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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. 'Tits', unless you are talking about an animal. 'Axe' instead of 'ask'. 'Darlin', unless you are my elder or family. 'Pop' instead of 'Coke', lol. Almost all of the aforementioned by everyone else. I'm sure I could think of a million more if I put my mind to it .
  2. Patricia Sprinkle is AWESOME! Super nice lady, very engaging. If you enjoy great mysteries, or inspirational general fiction you really should drop by and check her out. You will be a fan for life!
  3. Me too! I love world history, and I have a pretty large library of tarot, tarot history type books as well. I also enjoy memoirs on occasion, depending on the person .
  4. Ewwwwwwww! I'm with you on Wal-Mart. I may have stepped foot into one twice in the last 2 years. It's a bone of contention between myself and Hubby. He loves the nasty place. Ewwwwww, again.
  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Does it show what a nerd I am that I thought that was pretty damn hilarious? Yes...I think it does .
  6. Just wanted to chime in and say Target's return policy SUCKS. My daughter worked the photo lab for the one in Hiram for 4 years and regularly stepped over to customer service to help when busy. Trust me when I tell you the employees hate the return policies as much as the customers do. They changed them (especially for electronics) and worked it to where it does not matter how much you scream and holler the csr cannot help you, the system won't allow them to. This makes for unhappy customers and extremely unhappy workers. It's also true that you have to be VERY careful with the sale paper
  7. We lurv you too, Lady .
  8. You are very welcome . If you can let me know the title now I will go ahead and mention it to her (she is my daughter) so she knows to check first thing.
  9. The Bookworm is local in old town Powder Springs. We do have an inventory, and if you call the store tomorrow between 10:00 and 6:00 Britaini will be happy to check for your book. If we do not carry it, we can order it for you . (770) 439-2029
  10. I am a Tarot reader... I know how some feel about the practice, but just to offer for discussion. I consult my cards. It's hard to clear your mind from all of the 'busyness' , hustle and bustle of daily life to get any clarification. I have found for myself, meditating on a particular card that may represent whatever given situation, or reading for myself alllows my own intuition...my spirit to be calm and speak to me. We generally already know what it is we should or should not do but often give in to outside pressure and stress. Especially women, we oftentimes know we are overburdening,
  11. I know the tea house very well, it's right across the street from our store . I used to use sweet-n-low in my tea but many years ago when we lived in Germany it was very hard to come by in the coffee houses, so I learned to drink it black and found that I actually enjoy it that way much more. My daughter likes the green and berry type teas as well. I either like them very dark, or minty...the berry and floral teas don't do much for me as far as drinking them but I do love the aroma . Have you tried the new coffee shop right next to the tea house yet? If not you really should, fantastic!
  12. TAZO Organic Chai! I don't ever drink coffee, I'm actually 44 and have never had a cup in my life . I love strong, black tea and I drink mine black. No sweetener of any kind. The Organic Chai is my absolute favorite . I think I will go make a cup right now. I also use two tea bags per cup...I like mine really stout.
  13. If all else fails you can hit them with the book you just purchased .
  14. A quick trip to the restroom with the child that is acting up (by the parent) would nip that in the bud quickly. As a worker in a restaurant in the past I have asked parents to control their children. While acting up (if running around) they endanger themselves and others. Servers carrying hot food should not have to dodge yur children. Insurance liabilty if nothing else. If the behaviour continued, as a patron I can tell you that I would be hard pressed not to politely point that out to the family that is allowing the children to run around like wild animals. Hide and watch . You
  15. She is super sweet, and super smart. Sometimes shy although she hides it pretty well . I'm glad you have had good experiences with us . Make sure and introduce yourself to me if I am in when you drop by!
  16. YES! She is pretty freaking awesome, but then I am biased. That, my friend is my lovely daughter, Britaini .
  17. Caramel skin, curly hair and glasses...or blondish tinted hair and glasses?
  18. I KNOW! I pulled your books for you, and then you came in on one of Susan's days . I have had some surgical procedures done to my right leg, so I have been out for the last month or so...but things have turned a corner and it appears I may be in early next week. If not, the folllowing week for sure. One day I'll catch you in there, I know .
  19. Yeah, I would totally say something . But then, even though I am extremely shy (I fake it well)...everyone knows where to find me. I've met lots of awesome Pcommers at the bookstore. For the super small percentage of us on this site that use our 'real faces' and names, it's kind of hard to hide .
  20. HAHAHA, BIG surprise on mine . Interesting test, though! I was 100% 'Neo-Pagan'
  21. Thanks anyway, folks. Just got the call. A,J is riding back with Papaw. It seems son-in-law had turned off the alarm and (extremely unusual) A.J actually let Mom sleep in this morning. So, thank god...everything is alright. Just one freaked out Memaw. Mods, you can close this topic now, if you wish.
  22. My stepdaughter and grandson were supposed to be here around 7:30 am. Even if she had overslept A.J would have awakened her by now. Son-in-law is at work and called a few times having been unable to reach her. My son and Hubby just headed out to trace her route here to the house to see if they can locate her. This is HIGHLY unusual. Has anyone heard anything this morning? I'm really worried right now.
  23. I was in kindergarten, so it has to be the late 60's, but I remember a Dick Tracy cartoon I liked to watch. Rocky And Bullwinkle Bugs Bunny and Popeye Felix the Cat The Pink Panther Atom Ant That's about it that I can remember. The toons I saw had to be watched before school. Growing up on a farm, we did not get to watch cartoons on the weekend like most kids...too much work to do. As a result, I really can't stand most cartoons nowadays. Aside from South Park and Family Guy .
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