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Everything posted by teamchiro

  1. It would be easy for them to get from one to the other. I live in Autumn Creek so we back up to your entrance on E. Paulding (although our entrance is on Due West). Keeping our eyes peeled. It seems that not many people keep their front lights on @ night either.
  2. Panera, ABC, or Mellow Mush would rock! We need some new food around here!
  3. Most garage doors have a handle on the front that can be locked from the outside. No, they were not in the house.
  4. Check the lock on your garage door if you live in the New Hope area. Teens have been locking doors. If you attempt to open it with an automatic door opener it will damage the door. It happened to us this evening, and I saw another door in the neighborhood in poor condition just yesterday. Just a heads up! Dr. Nicole:glare:
  5. Have no fear mammas. Ultrasounds are a VERY poor way of determining baby size and EDD. Thus, your previous comments on bad accuracy. Do beware of repeated US, they are not as safe as you have been lead to believe. http://www.unhinderedliving.com/pultra.html Blessings for safe and happy deliveries! I'm right there with you @ 12 weeks myself. Dr. Nicole
  6. Chiropractic works directly with the nervous system. It is less invasive and far more cost effective. I've seen success with both of these types of cases. There are several great Chiropractors in the area, each with his/her own specialty. Make some calls. Dr. Nicole
  7. TEAM Chiropractic will be celebrating 2 birthdays tomorrow afternoon from 3:00-6:30Pm. September 18th is the birthday of the Chiropractic profession and this week we "TEAM Chiropractic" are celebrating the one year birthday of our office. FREE CAKE!
  8. Our practice focus is families! In fact I'm pregnant myself. We see a number of mommies and as a certified Doula I often accompany moms through their labor. We make care affordable for all. Most of our families are uninsured and we make it work (even for a family of eight). Feel free to call the office for more information. 404-452-8304 www.teamchiro.net We are located on hwy 92 between the crossroads and hwy 41. Dr. Nicole Benge Family Chiropractor Certified Doula Certified Personal Coach
  9. teamchiro


    Sounds interesting....More info please!
  10. HMMMMMM What are tonsils? They are actually the largest lymph nodes in the body. The lymph system is responsible for detecting, capturing, and eliminating toxins. In areas of the body where there is significant exposure to the outside (mouth, ears, groin) they are in large numbers. So, if there is an infection the local lymph will become inflamed and tender, which means they are working. Rather than eliminate the effect, I would encourage you to find the cause. Begin with the question, Why is my immune system allowing these infections to reoccur? What are you exposed to? What can be changed in
  11. When is the next one? My daughter had a blast last time she went.
  12. Vaccination does not = immunization. In fact according to the Journal of Morbidity and Mortality, the "outbreaks" are occurring in the vaccinated population. So the question really is, what is is about the immune systems of those that did not catch it that protected them? In other words, its not the bacteria, virus, bugs that are dangerous. The danger is when your body cannot recognize and protect itself - the job of the immune system. You are powerfully and wonderfully made! Dr. Nicole
  13. Bring a snack to share, or show off a product that you sell! We are so excited!
  14. IT's Tomorrow!!!!!!! Please join us! We cannot wait to see who is doing business in this area! Let's grow together.
  15. TEAM Chiropractic is hosting a "Ladies on the Go" small business mixer. There are no business exclusions. This Thursday evening 7/15/2010 @ 7PM Please RSVP to 404-452-8304 teamchiropractic@gmail.com Office is located @ 10175 Dallas Acworth Hwy Suite 119 Dallas, GA 30132
  16. We are very sad to see our neighbors go. We wish all the best to the family and staff.
  17. OMG I totally forgot JJ was driving! I will be there. I'll PM tomorrow.
  18. WOW! Spaces going quickly! Call now! 404-452-8304
  19. Many mommies experience these symptoms, do not be alarmed. Your body has undergone many amazing changes one of which is a more than double increase in your blood volume (that's why water is so important). Also, as you get closer to your due date your body will begin to move some of the fluid into the tissues (swollen ankles). This will provide the support and protection your body will need to undergo the marathon we call labor (a process involving significant fluid loss). We have several mommies under care in the office, who are experiencing relief from this uncomfortable symptom. Please feel
  20. I love the packages! My girlfriends and I spend a day together each preparing two of our most favorite dishes. We triple the servings, package the meals and each leave with 6 dinners freezer or oven ready.
  21. TEAM Chiropractic would like to take you to dinner. We understand you have many health care options available to you, and we would like to share why healthy families choose Chiropractic. You will gain understanding of the Principal of Chiropractic and how it impacts your ability to function at 100%. Discover why a clear Nervous System is necessary for life long health. Guests of the talk will receive a Health Pass that will cover the first three visits in the office. Dinner is served at 7:30PM Reservations required! Location will be in N Paulding/ Crossroads area. Details given when rese
  22. I NEED MORE MICHE!!!!!!!!!
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