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Jamie Weaver

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Everything posted by Jamie Weaver

  1. I got to see him at an event in Carrollton last year. It was a good show. - Jamie
  2. It is amazing. Some people spend their lives searching for answers/happiness/peace. When they don't find it through conventional avenues in their desperation they seek it out in places/people/faiths outside of tradition. - Jamie
  3. LOL...Apparently he died in 2013 and hasn't been spotted since. - Jamie
  4. Its not that interesting at all....Well maybe it would have been if the guy wasn't actually mentally ill. If the Mayor Reed of Atlanta shot and killed 9 individual after getting out of a psych ward, would he be referred to as a "thug"? It isn't because the guy is white that he is labeled mentally ill, its because he is mentally ill. White guy walks into a QT and holds the place up. Before leaving he shoots the clerks and car jacks a pregnant woman in the parking lot. Is he mentally ill or a thug? - Jamie
  5. I believe everyone regardless of religion has the capacity for compassion for their fellow human beings in a time of suffering. I believe the gesture is great and hopefully offered in the spirit that it was to be perceived. On a side note: That's $100,000.00 more than any atheist organization I guess. - Jamie
  6. That is actually part 3 of the series. I would recommend starting with part one, but as you can see your investing 2-3 hours to watch them all. I had to watch them in a public relations class, and I saw them again in a psychology class. Its something that has just stuck with me. - Jamie
  7. Have you ever watched the documentary The Century of the Self? If you haven't, it explains how and where controlling the masses started. - Jamie
  8. "For it," UCSD Muslim student exclaims in agreement with Hezbollah and their leader's view of all the Jews gathering for their extermination. I use to think that ignorance bred hatred, but we are seeing more and more of these zealots are indeed educated. Education and pedigree do not combat indoctrination; On the contrary, this college campus reinforces these views. What campus would allow students to organize under the moniker "Hitler Youth Week"? Its an old story, but its an eye opener... - Jamie
  9. Actually, yes, I did see a change. Chalk up one more police officer killed by Muhammad. BTW...A terrible chart. I even went to the website for a better explanation. On a side note - If I created a chart today, reflecting a time frame of officers killed by extremist over the last two weeks....Muslim Domestic Terrorists would be 100%. If I identified the "F%$k da po-lice" as a leftwing anti-law enforcement group, oh never mind. - Jamie
  10. Wouldn't that make the Global Cooling scare of the 70s correct? - Jamie
  11. Interesting...Thanks for posting. - Jamie
  12. Well, hell....The hairless mole will need saving now. - Jamie
  13. Don't forget the aboortzion parties. - Jamie
  14. It is my opinion that the War on Drugs has killed more children and destroyed more families than legalizing marijuana could ever hope to achieve. I don't have time to cite it, but I'm certain the statistics will back it up. BTW...Wine was "The Gateway spirit...." - Jamie
  15. Yes, her actions would make her a hypocrite, but on the bright side her net worth will cover those children. - Jamie
  16. An Interesting history prior to her "transformation"... - Jamie
  17. Frankly....She has a personality disorder if anything and for some reason its perfectly reasonable to rationalize and even enable her bad behavior(s). Back at the Asylum, the lunatics have redefined what is acceptable by "modern/progressive standards." - Jamie
  18. If your looking for another quote, then I would recommend Pierce Paving and Sealing out of Acworth (678) 283-0946. They typically do parking lots for Discount Tires and department stores, but from time to time they black driveways. - Jamie
  19. If your concerned with copyright laws being rewritten, consider joining http://ourfairdeal.org/#/What_You_Can_Do.
  20. The TPP trade agreement is now available for public review: http://www.readthetpp.com/ - Jamie
  21. I believe those looking to fabricate outrage are sensitive after The Great Buckwheat Fiasco of 2007: Thanks to political correctness we have reached a point that we have lost out ability to comprehend our on language. There wasn't two different conversations going on. No one was ever called Buckwheat. - Jamie
  22. 4th for Skyline...Speedy and no upcharges for second hose or any other nonsense. Price is as quoted. - Jamie
  23. Interesting....Bandidos is a white and Hispanic Motorcycle club. Kind of like Zimmerman I guess. - Jamie
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