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Everything posted by teamchiro

  1. I totally agree! Took my six year old. We had a great night out.
  2. Dr. Terry Langford on lake rd in Hiram Dr. Terry is a womb to tomb doctor and cares for my entire family. More importantly, we have chosen not to vaccinate, and he honors that decision. Not all doctors will agree to see children with alternative vaccine schedules so do your homework and stick to your guns. Dr. Nicole Benge
  3. And the Dr. was there to ensure orders were followed! Had a great time!
  4. teamchiro

    Gym ?

    24/7 Fitness on Dallas Acworth Hwy between the crossroads and 41
  5. We have been with Sprint since 1999! We left for a brief period to try Verizon, but were let out of contract after they surveyed the new hope area and determined they could not offer service. Interestingly enough, this was when there was a V store in the Publix plaza. We have 2 lines with all the bells and whistles for like 140/mo. I have a crackberry and love it!
  6. As a busy working Mom, I do shop for bargains. But, I am always sure to look at the time, money, value ratio. I would not lose a hour of my time for a $5.00 savings, my babies need me more! I tried the coupon thing for a while, but I found most of the time the store brand was a better deal than the national brand with the doubled coupon.
  7. BASH events studio!!! A great facility. Call Tina 770-443-6135 It is located on Greystone Power Drive.
  8. The world of insurance is a complicated web, and getting more confusing daily. You have a contract with your insurance that is set to cover all services outlined in your policy. This contract is between you and the insurance company. When you "use" your insurance many Dr's offices bill it for you. This is a service (not required by the doctor), provided for a smoother experience for the patient. The balance in any office is "officially" yours until the insurance actually makes payment (the Dr should have an idea of what they will pay but there is not guarantee). Additionally, there are thousan
  9. YES YES YES come on over! FREE reflexology!
  10. Join us today 3-6pm at TEAM Chiropractic for our community LUAU!!! Fun for the whole family! FREE food, massage, reflexology, music!!!!
  11. Not the flavor of the month according to the Journal of Morbidity and Mortality! There is an increasing relationship between autoimmune disease (fibromyalgia, MS, Parkinson's) and these food additives. Dr. Benge
  12. Sometimes it's not a case of "to sugar or not to sugar". Consider how you are combining foods. Natural sugars can sometimes be tolerated quite well, as long as they are really natural. A small apple is "natural" the "contains the fruit of five apples" newest to the market juice is not natural. Refined sugars (bread & pasta) challenge you system further. Stevia is a popular choice of may of our patients also.
  13. Congrats on your decision to eliminate this toxin from your life. Sugar supplements are more deadly that you know. Basically, our body has no way of digesting or eliminating it from your body. What the body cannot eliminate it will convert. Aspartame is first converted to wood alcohol, then finally to formaldehyde. There are several ways to eliminate the symptoms you are experiencing and I would be happy to help once I have obtained a complete history (blanket recommendations are dangerous and deadly). GO YOU! Get more life out of life! TEAM Chiropractic
  14. GO! You get sharper every time you are in that situation. Also, you may be unaware of other opportunities that are available and not "published".
  15. CALI Burger is where it's at! YUMMY. O did I mention the fresh cut fries......
  16. TEAM Chiropractic will be sponsoring CORY for the competition! The challenge is on!
  17. Check us out on Good Day Atlanta on Fox 5 at 840am Wednesday May 26th. Dale Boone food eating champion will attempt to crush the Quadruple Bypass Challenge!!
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