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Everything posted by ree

  1. Duck tape takes off warts. Proved that after I wore it for two weeks, but it sure did get a lot of weird looks with two pieces of duck tape around my fingers. I just told them it was a redneck bandaid. Tried WD40 on fish bait, but that didn't work. Guess the fish didn't like the smell.
  2. I buy the Ms. Wages kosher dill spice in the packet.Add vinger and water. The love it and its easy.
  3. We ride to Nashville on the bike at least 5 times a year..Becareful...Dress brightly.. If you get on 75, four eyes are better than 2...LOL.. I don't like that exit from 75 to Chattanooga, but I just hold on and let hubby do the driving..Have fun and be careful! Its gonna be HOT so leave early. P.s told my hubby if he quit smoking we could pay for a bike, it worked, he quit 10 years ago and we love the bike.
  4. Sounds like fun..Is it usually crowed? Lines getting tangled...Thanks..
  5. Oh gosh. That sounds worse that the big black snake I found in my kitchen.
  6. Very nice! Your very talented.
  7. Anyone had a stomach virus lately? Grandaughter is throwing up and high fever. We went to Kroger Sat and a child threw up in front of us, so I am assuming it is a virus. If so, how long does it last? Her sister is having a birthday party Friday..Thanks
  8. ree


    NEVER wanted to go. I traveled to Nashville weekly and when they had the festival I didn't attempt it. 24 was Way backed up, police checking cars before they went in, it was a horrible. Go early to avoid to much traffic. Hope you have a room already or camping, If you get a place now, you will pay double. If I was young, I guess that stuff wouldn't matter. Hope you have fun and BE SAFE!!!
  9. We found out, dealing with a forclosure, its not what you know, its Who you know. Needless to say we did not get it...LOL
  10. Thanks will keep looking
  11. I inherited two (large) globes light blue and golden. They said it was tiara. Would you know anything or how much they are worth. I can't find any info. Thanks
  12. I have two black candy jars. To me they look like urns. LOL
  13. The City of Dallas sent a letter with the bill last week. It stated that during the compliance period of Jan -Feb.28th we did not complete all monitoring or testing for Total Coliform and therefore we cannot be sure of the quality of your drinking water. Results are an indicator of whether or not our drinking water meets health standards.It said to share this letter with all people who drink this water for ex. nursing homes, schools and buisness. Why wait so late to inform us of possiblity of comtaminated water and what form of contamination are the taking about/
  14. pm about address. I didn't get on till late and did not want to call. Thanks
  15. If you dont sell the yellow gt glasses, I would like them. Sent you a pm. Thanks
  16. you done sold all the clothing/
  17. ree


    From what I read there was a cap of 57,000 on efile. You had to do forms. I wish I could do it online. I was going by the forms from last year, we used someone, And I am a little confused on some of the 6251 form and some of the deductions.
  18. Can you explain this? The rules, when did the points start, how long is this going on until you have a winner. Do you have to be on a team? Thanks
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