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Everything posted by JessicaHouston

  1. Ive decided to jump on the bandwagon and try the new craze of juice fasting. I like the idea because its fresh fruits and veggies. I am on my second day of a goal of 15 days. If i make it to 15 in one piece i will maybe extend to 30 days. Has anyone tried this? Please share your experiences!
  2. I VAGUELY remember this story. that is so sad =(
  3. getting to raccoon creek is nearly impossible without a lot of time and a bike. you can crawl over the guard rail on raccoon creek road off of braswell mtn road. you cant go onto either bank because its posted no tresspassing but nobody owns the water itself. just dont get shot. its too warm this time of year to trout fish this far south IMHO and the snakes are bad this year. GO NORTH!
  4. what does the vegetarian zombie say? "Graaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnsssssss"
  5. well in that case, P.com'ers are like Christians and conservatives. they pretend too. for example... they pretend like your posts make any sense at all.
  6. something tells me people run up and punch you often
  7. i just investigated this Governers gun club place.... they give you a MACHINE GUN RENTAL FOR FREE ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!! awwwww yeah! count me in! but holy smokes they are pricey
  8. Having fun for some people isnt comparing the likeness of a teapot to hitler
  9. Help me out. I am thinking of taking my baby to swim in the neighborhood pool. I purchased the proper waterproof swimwear but i was curious as to if its gross. I know you have to assume that all kids pee in a pool but i was wondering if it was different with babies. please tell me what you think!
  10. that sounds like fun! if you guys ever wanna go fishing around here with us hit me up! i think it would be fun!
  11. we just went and caught little spiney looking fish at white oak. between the two of us we caught 14 of them in 2 hours. or maybe just the same 2 over and over? he has been fishing since he was 5 though, i however dont go very often but sometimes you have to make some nice memories with the kiddos =)
  12. this is absolutely true. i was told by our agent that banks hold them and keep only a certain number of "active" listings in each price range as to not flood the market. there are plenty of houses out there but they hold them so you feel like the market is this way.
  13. thanks guys but buddy's gas station across from mcdonalds on 61 sells worms =) we had a blast fishin!
  14. we just went through this. bought our house in February. We bid the week of christmas on this place and bid 7k over asking. we did that because the last bid we put in on a house in Camden Woods (that was a serious TLC case) sold out from under us when we bid 10k over. the sale records show it sold for 25k over asking. since then ive seen the comps in our neighborhood spike over 10k. our real estate agent said that the market heavily leans towards sellers right now and there is a huge shortage of homes in the area.
  15. where can i buy some worms for my son to go fishing with? i live at 61 and hiram sudie
  16. flamer 1. An outgoing homosexual, who is very open with his gayity. 2. A person who constantly starts fights on forums or message boards. Usually with many vulgar statements, and outright lies. "That guy is ALWAYS insulting my posts, no matter what! He's such a damn flamer!" Loud gays are flamers. Trolls are flamers Rhett is a troll Rhett is gay ........just some food for thought for "Mr"Rhett B.
  17. Lol i love the idea of te quote shirts but for a very very different reason. after a while they could stop wearing the shirt and we could still identify them by the 2 chronic black eyes.
  18. Ok as a person who supports a more traditional relationship, even I have a hard time with the idea that Gay men have a tendancy to like young boys. Does that mean grown men like young girls? I think what you are thinking of is a pedophile. Someone who exploits children sexually and they unfortunately are hidden everywhere. Nobody opens their doors to that and yet it still happens every day. If you came on here and said that you didnt support the policy because it would force you to explain homosexuality to your 13 year old then yeah, lots might legitamitely take issue to that. But trust me the
  19. When you say "all for the homosexual men" "i figured that was less competition" doyou mean you liked the homosexuals because not many competed for them? jusssss playin!
  20. I think he has a hard-on for the guy in Gone with the wind.
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