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Everything posted by tundra

  1. Don't take my word for it, ask them yourself. If you have a copy of the ORR, their names are clearly listed there.
  2. Great job by a Paulding resident. <snip> <snip> https://www.georgiapol.com/2016/07/13/one-brick-time-rebuilding-house-people-paulding-county/
  3. This is GREAT NEWS! Let's get this General Aviation airport up and running. It's been sitting there, being a dead weight and a burden on the taxpayers for 8 years. This just shows, you don't need commercial flights for MR&O, the commercial airlines have their own mechanics at their home base. Let's keep the momentum going! We have a LONG way to go but this is a GREAT beginning!
  4. No, I'm tired of your lies. If you want to tell more lies about Roger, go ahead. I'm done with you, done!!!!
  5. I want an airport, I want a working studio. I don't want either on the backs of the taxpayers. That's why I'm supporting Roger Leggett. Those lies that are being spread about Roger are lies. He has never had any disciplinary action taken against him, ever. Chief Earwood was reprimanded for something he did to Roger in 1998, the first page of the ORR is NOT against Roger, it's against Chief Earwood, read it. Those complaints by those laides were forced, to remove Roger from the Board of Elections. Those ladies are now supporting him, their pictures with Roger are on on his campaign page. Th
  6. Whitey, I will type this slowly so you can understand. Our contract is never with the county or the owner of any project. Our contract is with the General Contractor. We have ZERO contracts with Paulding County. We have one contract with a General Contractor that is doing work in Paulding County. You get your facts confused a lot, a whole lot. I'm not hiding a darn thing, I have nothing to hide. You are not a friend, I'm just not as forgiving as some. I have never done anything to hurt you personally, your hate and anger get in your way and you can't even think clearly. There
  7. Ask Roger, you obviously won't believe anything either of us say. What have you done to heal this community Whitey? Oh that's right, you voted for David Austin, twice. You even campaigned for him both times, people forgave you anyway. You just want to keep the ugliness and fighting up, even turning on the very people that have stood beside you. You are no friend.
  8. What the He!! are you talking about? Dang it Whitey you will say and do anything to hurt people won't you. That is a bold face lie! We RARELY do a project in Paulding County, never have. Stop bullying me, quit acting like the very thing you have lead the fight against for years. You are doing exactly what you say you despise. Please just stop!!!!!!! You are not helping anyone with this lying and attacks, especially yourself.
  9. You obviously don't know Roger very well, of course he's smart enough. Clothes do not make the man, nor is it an indication of intelligence. I will tell you he knows how to use an ipad. Just sayin'.
  10. Amen Surpip!! We need to move this county forward with industrial, manufacturing, distributions centers, etc., exactly as you said. Good jobs beyond failed film studios and airports. Get some spec buildings built!! At least one. Now everyone needs to step back an ask yourself one little question instead of perpetuating false rumors. Why would a former elected official even want to be a county administrator? Just think about it. Jerry Shearin has no desire to be county administrator, just ask him. I know, I know if you spread the rumor long enough some people, that let their ha
  11. I heard it was Pat Hughes, Deena Sanfillipo and Geof Hutton that put up Carmichael's tent. Aren't Deena and Pat active in the Democratic Party in Paulding County? Isn't Carmichael a Republican? I'm confused. I don't think David Austin was anywhere around.
  12. You know, just because people may be on different sides of an issue, doesn't mean they should be bitter enemies, Hell bent on destroying one another. I seem to remember Jerry Shearin being invited to a BOC meeting by David Austin, to discuss the reservoir. Quit letting your hate ruin your sensibility. I have said since day one, I don't know Dave Carmichael personally, I know he's highly respected by many, many of whom I refer to as friends. I would never attack them personally because they support him, that is their choice and I respect that. I will however, defend myself when I am at
  13. Maybe you missed the part where some of those people have endorsed Roger? None of them had to, ya know.
  14. She drove a school bus for years, then went to work for Kroger on 278 and 61, she worked there for 7 or 8 years.
  15. Such a big bunch of crap. If there was no merit and no disciplinary action was taken they should have been destroyed. If there is a reprimand, they are in a permanent file, not a secret one. Maybe you should really quit lurking. I don't have to. Why don't you talk about your candidate's voting record?
  16. Whitey, our friend is in the hospital fighting for his life, he lost his wife and you're falling for all the rhetoric of the Austin regime. Roger has awards from the fire dept, the Chief was reprimanded, not Roger. Whitey, please, think about what your are doing because of a personal problem you had. Please stop. Roger Leggett is a good man with a wonderful wife, a beautiful daughter, he lost his only son, and has fought right along with his granddaughter twice as she defeated brain cancer. Have you no compassion or are you so driven by hate you don't care anymore?
  17. It's okay, thank you. They can't defend their candidate or point to something he has done for the citizens of this county so they attack me. I'm a big girl, I can deal with it. Funny, I respect everyone's opinion, but I do expect them to have credible evidence of their accusations. I don't need a job, I have a good one. **ETA BTW, it's not just one that's supporting Roger.
  18. You would completely wrong on both counts, I have a good job with my own company. Believe it or not, the world doesn't revolve around you or your opinions. Have you talked to them? Did you know some of them are actually supporting Roger? Have you bothered to check the facts or are you just like Carmichael, a David Austin minion?
  19. Have you talked to these ladies? I have!! Seriously, you should be talking about your candidate's accomplishments, not trying to destroy people. Typical David Austin tactics, just like Tony's DD2 14 and Todd's unpaid call girl bills. If these accusations had merit, there would have been disciplinary action taken. What has Carmichael done beyond dividing this county deeper than it ever has been, with David Austin right next to him.. Now you want people to believe he can unify it? He can't run on his record, because it is dismal.
  20. Was any disciplinary action ever taken? None!!!!! Whitey, you know how stuff works around here. Why are you Hell bent on destroying this man and embarrassing a whole bunch more?
  21. Leanne was a long time friend, over 20 years. I just ran in to her last week, got me a big ole hug and ate lunch with her. Her boys will be devastated, she was a wonderful friend, mother and grandmother. Praying Robbie pulls through, she loved him so. I will miss her very much.
  22. Where where you the last time they raised the millage rate? They aren't raising it, they just aren't rolling it back. Surely you're not creating havoc where there is none. You wouldn't do that would you? Surely not!!!! We know you can't afford another $14.00 a year.
  23. Of course the IBA and the PCAA defaulting on bond payments don't have any impact on this. This vote hasn't happened. Funny David and Boyd Austin don't think millage rate increases are tax increases but now all the sudden they are? Where is my shocked face?
  24. This was not in his employee file, it was in a "secret" file. HR did not have the documents, there were never any reprimands against Roger. These people are endorsing Roger now.
  25. There are more, just haven't had time to get pics yet. http://www.facebook.com/RogerLeggettChairman/?ref=bookmarks
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