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Everything posted by Blondiega1

  1. I have it on the iPad. I like it.
  2. COME ON RAIN!!! Got the ant beds covered in grits! Just need some rain!
  3. Very cute, but how's he feel about wearing a dress?
  4. Shoot her now. I used to work food service. I know what you can do with the body. JUST KIDDING!!!!! I thought I would kill mine between the ages of 14 and 17. It didn't get better until after 17, but at 22 she still thinks she knows more than me. Waiting for the day she moves out and finds out that the world in fact DOES NOT revolve around her.
  5. Papi cooks, cleans, does yard work and will do the laundry when needed. However, he says I'm a laundry MACHINE!!! Since I work from home, I'll throw a load in on a break, swap it to the dryer on the next break, and pull them out later. They do sit in the basket until I'm off work, but then I fold, hang and put everything away. Sometimes Papi and I do the folding together.
  6. There's only the two of them. And I see them picking for bugs all day. Don't think they'd take on a snake and IDK about a scorpion!
  7. Well I personally have never seen one, but I'm sure there are some.
  8. Maybe this is why my boys (the ducks) don't want to come home as often for dinner in the summer time!! Seriously, during the cold months, my boys are sitting out back at 6pm quacking to be fed, but in the summer I have to go holler for them and even then they don't always come. I've suspected that pickings must be good around the lake in the summer.
  9. And no alcohol, I for one, like a glass of cabernet with my steak. The steaks are the
  10. angry birds angry swamp (CHOOT 'EM!!!) draw something
  11. Keep us posted ladies! I keep watching every day for the "we are going to the hospital" post!
  12. Yep. I've used this too. It's what my Grandma always recommended. With rain coming Friday evening, I would recommend doing this on friday, so that eat the grits, then when the rain comes.......BOOM!!!
  13. This is so good to hear. This thread has REALLY been on my mind. I am keeping you, your son, and the rest of your family in my prayers as well.
  14. We did that until there was a layer of yellow over every surface! Windows were immediately closed and AC turned on.
  15. I give ivermectin from tractor supply to my dogs for heart worms. But it's orally not shots, NC 17 showed me how, Been doing it for 8 mths or so. Both my girls were just tested last month and remain negative for heart worms.
  16. Terrifying! Hope I NEVER have to experience it!
  17. I told myself that OVER AND OVER AND OVER when the labor pains were at their worst! I too got through it twice!
  18. Broke my heart reading that. I can't imagine your child becoming your enemy and the heart break you have gone through. Not this pcommer either.
  19. I'm not sure what posting on here and debit card fraud has to do with the price of tea in china.
  20. I'm really having a hard time understanding why some people think this is okay. I mean, what is the thought process behind, "I'll just go in and get a free drink." When does that sound like anything but stealing? Why would some one think there is nothing wrong with this? Enquiring minds want to know.
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