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Everything posted by cptlo306

  1. Back to the original topic, does anyone really think arming teachers with mini baseball bats is actually helpful?
  2. So, as usual, you have nothing valid to add to the discussion so you post a completely BS response.
  3. Mini baseball bats. Yes, mini baseball bats. Pa. school district arms teachers with baseball bats in wake of Fla. shooting https://www.cbsnews.com/news/millcreek-pennsylvania-school-district-arms-teachers-baseball-bats-parkland-florida-school-shooting/ If it is accepted that teachers may need to fight back, why not give proper tools (guns) to teachers qualified to use them?
  4. cptlo306


    Even better...get your own domain name (something like smithfamilyinpaulding.com) and setup email using that instead of using a gmail, Outlook.com etc. account. That way you can always have that email address regardless of the actual email service you use. Note that this method isn't free though.
  5. I respond to what you post. You posted "They want to give all the teachers guns and let them fend for themselves. If that doesn't work the'll be giving little Jimmy a .22 you something he can handle." which is a complete lie. Nobody has proposed arming ALL teachers or giving "little Jimmy" a gun. If you don't want your posts called out as lies, don't post lies.
  6. Another one of your idiotic lies.
  7. Are you that stupid to think I meant someone would buy a car to drive up and down their driveway? Ever heard of farmers with large farms?
  8. I'm confused....why is what I posted funny?
  9. Not true. You don't need a license or insurance if you intend to drive the car only on your own property.
  10. Of course not. If someone steals your car and beer, drinks the beer, and slams the car into someone else killing them, should you be held responsible?
  11. What do you define as "reasonable measures to keep guns out of the hands of real threats"?
  12. Problem is your idea of "reasonable" is not very reasonable at all and will not solve the problem.
  13. Newsflash: He's your President also.
  14. It's his usual tactic...resort to stupid posts when he can't provide anything constructive.
  15. Because criminals don't obey current laws and the new laws you'd like to create will limit the rights of law abiding citizens.
  16. This could happen. What do you propose we do to prevent "people who snap" from breaking the law?
  17. Oh, the irony.... https://www.cnn.com/2018/03/22/us/marjory-stoneman-douglas-clear-backpack-trnd/index.html
  18. Until someone can explain to me why additional gun laws will somehow convince mass shooters from obeying these new laws but not current laws, all the talk of additional gun control laws is complete stupidity. It's that simple. All more gun control laws will do is further limit the rights of honest law abiding citizens.
  19. Do you have this argument saved so you can just copy/paste it to every post? Seems as though it's your response for everybody you don't agree with. You'd think a teacher would be able to come up with new material at some point.
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