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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. Agreed. By the time you drive to Hightower, you might as well drive the rest of the way.
  2. Just for the record, I wasn't watching Jerry OR Maury at the time.......it was TLC.
  3. Both are great schools! Our son is in his senior year at Riverside and our daughter is in her 3rd year at North Georgia.
  4. First a disclaimer: I have NOT in the past, I DO NOT in the present, and I DO NOT anticipate in the future having any need for the services mentioned in the following question. Now: Has anybody every actually called and/or used the personal injury attorney that advertises "ONE CALL-THAT'S ALL!" (ya'll know who I mean) His latest commercial claims that he's helped so many people that even YOU probably know one! So...fess up....Anybody ever make the ONE CALL and THAT'S ALL???
  5. Smells like cookies baking. Does the trick when you want people to come buy all your fresh baked goods! Or just to make your house smell nice. Just be careful not to leave it in too long!
  6. Well kittens....it comes down to that age old question of style vs. subsistence! Who am I kidding? My tootsies couldn't take the boots all day either! Wear the sneakers to go the distance!
  7. Here's a little trick grocery stores won't tell you........ When we want to get that fresh baked yummy smell in the bakery that will make you want to come buy some stuff, we sprinkle cinnamon on a baking sheet and pop it in the oven on a low temp. Just don't leave it in too long or it burns! That doesn't make folks want to buy stuff!
  8. IDK. The ones I'm burning now are some I just picked up a the K-roger last holiday season.
  9. OH SNAP!! I forgot I had a killer pair of boots! Gotta break them out this weekend!
  10. Friday- Headed to Gainsville for parent/teacher conferences at son's school. (Riverside Military Academy) And staying for tailgate party and football game that night. GO EAGLES!! Saturday- Back to Gainsville that afternoon for military school parade. Sunday- Carlton Farms with the grandkiddlets! My daughter goes to NGCSU in Dahlonega and she's coming over to Gainsville for the game and the parade on Saturday. Getting OUT of Dahlonega for Gold Rush days!
  11. CHEESE-N-RICE!!! PLEASE DON'T BUY CINNAMON STICKS!!!! I think they stink to high h*ll!! Try scented candles. I've gotta a couple of ginger bread candles burning right now! Puts me in the fall mood!
  12. I get that feeling too sometimes. You know somethings off, not quite right, but you can't put your finger on what's wrong. Here's hoping your day is just fine!
  13. We have about 5 sterile grass carp in our lake. They are several years old now and look like 4' torpedoes when you see them swimming by just under the water's surface!! I call them the Lock Ness Monsters!
  14. DNR?? http://www.georgiawildlife.com/node/900
  15. I ain't saying they a gold digger.......
  16. KFC But not the one in Dallas.
  17. Beef Stew on tap for dinner tonight! Hope it stays chilly today!
  18. I have no problem with hunters. I didn't crawl my way to the top of the food chain to eat lettuce. Agreed. Make it quick. No need to cause suffering. Mayhap I should have said, "there is something inherently wrong with an individual who would cause the NEEDLESS suffering and death of a defenseless animal."
  19. There is something inherently wrong with an individual that will hurt defenseless animals.
  20. Starting to drizzle again here!
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