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Everything posted by tundra

  1. You have a problem with an issue that came before the board as to whether or not the citizens should decide if they wanted an airport. Weren't you at the last PCAA meeting when Calvin Thompson said he wanted an airport since 1993? Yea, he said that, I was there, too. So Roger's big crime is that he wanted the citizens to decide on the airport and the reservoir instead of shoving it down the throats of citizens, in 2004, clearly long after Roger had been gone. And that he hired a DOT director? Yes the minutes reflect the citizens had a voice, they had a say, not the BOC or the PCA
  2. You are delusional. Jerry has been gone a long time, he's not coming back. He doesn't want to. That's a given. Wanna show me that picture? Roger's fundraiser was not private, you could have been there. What don't you understand about a check being returned, with a, "No thanks". It would destroy your rampage to tell anyone about that. Your hatred is continuing the division in this county. You really should try forgiveness like Todd, Tony and Vernon. They are good men that have been subjected to a heck of a lot worse than you could ever imagine. Your perpetuating the division in this cou
  3. The county is becoming less and less business friendly, with a new economic development director, the chamber president gone, the Austin and Shearin regime's gone, the power returned to the people, we will see responsible planned growth. Not hundreds of houses built on 1/4 acre lots but real development. Roger Leggett is the only candidate that will work side by side with the other 4 commissioners. Dave Carmichael is just David Austin, he's not even talking about the airport in his campaign. That shouldn't be a surprise, he didn't do that in his first campaign either. Secrets. We do
  4. Not hardly, you haven't done your research either. This is NOT correct as it stands today. Does anyone know why we bought that 162+ acres from Atlanta? Poor planning, as usual. The runway was already graded and ready for concrete. Whoops!!
  5. The chairman gets to appoint the PCAA members, but you know that. Of course this election will have a lot to do with the 139, I guess you've been talking to Carmichael, too. That's what he's been saying for months, Jeremiah Fields said the same thing when he ran against Ron. Where was Robbie prior to his run for Chairman? I didn't see him helping any candidate get elected and I didn't see him at any meetings, not even the evening ones. You cannot criticize someone for something your guy didn't do. You can't have it both ways. I happen to know for a fact Roger went door to door w
  6. The architect of the airport expansion, lock step with David Austin on every vote, voting to circumvent incoming commissioners with the IGA. Of course you have every right to vote for who you want, but the Roger Leggett I know is a kind, caring person that has given much more back to this community than he ever took out of it. To this day he serves on non-profit boards and you don't even hear him talking about it. He is about service and he is the only candidate that can bring this community back to where it needs to be. Dave Carmichael kept secrets from Todd Pownall, sat next to him f
  7. Yes, you can ask questions. Apparently you can be on the same page with someone if you do it their way, if not they tell you you can't do what you want. Then they start telling lies about you to long time friends. Not just one, either. Until the FAA says the 139 is dead and gone, I will continue to fight. I cannot and will not allow someone with a personal agenda lie to me and about me to my friends. That's not a friend, that's a bully.
  8. Don't forget to take screen shots of this conversation, it's not private, everyone can see it. Make sure you put it in the "file" you have on me.
  9. You lied, you know you did. I have no use for liars. No, you are not on the side of No Commercial Airport, you are on the side of KV. I'm done with you I'm done with your bullying, I'm over it. You have shown your true colors. You need to stop now, you're embarrassing yourself.
  10. And there's the bully tactic. This is not about me Whitey, not about me at all. This is about exposing all that's wrong with bullying, what I have been fighting. You are what you claim to be against. Thad and Melissa know me, too. They know that I stand for what is right, not what is most popular. God Bless them and all they have been through, why are you putting this on them? They don't have time for this, they need our support. They don't need to get put in the middle of anything.
  11. Really!!! is this some new style Chicago smash mouth politics you are using? The last two elections has no bearing on this election. Yes, I did vote for David twice.... I admit my mistakes, Since October 2013 I have opposed David, Blake, And Calvin with everything that I possibly could.. Now does that change any of Rogers Leggett Record of motions and seconds that he made while he was serving under Boll Carruth and Jerry Shearin???? After all ,the minutes are available. Roger can not lie or change the minutes they are there for all to see... Heck if Roger Leggett Had his
  12. You've known me for a long time. I don't take kindly to people lying about me, I won't be silent, I won't be bullied. I have spent the last three years fighting bullies. Turncoats are the worst, those you thought were your friends that put their personal agendas in front of the common cause. I thought we were fighting against this very thing, instead it's always been about them, not for the betterment of all. Oh and the kings are dead, even the bullies have lost...........all of them. I've not lost sight of the purpose, others have. No Commercial Airliners at the airport, th
  13. You're being a bully, but we know you supported Austin twice, it's your cup of tea. You are not going to bully me, I guess your new name should be David.
  14. They don't need an endorsement, they came in 3rd and 4th. Really Whitey?
  15. I find it amazing forgiveness eludes so many. After everything Carmichael has done to this county, the burden he has put on taxpayers, voting with David Austin for commercial service, voting to give the airport away to an unelected board, his disdain for taxpayers that speak out against his decision, I would never wish bad things on him or his family. Grudges and hatred eat away at your soul, the Devil loves it. I pray each and every day to find forgiveness in my heart. Even with all that's been done, I think disappointment is a better word in how I feel about someone that I once admire
  16. Roger lost his reelection bid in 2002, he left office at the end of 2002, not 2003. Calvin Thompson's video from February 2004 talks about building the airport, the project was NOT underway when Roger was in office. Your dates above are not correct. Blake Swafford was hired in 2000 for the DOT, he didn't become airport director until 2006. Try as you may, you cannot tie Roger to the airport. Roger insisted the airport issued be put on the ballot, Calvin wanted to build it since 1993, he said so in his farewell speech to Blake at the PCAA meeting in May, check the video on the Stop
  17. You realize Jerry Shearin was elected in 2000 and Legget left in 2002, right? The construction of the airport began well after Leggett left. Did it ever occur to you Legget got challenged because he wasn't one of the GOBs? Those votes during the building boom we in line with county ordinances, not approving those projects would have opened the county up for lawsuit after lawsuit. Leggett insisted the airport issue be put on the ballot instead of letting Calvin Thompson shove it down everyone's throat in 1995. Go listen to the Blake Swafford farewell at the PCAA meeting last week and listen
  18. Surely everyone realizes commercial airliners will bring in high paying jobs, you know ticket agents, baggage handlers, and TSA agents......for a couple hours, twice or 4 times a week. Whooo, they'll be breaking down the doors to get there. On the other hand, aviation jobs, the high paying ones don't need commercial airliners at the airport. You know like at Cartersville, McCollum, Rome, you know those "under performing" airports that don't have commercial airliners. Here's the Chamber report, published in the Dallas New Era. OBTW, FTE, means Full Time Equivalent or Part Time, no bene
  19. Do you have the message? That's not what I said. And I still won't make this personal. Regardless of what his resume says, Dave Carmichael's voting record speaks for itself. The two of them have done more damage to the people of Paulding County than anyone I can remember. At least when everyone was mad at Jerry, it didn't divide families like they have. Tax bill assessments went out this week, just look at how much each household is paying in Bond Tax, all for the Film Studio, the water tower at the airport, the sewers at the airport, and the courthouse. We can thank Shearin
  20. Thank you, I do have a great understanding of budgets and understand the political arena quite well. Did I ever tell you I hate politics? LOL I will never understand why Glass Dogs attacks me personally. I've met him, he's a smart guy with a gift of beautiful glass making. I would never attack him personally, however a candidate's record speaks for itself. Carmichael has a record of voting lock step with David Austin, voting to bring commercial passenger airliners to Paulding County and then turning over the largest asset we have to an unelected board to circumvent election results.
  21. Excuse me while I LMBO. You see I have been attending BOC meetings since October 2103, sinister you say? Military budgets? Tell me again how much reserve funding they have used the last couple of years, just to balance the budget? Oh and then there is the "non-budgeted" items that seem to appear. But just keep on, keeping on. Jerrry Shearin will not be back in control, David Austin on the other hand is a whole 'nother story.
  22. I have no idea which picture you may be referring to, but I yes, Jerry and Roger know each other. Roger has lived here his entire life, he served two years with Jerry on the BOC, from 2000-2002, of course they know each other. Nothing is as sinister as you and others make it. Carmichael has voted lock step with David Austin, are you saying because of that, he's going to bring Austin in to run things? Not everything is how you want to make it seem. Like I said, believe nothing that you hear and only 1/2 of what you see. My momma taught me that, she was a smart woman.
  23. King Jerry needs to stay buried, deep within the confines of his own world. I told 2 commissioners I would not support their campaign if they even considered bringing Jerry back into the loop. That was 2 years ago, I'll walk away if anyone thinks for one minute Jerry will be on the front lines. Don't believe everything you hear, and only 1/2 of what you see.
  24. Yes, it was the flight school that left. I think Mr. Beale was part owner of the FBO, not sure if he still is.
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