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Everything posted by UnionMom

  1. Didn't happen to my child or even in my state and my blood pressure is still a bit high just from reading it. Can you imagine?
  2. Unbelievable. A school using students' laptop cameras to spy on the students at home? Unbelievable. link to article link to court filing
  3. I've pretty much decided that IE is the spawn of Satan. Firefox does have a couple bugs but I'll take it over IE any time. I've heard good things about Chrome, Safari and Opera ... Guard dad already mentioned them above.
  4. There are down sides to detailed wills ... not the least of which is the higher fees paid at each of the filings as the estate is inventoried and then dispersed.
  5. Just say something along the lines of "assets to be divided by executor" and nothing more in the will. Just be sure that you trust your executor.
  6. If somebody would just set time limits on the polls, that whole mess would be solved.
  7. It's ok to leave those detailed instructions with your executor and not specifically mention them in a will.
  8. UnionMom

    MLK Day

    To the original subject that brought this thread about ... does the scenario change for you if instead of unemployment we use the example of a Bush or a Kerry or a Kennedy taking Social Security? As for suggesting that it is immoral to take pay for MLK even if you don't do anything notable to "celebrate" ... is it any different from an employer providing employees with free merchandise and the employee giving it to a friend or family member? It's a benefit that comes with the job that the employee doesn't have a "need" for but should they not get the merchandise just because they personal
  9. Ooma is $250!? No thanks. Our magic Jack works fine. Only time I've noticed any connection quality issues is when I'm doing a large download.
  10. This may be an unpopular opinion but ... I firmly believe there would be no need for NCLB is our schools were allowed to group kids based on their skills and their abilities without fear of hurting anyone's feelings. It is detrimental to the better students as well as those that struggle when we try to pretend that they are all alike. The students who learn faster are held up by those that do not. The students who don't catch on as quickly often get lost in their lessons. It's almost like we run our schools like unions now ... doesn't matter how good you are or are not at your job, everyon
  11. If you really want to do it yourself ... here's a free do-it-yourself wills page
  12. There is a Cobb Fire Fighter's sister that does them. Want me to get her number for you? She was able to get a bunch of the guys and gals from both sides to get their paperwork in order after 9/11.
  13. I got my hopes up a bit when I was told it would be a different business out the back of that current place. I was thinking there was at least the possibility of some hope. I just don't see how they'll ever get cleared with the dirt and cigarette smoke in there, since it is truly inside the other business.
  14. The special schools and programs that you alluded to are for low income children with a desire to gain a better education. Without the desire, they don't qualify. That's all I was getting at.
  15. It isn't just about the child's ability. It's about the child's desire, too.
  16. Can't you just hear the hateful kids at school now? "Brina vagina"
  17. I know it isn't a big deal for everyone but I always thought it sucked as a kid, all the stuff the stores sell with names on it ... they never had mine. If I ever snap and climb a clock tower, that's what I'll blame it on.
  18. Have a little fun with it ... tell him that since he is so set on her being named after her daddy, you're going to call her Tommi, or johni, or some other guy's name.
  19. This calendar is not just in Paulding or Georgia and it is not just teachers pushing it. There are school districts where parents spent years working to get their districts (or individual school) to switch to a more "balanced" schedule. And Cathy, you know I love you, but just because something was good before doesn't mean it can't be made better.
  20. The difference is the intent. Fingerprinting is to verify the identity of the person in custody. The DNA samples they are talking about taking are for the purpose of comparing against other crimes. I agree 100% for cases of conviction. I disagree with it for arrests.
  21. What used to be done is not a good argument. People used to drive without seat belts and air bags ... people used to smoke and drink during pregnancy ... we used to "duck and cover" to protect ourselves from nuclear bombs ... heck, we've got a whole generation that was overrun with STDs because they used to do the whole free love thing. We learn and we adjust and we improve. That's the goal of the human race, anyway. The reason for the 3 month break from school is no longer valid. And I'm honestly more than a little surprised at the number of people who argue against early starts and/or y
  22. That is some seriously screwed up thinking right there.
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