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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. Hypothetical situation A body is found in such decay,that no visible signs of anatomy remain.....How is sex determined?...Could be by measuring the pelvis area,a woman and mans are differant sizes. Or they use dna testing,in which nothing you've done to the outside of your body is going to change the dna you were born with. So if the skeleton of a woman that had a sex change to a male is found...The headlines will read..Body of female found
  2. http://ed5015.tripod...SexChange88.htm According to this article,you can not change your sex.....
  3. and which gender is Chaz..Chastity gonna dance with?
  4. Oh snap....I gotta go to bed on that qone
  5. Good luck Burnt hickory is a couple years behind and still not finished.
  6. I was sad to see the paved road there....The original road was a confederate camp,trenches close to the top. That is a great view from there
  7. coach bobby dodd road and elsberry mountain road were once connected,that whole area is full of civil war history
  8. Hide behind your little negative sign........ yellow dog
  9. Just one mans' opinion here If you want to know all the details of a wreck,.....KEEP YOUR SCANNER ON Your excuse may be that you can't while at work...well you shouldn't be surfin the net at work then.
  10. You can't recieve any more pms so... I have a good friend that own north metro locksmith,Phil Fontana.If you can't get the safe open by Monday,give him a call,.
  11. It's a friday night.Any locksmith you get to come out is probably gonna charge you at least triple their normal rate.....It would be cheaper if you can wait until Monday.
  12. What bain?,....they are just talking heads
  13. Squirrels are getting ready to mate again. And as of Aug.15 they became a menu item again
  14. Only way of getting a boost by calling the water dept. out is for them to close valves and force more water into one area.
  15. That's not what I have read. At one time,Polk county was part of Paulding,but the soil in the eastern part of the county was so poor it was very hard for anything to grow.The people in the western part of the county thought they were paying more than their fair shareof taxes,so they split and formed Polk county. Even the Official Records of the Civil War desrcibe Paulding as very poor rocky soil where nothing grows but pines.
  16. you ever listen to Rodney Carrington?....At 2:40 hestarts talling about gay guys.
  17. Geesh,just because you got the squirts or puked DOES NOT mean you got E.coli,and if you did....it was your fault for not cooking it properly in the first place. Read this below,I doubt any of you had these symptoms What are the symptoms of E. coli infection? Symptoms start about 7 days after you are infected with the germ. The first sign is severe abdominal cramps that start suddenly. After a few hours, watery diarrhea starts. The diarrhea causes your body to lose fluids and electrolytes (dehydration). This makes you feel sick and tired. The watery diarrhea lasts for about a da
  18. If the beef is cooked to 165 degrees,E.coli will be killed. E.coli is found in the gut of most healthy animals,including humans.
  19. This pic is from an article I wrote in 2006....I was published in American Digger magazine in 2008,May-June issue......This is what a tick infestation on your legs looks like.
  20. No,only the ones gambling investors money in lost vegas,,,,and if I was one of the investors....Ol Fred would have toted an arse whoopin
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