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Everything posted by cptlo306

  1. PCOM needs a special forum for all these police bashing threads. We get it...some (a very small percentage) police are bad just as in any profession.
  2. Legalize it nationwide and tax the crap out of it.
  3. One problem I see is if you get multiple deliveries and the first delivery driver locks it.
  4. Bush was certainly bad at spending but he couldn't compete with Obama. It's not even close.
  5. How come you mentioned Bush in regard to ignoring the deficit but not Obama? And you're blaming Trump for your higher insurance premiums? Seems kinda odd since he's only been in office less than a year and Obamacare (notice the name...OBAMAcare) has been the law of the land for quite a while now.
  6. If many of your other posts haven't proven that you are ignorant about the economy, this one leaves absolutely no doubt.
  7. Season 1 was great. I haven't watched the new season yet. Are the same guys on it?
  8. I thought this thread was about Trump firing Mueller.
  9. Trump said today that he does not plan to fire Mueller.
  10. I'm a conservative, not a republican. There is a difference (again, sadly).
  11. I agree that some of the accusations are credible but as you mentioned, he hasn't been convicted in a court of law. Good thing I'm not a republican...I think he should have dropped out before the election. It takes someone special to push Alabama to vote for a democrat senator and he did it (sadly). I don't think he should fire Mueller but I wouldn't be surprised if he did.
  12. Longhorn chili is decent. Best "restaurant" chili...Krystals. Yes, I'm serious...it's good!
  13. I hadn't heard that he had been tried and convicted. Man, the justice system acts fast in Alabama.
  14. I'm sure the judge was just trying to get a rise out of them. Get it? Rise...baking...oh nevermind...it was a lame attempt at humor.
  15. Some of the old geezers on here should be happy about that.
  16. The estate tax should be done away with. It should never have been created in the first place.
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