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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Exactly. In fact, I believe you'll find that many of us are doing just that ... having fun with it.
  2. And now it is flurrying in Union. Guess it didn't last long.
  3. And plain water. No flavor packs ... unsweet tea doesn't count ... plain ole regular watter.
  4. Hubby has court today. He was heading out for lunch and said it was snowing. As he described it ... not enough to excite our 3 year old but clearly snowing.
  5. It's all good ... I think some folks just like getting worked up about something. A couple duplicate threads never hurt anybody.
  6. I ended up getting two calls ... the ragsdale one and the general information one posted above.
  7. Is that or is it not snow?
  8. (or were you serious ... there's already another thread on this)
  9. First things first ... stop weighing yourself. Once a week, max. Second ... when doing the Atkins thing, there is no room for fudging it. Be sure that you are absolutely strict with it. Third ... water, water, water.
  10. I wonder if that was the call that I missed. My son's class had no heat yesterday. They spent the day in their grade's computer lab.
  11. and I missed it. What's up? Anybody?
  12. Yep ... nothing making it to the ground yet.
  13. I guess I've been lucky so far ... I've never had any parking issues there.
  14. Any chance of there being video of this event? Seriously though ... I hope you're ok.
  15. Funny .. even the updated data they sent for my desktop weather still shows nothing until 3.
  16. Those coins are expected to go for a total of well over $1 million today.
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