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Everything posted by jlewi

  1. Well they had plenty of notice,maybe they should have rode the bus today.
  2. The kids would be using them as weapons and then the parents would be bitching about that.
  3. I drive everyday to Shallowford Rd exit which is the next one past Clairmont. I have to be at work by 7 also and I leave the house between 5:30 and 5:40 am and am I at work about 6:30. I take 278 to 20 to downtown connector to Shallowford rd. I take the back roads to get home. Pm me amd I can give you my route.
  4. said on the radio there was a accident at Rainy RD (?sp)
  5. In my hometown they took the playground out and put in a couple of meeting rooms.
  6. So it will be harder to create fake ones I would think.
  7. They come with a picture on the back to show you where to put them on the plate
  8. I'm suprised someone hasn't complained that the sliver comet trail hasn't been sanded and salted yet.
  9. jlewi


    They were probably shooting the cannon to dislodge the snow so there wouldn't be a avalanche
  10. That is the way to do it,drive slow on the ice. People still think they can stop on a dime when their speeding along and try to stop, they wonder why they slide off the road or slide into someone.
  11. He should have made them lie in the snow till the sheriff got there!
  12. Just watched the news on 46 CBS. They showed all the dumb a$$e$ that were too stupid to slow down and ended up sliding off the roads.
  13. Probably the accident everyone has posted about
  14. Never saw black ice I thought ice was CLEAR
  15. Down on Thorton road just before Interstate 20 on the right just past mcdonalds
  16. It is because people are too lazy to get out and walk inside.
  17. you can get a go phone to replace your phone on your plan and not go to prepaid. Just put your sim card into the phone and you are good to go.
  18. jlewi


    Take 92 south. It is right at the end of Nebo Rd,on the left next to the Library
  19. just get on and give prayers to everyone
  20. Today law enforcement will be checking for seatbelts,conducting checkpoints this afternoon.
  21. She is not singing opera,she is going to be on TV
  22. Moved here from Binghamton,NY in 1997
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