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Everything posted by Nyx13

  1. I know this is a kind of a controversial topic. I had a conversation with a friend today that got me thinking and I wanted to get other opinions. So here is the topic, Spirituality and how do you perceive communication with your God. We all believe that there are Higher Powers Above. Some call it Jesus, others Buddha, others still Yahweh, and then some who believe there are more than one God, like Wiccans and Pagans and so on. Some worship in church, others by meditating and rituals. Some people never question things and others look for confirmation all the time. The conversation that
  2. This reminds me of my ex brother-in-law. He has 10 kids and even admitted that the only reason he had so many is so he can get money back on taxes each year (didn`t stop him even after they put a limit on how many kids you can claim) and welfare. He hasn`t worked in at least 15 years and this time of the year I get sick to my stomach because I know he`s pulling his usual "poor man" routine then brags about it online. I`ve never seen him buy clothes for his kids or presents for Christmas. It`s been always charity this, charity that, but he`ll be telling his kids and his friends what a great
  3. If you think that, you should try Florida teachers, then you will be glad you are in Georgia.
  4. Nyx13


    You will find this same pattern on any other board/forum. It`s imminent when you have so many opinions and personalities exercising their freedom of speech in one place. Humans will be humans and will allow their baser instincts take over, especially on public forums where they are anonymous. It`s the nature of things. There are leaders and there are followers. There are bullies and there are bullied. No amount of teaching will correct that behavior if it is ingrained. But you`re right, observing it is fascinating. And no, I didn`t miss your point about people digressing more. Th
  5. I have one of those too. I`ve had to take his tv, video games and toys off him to get him to clean his room in the past. Now past week, after repeating myself for 3 days I just paid my daughter $40 and she cleaned it out for her brother. He`s mad not only because she did what I have done, thrown away most of the stuff but she also got the money and he`s been begging for an increase in his allowance. I think he learned his lesson this time.
  6. KFC for me tonight. I`m too damn sick with flu to cook and I was dying for spaghetti... Sigh...
  7. I always say what`s on my mind and call the truth as I see it, expecting the same out of people. And that is one of the reasons I won`t date if and when the time comes. Besides, I really don`t want to wonder what kind of deep, dark, dirty secrets the man I date is hiding.
  8. Oh I hear ya and I swear I can never go through that again. My MIL always told me, it`s easier and more fun to have an affair, now I know why. Awesome, ty! I`ll go try that now.
  9. Well, I was bored until I found out a problem with one of my sites and now have to temporarily shut it down until I rename each and every file. I think I`d rather go back to bored. Bwitchy, how did your date go, I missed it if you updated that thread.
  10. Splash. "Get busy living or get busy dying."
  11. Meet the Parents. Love those movies! "If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you."
  12. Steel Magnolias? "I have to wait around like everyone else. Can't even get decent food...right after I got here, I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce, and I got egg noodles with ketchup. I'm an average nobody...get to live the rest of my life like a schnook. "
  13. It`s really ironic. While you dream about the beach, I dream about mountains... Let`s trade places, you all come down here to the beach in Florida and I`ll camp out in your neck of the woods.
  14. I lost my Dad to cancer almost 15 years ago. He was only 49 years old and loved and respected by many. He was always about children, his and everyone else`s. It hit me hard, him dying only 9 days before his first grandchild, my daughter, was born. Not only did he miss out but so did my children of knowing such a wonderful man. He wasn`t taken from us suddenly, but watching him fight was heartbreaking. He was the most courageous person I`ve ever known. I choose not to remember him as he was fading away, his body and mind ravaged by this unmerciful disease, but instead there is this one
  15. We often walk alongside people that continuously touch our lives in special ways. You won`t remember why it touched you, but you will never forget how. Someone I care about deeply has recently lost a dear friend and it got me thinking how some of those people make an impact on our lives. It`s those little things that you sometimes take for granted. I mean you know that this person brings you joy, or a great companion, someone you admire, respect, can always rely on, have a great time with. But you don`t stop to think that every moment with that person is a special one because in
  16. Nah, he was having phone sex, sexting and driving with his knees, all while smoking meth and watching porn. See, men can multitask, they just have to have the right reason and motivation, or the right stimulation.
  17. But if I called hubby a "fat, lazy, slob that I married" that would take up too much of my time when I can just say hubby.
  18. There really is no such thing as overly cautious because of past crazy. But if the thought of having a dinner date makes you uncomfortable on any kind of level, suggest a lunch date. Casual, getting to know each other kind of thing. I think of dinner dates as this. It`s romantic, it`s dark, it`s kind of thrilling and you don`t get to see the real thing because under the cover of the romantic shadows he would be trying to impress you. That`s my opinion though.
  19. If I hit it off with someone from the "initial" contact, I wouldn`t wait but a day or two but would start with something small like a lunch date. While I tend to go after what I want, there is some caution to be exercised.
  20. I know of just the site for you!
  21. They do make you feel different. A pair of shoes can completely change your look and your attitude. Spiked heels make me feel oola-la!!! Boots, confident and purposeful. Pumps, serious with sexy undertones. Sandals, feminine and cute. I have a lust affair with my shoes. Some days I just go on amazon and... drool for hours putting them in my wishlist. Shoes and necklaces, my two biggest things.
  22. People who don`t understand that business is business. People that give you a whole spill about their life when all you do is say "excuse me" when you`re trying to navigate through a crowded isle. People who forget to wear their "stupid" sign. Sales clerks who push stuff on you at the check out.
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