like we have some dangerous thugs in our area! :angry2:


    Everyone keep your eyes and ears open and like Ken says "BE SAFE"!!!


    Hello, Hmm...speaking of copycats, I just posted that info a few messages b4 yours. ;) (ok, jk, it's early, you probably didn't take the time to read the thread...understood!) :)

  7. Breaking news on Ch2 morning news just now: Cartersville had 2 robberies last night and while I did not catch the details of one of them, the other one, they reported that in the early AM hours a BP store in Cartersville was robbed by '4 black men' (NOTE DISCLAIMER: this is what THEY reported, it's not ME saying they were black!!), all 'wearing black' , the clerks and customers were all robbed and one person was SHOT, another (a female) was abducted but let go a short distance away! From the report, this sounds like it could be the same guys; I know it was reported a few posts earlier that 2 suspects from the Dallas incidient were in custody, but there has been no confirmation on that information so much as I'd like to believe that I do not know for certain that it is a fact. This also could be copycats - but - they are getting more bold and violent as this time someone was actually shot and another person abducted. Keep your eyes open out there, always be aware of what is going on around you. Be safe!

  8. Breaking news on Ch2 morning news just now: Cartersville had 2 robberies last night and while I did not catch the details of one of them, the other one, they reported that in the early AM hours a BP store in Cartersville was robbed by '4 black men' (NOTE DISCLAIMER: this is what THEY reported, it's not ME saying they were black!!), all 'wearing black' , the clerks and customers were all robbed and one person was SHOT, another (a female) was abducted but let go a short distance away! From the report, this sounds like it could be the same guys; I know it was reported a few posts earlier that 2 suspects from the Dallas incidient were in custody, but there has been no confirmation on that information so much as I'd like to believe that I do not know for certain that it is a fact. This also could be copycats - but - they are getting more bold and violent as this time someone was actually shot and another person abducted. Keep your eyes open out there, always be aware of what is going on around you. Be safe!

  9. A few years back I went garage saleing and I ran across a beautiful clay pot,

    it looked very old it is about the size of my hand adult and it had green wax

    looking stuff dripping down the clay pot. had a cork in it that was stuck realy well

    anyway to make a long story short if I can my friend came over and I showed her

    the clay pot oh yea it has a round handle near the top. she asked what was in it

    and i told her i donot know, she unsrcrewed the cork and out came fragmnets

    of bone and dust, what is so weird is I got this urn form these little old ladies that had to be in there late 70 and 80's they gave me the urn for 25cents, you know if they knew what it was they had a good laugh, i still,have the urn by my fireplace but feeling like mybe i should do something with the ashes. my luck has not been the best around here for some time starting to feel like mybe it is the urn, my friend and I named her florence. does anybody have any idea what type matter is in the urn. i asume it is a pet but hell it could be someone grandmother so i am very afaid to dispose of it. someone at the gas on atlanta hwy told me one day that

    it could of come from some old indain monds here around paulding. i got it at

    copper lake in smryna.

    please anybody can you tell me what to do.





    Wow, just think, we could be seeing YOU on the Antiques Roadshow soon, watching you faint as they tell you it's something worth $$$$$..that always seems to happen to those cheapie finds. Then on the other hand, it could just be someone's vacuum bag empties!

  10. Details, details, details - we need details on this! To be honest, I skimmed the pages on here so I may have missed this but I did not see it: the news just said the guys were wearing masks, what type of masks were they? Could you see their hair, what syle? What was the age range of they guys, were they fat/thin, short/tall, did they have accents of any sort - did they use good English/bad English, slang, or some other language, what sort of black clothes were they in - gym type wear, leather, jeans, something else, what about shoes - what type and make, did they have any jewelry on, glasses, cologne or other noticable smells (good or bad), did they lean toward being right handed or left handed (think of how they interacted), any tatoos or scars, anything else??? These guys came from somewhere and went somewhere - and we have a lot of county people reading this - the more details that are given the more that someone may recall seeing these guys somewhere - at a store, a restaurant, a gas station, on the road, at an apartment complex, in a neighborhood, somewhere - before or after the hit and THAT detail they provide may be just what the DPD/PCSO needs to nail these guys.

  11. HUH? The Mother Goose nursery ryhme book I have goes like this:


    Baa baa black sheep, have you any wool?

    Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full,

    One for the master,

    One for the dame,

    One for the little boy

    who lives down the lane;

    Baa baa white sheep have you any wool?

    Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full,

    One for the robin,

    One for the wren,

    One for the little fox

    to warm up his den;

    Baa baa rainbow sheep have you any wool?

    Yes sir, yes sir, seven bags full,

    Red for the rooster,

    Green for the frog,

    Blue for the peacock,

    Pink for the hog,

    Yellow for the lion,

    Orange for the cat,

    Purple for the parakeet,

    and that is that!! :)


    Now the copyright date on this book is First edition, 2001, so it's not something new that just came out in the last few months. Sounds like whoever is stirring up this stuff in those articles didn't do their research to find out what the full rhyme really is.


    As for Humpty Dumpty, I have no comment, but what - no seven dwarfs - oh my - that's just not right! What will a kid do without dopey, grumpy, doc, happy, bashful, sneezy and sleepy - that's just unAmerican to take those crazy little fellas away!

  12. I titled this thread the same as the article that I posted in my opening link..that is the TITLE of the story that was on 11Alive at the time.  ...





    WOOOPS, my mistake! I need to correct what I said here about the title, because as someone pointed out to me, the story on 11Alive was not titled 'Pit Bull mauling in Paulding County', it was titled "Pit Bull Seized After Two Maulings"..so whereas I thought I copied the title from the news story I did change it somewhat...not that what I titled this thread is really that much of a difference from the news story title but fair is fair and I've come clean! <_<


    Now, it seems that everyone has debated this entire dog issue long and hard - everyone has an opinion so let's just agree to disagree - you either feel one way or the other and no one is going to change your opinion so just let it be.

  13. HI, when my son left for PI, I thought I'd go nuts for the entire 3 months. But then I found a great site where I made friends, got support, and learned more than I ever thought I'd learn about what he was going through and the do's and dont's for me as a parent of a Marine recruit. So check out these sites, it's been several years but I'm sure they are just as supportive as they ever were...I don't think you will be disapointed in the support you will receive or the friends you will make:


    This was the one I went to: Marine Moms (haven't been there in a long time, but it used to be open to all, not just to moms even though that's the title):



    This is a newer one that wasn't around when my son was in PI, but I hear it is good: Marine Parents: http://www.marineparents.com/


    I'm sure he will do great and there is nothing quite like seeing him graduate, oh wow, the pride - the sheer joy and pride. Oh the memories!! Thank you for reminding me of those!! God Bless and Good Luck!

  14. oh duh on my part...if the headline said "canary mauling in PC' that would have meant Tweety got his revenge and it's bye bye Sylvester, not the other way around like I said above. Yeah, a viscious tweety bird, what a thought! Also, thanks for the info on where it was at.

  15. I am jumping on the pit bull bandwagon because the thread title is "Pit Bull Mauling in Paulding County"



    I titled this thread the same as the article that I posted in my opening link..that is the TITLE of the story that was on 11Alive at the time. If they had titled their story "Canary mauling in Paulding County" :blink: , I would have figured Sylvestor finally got Tweety Bird and would not have been concerned with where it took place, but I would have thought, poor tweety huh. ;)


    But geez, all I asked was 'where was this at' and 5 pages later I still have no clue; several have said they live near, or around, or saw AC out but yet no one has said where in PC this was at..but now we know that everyone has an opinion, one way or another, on this dog or that dog or another dog! ;)

  16. Pit Bull Seized After Two Maulings


    It says a paulding county pit bull was picked up by animal control after a vicious mauling incident Saturday morning; neighbors said this was the second mauling incident this week. See full story at the link on 11Alive:




    It does not say where this happened in Paulding County, I was wondering if anyone heard about this and knows neighborhood or vicinity?

  17. May I please ask what the shotter's punishment should be? If this was an accident, I fell that the shotter should pay for the physical damage to the home in question. Possible a small retrabution to the family for there troubles. Whoever, I fell that , while partly justifible, the rash descion to make big changes to your plans. There are thousands of "accidenental" and "misfires" from fire arms in this country everyday.


    I own a few small firearms and while target praticeing ( with an adult ), I have had a few shots bounce off something and go arront. Truely accidential, yet they could of had the same effect.  And until firearms are banned, people who game hunt, law enforcement people, and recreational shooters will pratice. Best of luck.


    SG Jr.


    I read your post ealier but it took awhile for me to be able to reply civily to it and I'll do the best I can as briefly as I can. I'm surprised to hear a gun owner, as you claim yourself to be, to take such a casual attitude toward this. I hope you like a small room with little furnishings and no freedom because if you kill someone one day 'practicing' , as you call it, you will be spending a lot of time in such a place. It sounds as if you are young, but if you are old enough to be out shooting you are old enough to be 'practicing' responsibly. There is nothing wrong with target practice, when it is done in the right surroundings with adequate preparation to prevent tragedies from ocurring. But someone going out in the woods and shooting at something with no regard for where that bullet may go when they "miss' that target, that is not responsible gun ownership - those are the types of people that make it hard for gun owners . Be safe out there young one!

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