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Everything posted by cptlo306

  1. Awesome...2 charts in one thread. This is like bonus thread. We should all be proud.
  2. Very true. Carson was the best.
  3. Looks like Jimmy Fallon will be replacing Leno next year and the show will be moved to New York. ‘Tonight,’ With New Host, Set To Reclaim Its New York Roots I think Craig Ferguson is much better than any of the others late night hosts.
  4. The drone red button is probably in the Presidential Limo so you're probably OK for now.
  5. Cobb residents say yes to sales tax for schools
  6. I was responding to the question about where renters would live if there were nobody willing to invest in rental properties. What other choice would there be other than buying?
  7. It's like passing a car wreck...you can't resist looking.
  8. Thanks for posting. I'll vote NOT to renew the tax on the way home today.
  9. We trust you...we DON'T need any pics for proof.
  10. And they will get BOOKMARKED! Oh, the horror!
  11. I'm guessing that would be a good question for a PM to a moderator instead of posting a new thread.
  12. She repeatedly insults and denigrates others with her comments. If you haven't seen that then you aren't reading all of her posts.
  13. You are certainly free to pay for healthcare out of your own pocket without any restrictions placed on you by insurance companies.
  14. I typically give Comcast a hard time for their lack of support but today it was different. We have Comcast internet at work as our primary connection. The speed is typically 50/10 but this morning it was about 1/.5 which is pretty bad for our business. I called Comcast business support expecting the call to go like it always does...put in a ticket and it turns out to be a problem in the Atlanta area that gets fixed about 4-6 hours later. Surprisingly today I got a great technician that fixed the problem in about 2 minutes and it has been working great since. Frankly, I'm still in shock.
  15. Are you implying that you've made a post in the past that isn't 'some kind of bullsheeze'? That would be news.
  16. Comcast's billing screw-ups are only surpassed by AT&T's. In other words, they both suck horribly. My guess is they will add it to your bill and sign you up for a new 3 year contract without telling you.
  17. Nope, I don't care since I don't have a serious case of wealth envy.
  18. Having an enjoyable conversation with yourself?
  19. I thought she found her son already?
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