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Everything posted by Foxmeister

  1. What does AOL have to do with logging into pcom? I don't understand.
  2. So far, I don't like any of the three candidates. I wish we had a better selection of candidates than what we have. Show me the links.
  3. I have. Every country I've ever been to required me to have my Passport or military ID on me at all times.
  4. It's no slippery slope at all. It's always been the law for those from other countries here lawfully to carry with them their Green Card or Passport/Visa at all times to show they are here lawfully. Not part of the time, but ALL the time. I can remember when I was a LEO it was never considered improper to ask a foreigner to display their Green Card or Visa when you pulled them over for a traffic violation. A friend of mine used to be a LEO for Grand Trunk Railroad back in the 80s and 90s. He was always pulling Hispanics from box cars at the rail yard in Detroit who were illegals. Whe
  5. I have to ask this question. If your computer can get online, why couldn't she use it to log onto her account here to answer the question under her login?
  6. I'm sure many who own or are involved in the ownership or management of a business realize that many customers; especially those who are other businesses or doctors and lawyers often find those customers will pay rather slowly. When a business has a large amount of accounts receivables because their customers are very slow to pay, the business can find itself short the cash needed to pay its own bills. From my understanding, Braddock's business is one of those where the customers are mostly other businesses. It's quite possible many of her customers have outstanding debts to her busine
  7. I really don't think the decision is his or his alone.
  8. Because they WANT it to be a scandal.
  9. An E-4 has very little leadership responsibility. It's nothing in comparison to the leadership abilities needed to manage a county. I had 25 years of military experience. I'm think I know what I'm talking about here.
  10. I commend Crowe on his military service in Vietnam, but I have to disagree with you on your observation that experience demonstrates leadership ability. From what I understand, he served one enlistment period (most likely no more than four years) in the Navy. He most likely was discharged at a pay grade no higher than E-4. If so, he was not in a leadership position. I also have to agree with Animal on the education level. I think it's important, especially in these very difficult economic times for a person in a position of this level to have an education beyond high school. Ther
  11. The expansion includes adding new manufacturing equipment. Do you have any idea how expensive the equipment is?
  12. Shouldn't this topic be in the political forum?
  13. If he's going out of town on county business, I see nothing wrong with the county picking up his expenses for lunch or dinner. If he's eating at McDonald's on these trips, I see him as being frugal.
  14. You are correct; it is a lost cause. This is why their visa expiration date should be on the license; or the license expires on the date their visa does. Even if none of these things are done, they still can't renew their license once their visa expires.
  15. A Georgia driver's license cannot be issued to an illegal immigrant. Sense we are discussing HB87, why don't you just stick with the language and facts contained in it? Requirements for non-US citizens to obtain a Georgia drivers license.
  16. To heck with the uke, go with the guitar - seriously. She will be ridiculed by the other kids for the uke; but they will all think she's cool playing guitar. The ridicule will make her put the guitar in the closet and it will stay there. Remember Tiny Tim?
  17. The law doesn't allow someone to be pulled over because they look Hispanic or from any other region of the world. They have to be pulled over for a violation of the traffic laws. If a LEO pulls over someone for speeding and that person happens to be Hispanic and produces a GA driver's license then checking into his immigration status further stops there.
  18. Get it through your thick head, the HB never said a driver's license was proof of citizenship. Let's clarify for her that the law says a Georgia driver's license serves as proof the holder is in the USA legally.
  19. What you're doing here is participating in the mud slinging by repeating a rumor you have heard. If it were a fact, there would be proof he was doing that. You present no such proof, yet try to pass this rumor off as fact.
  20. Should you make your decision who to vote for based upon malicious rumors being spread, or based upon what real facts you do know about the candidate?
  21. However, he did include a section of the actual law, which you did read, but chose to ignore the facts it contained about the GA driver's license. The issue isn't citizenship, but lawful residence and entry into the country, which the GA driver's license would show as an illegal immigrant would not be permitted to obtain a GA driver's license. Once again, I stand by my comment there is nothing wrong with the law; only those who fail to understand it. Keep up.
  22. The problem isn't really with the law; it's with those who really fail to understand what it says. A good example is yourself. The law doesn't say a driver's license is proof of citizenship. What it does say is this: Sheesh and you complain about people not paying attention.
  23. She's not running for the school board and that's not where she currently sits. I have watched her voting record for the last two years while in the House and I'm not disappointed.
  24. I have comments above in red. You are against amnesty, but yet you advocate legislative changes to the current immigration laws that would allow them to stay in the country. THAT is amnesty.
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