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Paulding Humane Society

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Everything posted by Paulding Humane Society

  1. I'm less than a mile through the woods from you. I was going to try to find him a mate, but he was just too impatient!
  2. Have a fish feeder that he loved, but also hand fed him bread. He's a pig disguised as a Swan.
  3. Thank Goodness he's ok!!! He came from my house, low. He had shown up here about three weeks ago. He is very friendly and will eat gently out of your hand. Have no idea where he came from, but he decided he was the boss and ran off all the wild geese. He decided it was time to move on yesterday and left FLYING DOWN the middle of HWY. 61! Caused quite a commotion and traffic jam! Very glad to know that he is ok! Have some great pictures if I can get them off my phone.
  4. Check with New Hope Animal Hospital about the current FREE spay program if she's not already fixed. 770-485-1536.
  5. Did anyone notice the menu yesterday? Duck. Not a baby, but looked like a small Wood Duck. Wish they would stick to fish.
  6. A trap borrowed from animal control (open on Saturdays) would probably work the best.
  7. Douglas County Landfill on Cedar Mountain Road takes almost everything (paper, plastic, glass, batteries, electronics, metal, even mattresses.) It's very convenient and there is no charge for recycling. My garbage man loves me...garbage pick up now is down to every three weeks. Plastic was the majority of my garbage.
  8. Have a like-new, 1 yr. old, Queen Size Sealy Mattress and Boxsprings, Annabella Firm, FREE to someone in need. Cost new $500. This set was the victim of broken water pipes, but has dried out and seems to be just fine. Taking this opportunity to get a new mattress more suitable in firmness. Please PM if interested.
  9. <br /><br /><br /> You seem so happy to prove me wrong and gloat about it. Yes, it's a terrible accident. I'm very sorry to hear it and hope she'll be ok. I wouldn't expect kids to be helping push cars out of the road. Aside from "speeding bullets", slipping and falling under the car could easily happen. However, I would still support my teenagers walking home instead of sitting on the bus if their house was nearby and wouldn't expect heads to roll over it. I believe the bus drivers did their best in a very bad situation.
  10. The bitchin' and blamin' is unbelievable. Had the power went out I think it would have pushed some of these folks right over the edge.
  11. <br /><br /><br /> Read the above. This isn't a post about the government at all. I believe he is trying to make this point: Be prepared to do what you need to do to TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF and not blame or depend on others.
  12. No arguments here on the stupidity of sending kids to school today to avoid losing vacation time. But I'd rather my kid use his common sense and walk home when his house is in sight than sit on a bus for four hours and look at it. Kudos to those who allowed it.
  13. <br /><br /><br /> Ok, that's a little over dramatic. These vehicles are moving at a snail's pace. I hope everyone gets home safely and no heads roll over it.
  14. I don't see a problem. In fact, I'd expect it.
  15. A big shout out to Sgt. Lenny Carr, newly handling operations at Paulding County Animal Control! Thank you Sgt. Carr for caring about the animals and already making a difference!
  16. <br /><br /><br /> Try PetSmart today. They should have them. If not, online at www.jefferspetsupply.com. They usually have overnight delivery. PetSmart also has "belly bands" for male dogs that work really good. Ask about those at the store or they also have them at Jeffers Pet Supply by mail. Hope this helps!
  17. Lawrence Junction Store at the trailer park on 61 S. has the cheapest around
  18. the leash law simply means that your cats must stay on your property if outside. To all those above who may need spay or neuter, please contact pauldinghumane@aol.com for info on low-cost spay and neuter and upcoming free spay/neuter transports. Please fix BOTH males and females to help reduce unwanted kittens.
  19. Tomorrow is $10 adoption Tuesday at Animal Control. Sure they have plenty. Open 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. tomorrow for adoptions.
  20. Anyone ever flown Spirit Airlines? What is the difference in flying Spirit vs. Delta?
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