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Everything posted by ree

  1. Ask your child. Some kids might get a little upset over the snack and show it toward your child. Healthy juice with a pack of nuts or cookies.
  2. ree

    ti chi

    Does anyone take ti chi?
  3. The one I saw has passed unless there is a new one. I wish someone had one for $10 or $20 a person. That I could do. I know it was a good cause but still didn't have $50 for one person, since hubby wants to play to. I hope they made their goal.
  4. Nope...but I have two harley davidson curtain valances you can have. You might could hang in your bathroom. They are new but don't want them.
  5. Beans, Beans good for your heart, I can't eat them cause they make me _____.
  6. We ate breakfast there yesterday and it was great. Best gravy I have had in a long time. Great service also. Thanks
  7. When we turned on the porch light the snow looked like it had glitter in it. It was just beautiful.
  8. Can you give an idea what you have...Its gonna be cold tomorrow...Thanks
  9. Man, was gonna say buddy in the Elf movie, missed it by thissss much. lol
  10. Just a thought...After five years with this company, how do they react when you have to be out with a sick child. A new job may not be so understanding. But you still have the daycare problem. GOOD LUCK
  11. How often do you have to get it stretched before it stays?. My wrinkles came back after 6 months. Thanks
  12. It was put on the machine and was told that was the problem. The sensor. It is both auto and manual. It was fine that night and the next day had a hard time cranking and only would shift into 1st and fifth. Chevy and ford is our cars of choice, but son has the nissan and we don't know a thing about it. Really afraid it is the the transmission. Thanks for help
  13. 2004 Nissan Maxima will only good into two gears. Changed the crank shaft sensor and it didn't help. Cant afford a mechanic at this time. Anyone got any ideas?
  14. We also take ours to the recycling place by the hospital in Dallas. Its behind the car wash next to Pates Pawn shop. But they are only open certain days, don't think the weekends and dont know how much a pound. They also take scrape metal.
  15. We were one of the homes that were taken for 278. Oh they offered us a fair trade, swamp land, so we took the buy out. We were young and had no money to fight.
  16. I take the stairs, healther and I'm just scared of elevators. (watch to many movies)
  17. YES , most of them are made from Indian Corn. Some are cantalope, watermelon, squash, okra and butter bean.
  18. Can you guess what kind of seeds these are made from?
  19. I was so glad to get that smell gone. Kilz has worked to far. I haven't moved any of the furniture, so I don't know whats going on with the carpet. The guy that looked at it said it could do that just walking on it. I had carpet for 15 years before this and it never bubbled. Its already been stretched once last year, so I hope this works. I could have had another room carpeted by the time I stretch and cut the excess. LOL
  20. Gonna try to restretch carpet myself. I am gonna rent the power stretcher at HD. P.Com helped me get rid of cat pee smell in hardwoods, so thought I could get some good advice on what NOT to do..I can't pay $150.00 to get it restretched ever year, so going to give it a try. Thanks, I need some tips..
  21. My power went from 291 to 365. I talked to the lady at Ga power and she said some had doubled and tripled, I wanted to get my meter checked also and she said it was read through satellite. She gave me all the power saving yada yada. I do all of that and still its higher, I guess I will go out there every day and read it myself.
  22. Thanks anyway.....you are a very nice person.
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