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Everything posted by JessicaHouston

  1. i actually did think of the definition of "king" or "ruler" but then i thought.... Nope.
  2. I didnt know which part was worse. The "negus" plate or the fake ball sack dangling beneath the car. Someone at the dmv checked out early that day. The best part is that for a mere 3,000.00 this car can be yours
  3. I know exactly what you mean. I have a lot of "feeling" memories. Like how i felt about it more than pictures of it. I remember the way my mothers makeup smelled. And how i felt watching my cousins dress for halloween. Not necessarilly memories events but tiny flashes of feeling.
  4. i have a 2 part question for you guys. What was your very first memory and how old do you think you were? To get things going i will tell you mine. I recall being very small standing on concrete barefooted and looking at the ground at red ants thinking they were huge. i am guessing i was about 3. I Think i was in the driveway area of my aunts house. Its weird how when you think back on things from your childhood they can be so distorted. I swear those ants seemed the size of peanuts.
  5. and now that he isnt around to molest him anymore he needs money to pay someone else to do it.
  6. 61 and hiram sudie Chevron is totally out of gas too.
  7. I broke a tooth and am in miserable pain. I called to schedule an appointment with my dentist (dr grant at dallas family dentistry) well apparently they closed due to some rumored insurance issues) i called several dentists and finally landed an appointment as a new patient on the 24th! I am discouraged at this point so i call up my dr whom i havnt been to since before my pregnancy (baby is 9 months old now) just to find out my dr doesnt even work there anymore.... UGH! The lady said she would be glad to schedule me with the new guy. I told her i had a broken open tooth that hurt in my face so
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