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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. I'm in BHE and I still have water.But I'm at the bottom of the hill where gravity is my friend
  2. Looks to me that these folks were upfront and honest when they asked for donations..................They didn't take it and claim it was for the good of everyone
  3. Sounds a lot like the ruling family here in paulding
  4. No we are not the minority...................And again,why doesn't propeller inc. put up their money! See,if the commies would have been up front with every one,lots of court time and money could have been saved.
  5. A private company wants to come in and expand for commercialization........a private company,that is not putting up any money.
  6. Money,they are related by money.Just as hobby lobby doesn't want to pay for birth control,I don't want to pay for an airport.And yet,the court says I have to.
  7. The courts ruled it was in favor of taxation by secrecy,but the people spoke at the polls
  8. Dang it man I just don't see how you can agree that it's ok to be taxed and the private company not be held accountable
  9. CPR you must be horrified about the hobby lobby decision
  10. So if I want to start a business,I can take your money without your permission to fund my business?
  11. See,I'm not looking at it from a religious point of view....................I'm looking at it as government intrusion. Once again,why should the tax payers fund an airport,just as why should any employer fund birth control?..............take religion out of it
  12. So the courts have decided that Hobby Lobby does not have to pay for birth control as demanded by some citizens And yet,the courts decided that the IBA and PCAA can demand payments from citizens to pay for an airport.
  13. When God made woman................He sure made a beautiful creation
  14. This is the way I see it. If it was such a great deal,why all the behind closed doors meeting?.............Don't hand me that line about business and secrecy.Because I have yet to see any other companies coming to paulding to bring commercial flights. If this is such a great deal,why isn't propeller inc. putting up all their money? Just look one county north.LakePoint sports community and town center is being built by private investors NOT on bonds funded by taxpayers.
  15. Because we know their word holds no value,even when recorded.
  16. Why is the county spending almost $500,000 on a pilot study for a reservoir that might never be built?
  17. Go see Tim Elzey at http://normancampers.com/
  18. Oh heck I don't know....why should it be any different,let's advertise that it's just like every other one held across the country,so there's nothing new to see,or taste.....been there done that
  19. For this event to get better,it will have to change location. Why would you choose to hold an event like this at the airport?.....No trees around,sun baking asphalt and pavement creating a miserable environment.......Paulding Meadows would have been a much better place,Oh but wait.............,none of the sitting commissioners have anything to do with Paulding Meadows.Nothing for them to show off
  20. Douglas county. I like that,the company is investing,not asking for a bond on the back of taxpayers. http://gov.georgia.gov/press-releases/2014-06-19/deal-keurig-create-550-new-jobs-douglas-county
  21. So,right now all we know for certain.....A woman was transported to a hospital with a neck wound
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