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Everything posted by crossroads

  1. I am glad you posted this beautiful, inspiring story. Thank you for the wake up call.
  2. crossroads


    Ungrateful old/young bat. Sorry this happened to you. Some ladies do appreciate your actions. Thank you for the effort to help out.
  3. Isn't that for the devils brew??? Beer!!!!
  4. Thanks Y'all. It took me too many minutes to write that. S-L-O-W.
  5. My link won't work! anyway, I'm not saying GO TO WAR, I'm saying we lay some of that Seal Team double tap on this guy.
  6. Broke my tailbone last early spring. It really hurts to sit, but you learn quickly to sit on a butt cheek. my tailbone still hurts. This is similar, but you have to breath, breathing hurts. That is the difference as far as pain goes. Good one PM. Preach it brother!!!
  7. Thanks y'all. I'll be fine. I would like to read jokes. Crossroads fell of a wave runner and.... I got my hair wet. Oh I failed to mention I also lost my sunglasses that I have had for 25 years. 25!!! They meant a lot to me, we really got to know each other. To hell with my ribs, I want my shades back Lake Lanier. But I do foresee new sunglasses in my future. I should have known better than to go out with them in the first place.
  8. OH please do. Laughing makes it hurt. Stradial joke needed.
  9. Beautiful. Congratulations!!!!!
  10. Yeah it is. Too bad for the kids, who just need to be kids. Instead they have crap like this happen in school. I wonder why he felt compelled to bring a knife and bullets to school?
  11. So I broke a rib Sunday. My brother accidentally threw me off his wave runner at a high speed. Thus a broken rib. I can't really do anything right now except sit around. Oh the pain. I have never had a broken bone, unless you count my tail bone. This hurts far worse. So, I am sorry if I am posting and posting and posting. Maybe it's the medication. Just bare with me. I should feel better soon.
  12. But doesn't that break HIPPA laws? JK. Snowden files show Pentagon conducted DNA tests after bin-Laden's death My link
  13. I'll show this to my husband, a Vietnam war veteran. God Bless Capt Rowe.
  14. I am guilty. I have to add, every time I pick up a book or magazine someone needs my immediate attention. I won't give up though, I have to know what happens.
  15. We don't play around here. News travels fast on p.com.
  16. The one that Shot the baby Pointblank between the eyes. It happened in Brunswick Georgia, the trial was in Marietta Georgia.
  17. Keep jobs in America. That is what it boils down to. I will pay more for an American made product. I always look at the producer of what I purchase. The problem is you can't find much in the stores. Maybe it's cost effective for corporations to give work away for penny's on the dollar, but it's coming home to bite us in the arses. Not to mention the conditions the workers have to endure while working American jobs.
  18. FOUND GUILTY! Life in prison!
  19. Yes. I agree, standing on principal alone he should have been there. Even if he didn't want to, he should have honored Dr.King.
  20. crossroads

    Smoke 14

    Smoke. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Thinking and praying for you and Spencer.
  22. My link Here read the whole F.B.I handbook on records. The " FBI LAW ENFORCEMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS". handbook has the records starting on page 14. Very interesting on how far the government can go. At the same time, it's a great system that helps catch criminals every day, more like every minute. Freedom VS Privacy ??? Where do we draw the line? Mistakes are going to happen when you are dealing with this much activity. Not saying it's right, it's just to be expected and should be promptly taken care of. Even I know that will be a slow task. Is this the good and ugly of our government? I
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