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Everything posted by GoodNeighbor

  1. I bet they only put that on the test to see of you were paying attention. It's kind of like a student writing, "Are you really reading this?" in the middle of an essay.
  2. Naah. What we need is another one of your films. Why don't you take your handy dandy video camera up there along with your suggestion and see if anybody will even talk to you? You may actually be the one to get something done! Wouldn't that be a hoot!!!
  3. The funniest part was I didn't know it was a real song. I just thought they were trying a new way to shake out a toot!!! I guess you learn something new every day.
  4. Woo hoo!!!!! You did it. Now, whacha gonna do to celebrate?
  5. Wow this is an old thread. I smiled this morning when my kids started doing the Stanky Leg dance and said they were summoning the snow.
  6. Not really. My kids come before my entertainment. It's more like if something I've already committed to comes up, I'm sorry but I have to be there. One of my daughters is a competitive gymnast. She has a meet this weekend in Athens. The meet schedule has not yet been released so I don't know if she'll be competing Saturday or Sunday. All I know is that I have to be in Athens some time this weekend. Does that make more sense? I'd rather give an, "I don't know" than completely blow off my friends and not show up if things work out.
  7. You're right. And since I am guilty of this I tend to plan parties a little differently. I used to go all out with the food but not anymore. I have plenty of food for the people who RSVP and I make sure it's something that can be easily reused if there are leftovers. For example, leftover party meatballs make excellent meatball sandwiches. If there are extra people who show I have no problem picking up the phone and calling for pizza. Even at my wedding we had 170 to RSVP and 230 to show up. We ordered catering for 200. When we realized there wasn't enough food we ordered pizza. We ha
  8. :::Sheepishlypleadingguilty::: I have 3 kids with crazy schedules that tend to change hourly. Yeah, it's a poor excuse. I can't tell you what I'm doing this weekend but I'm sure my schedule will be full. I hate to tell someone we'll be at a party and then something unforseen comes up. I hate to tell someone we can't come and then our plans get cancelled so we could have been there after all. Here's what I do. I ALWAYS call and give thanks for the invite. I explain my situation and tell them, "I simply don't know." Then, if it's a kid's birthday party I always send a gift to scho
  9. The problem is that they are still trying to meet the 180 day guideline. This year Purdue gave the schools the ability to modify their schedule to meet a total hour goal instead of a total day goal. I would love them to increase the school day slightly in order to reudce the total number of days. There are a few Georgia counties who have already taken advantage of this. Not only are they reducing days but they are able to cut expenses. They are able to cut staff expenses, utilities, transportation, etc. I think they only increased the day by 12 minutes and were able to shave 3-4 days off
  10. That is soooooooo nice of you. I don't need any but I bet if you contacted some of the school counselors they might have a couple of kids in mind. You may not be able to give the hats directly to the students but I'm sure the counselors could do it for you.
  11. No, most of the buses do not have AC. Also, because of unruly kids many drivers can't allow the kids to lower the windows. It will not effect sports. They already practice all summer. There have been a couple years in Cobb where the first game of the season was played the week BEFORE school started. I think allowable practice times are determined by the Georgia High School Sports Association(?) or something like that. Now whether the coaches follow the requirements is a different story.
  12. Good Advice. Thanks for helping us look out for the kiddos.
  13. I bet she'd bring you some Nyquil / Dayquil if you ask real nicely. Go LR!!!
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