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Everything posted by HiPlainsDrifter

  1. If it's very cold they should stay home and celebrate. Not all kids have the proper attire to be out on Halloween night.
  2. Hell there are parents that drive their kids to school in the rain on bald tires, should schools be closed because they are ass clowns? I see kids walking to school in the rain with no rain gear or umbrella. I know it's most likely the kid walked out without it, or the parent doesn't give a crap. Should that stop my kid from going to school ? Hell no. You're right it hurts no one, it just exposes weakness.
  3. Here we go with the 100 plus scenarios of what if this person is poor, blah blah. The buses don't have AC and some parents, maybe a poor single mother,can't afford AC in their home. The temps hit 90 plus in August and other months of the year. Cancel school? What if the water is off at their home because they are poor and cannot pay the bill? They can't hydrate themselves, cancel school? There are numerous sources for appropriate attire. Don't give me the poor mouth oh things are so bad BS. People need to suck it up and deal.You think this country was built by people who stayed home be
  4. I'll start the second most asked discussion concerning our kids, what night do we celebrate Halloween this year?
  5. Flag football would be appropriate. Another rule change should be the 5 Mississippi count before rushing the passer. Maybe during a pre season they could test the one hand, two hand touch vs flags. Think of the competitiveness they could create. Maybe two hand touch required inside the red zone and one hand beyond. Take down the scoreboards and let the guys just play for the fun of it. The games could be televised on the BRAVO and Lifetime network. At the end of the season every team gets a Lombardy trophy so that no one's feelings are hurt.
  6. Mid 60's would be welcomed actually. People can go about the day without weather drama and the behavior that coincides with a weather apocalypse.
  7. I merely said that a kid should have a coat and gloves at 26 as well as 6. Yes layering becomes even more important at 6, along with foot wear and other items. But the "whining" I'm hearing is that kids don't own jackets period. If we're having 20-30 degree days in November then they should own a jacket, no excuse. I'm not killing them with whining, they are actually laughing at the rediculous behavior being exhibited. I will keep my kid home because of no other choice. He will be out working in the yard, as he was today, wearing a pair of 800 gram gore tex Danners and appropriate gloves, coat
  8. We had colder days than today a few times this school year and did the kids attend, why yes they did. It is my thought that people seek out a worse case scenario when any weather change is approaching. It's weather drama, it's this at my house and the trees are bending over, oh yeah well it's this at my house and the trees are on the ground, etc. When actually there was a breeze with some drizzle. It's amusing that people say little kids don't have the jackets and gloves needed for 6 degree weather. True we don't have 6 degree weather very often, but we have 26 degree weather or even 36 d
  9. I have a clue and I am selling a few two due to overstock if you are interested. I will ask my kids the next time we are hiking and camping in the woods in very cold temperatures if I am an ass. They actually ask to go with me when I venture into the outdoors in cold and hot temperatures. My kids don't shut down because it's cold outside or hot, I never allowed them to. The adult children now have an advantage when it comes to different environments, due to not sitting at home like a zombie with a controller in their hand. Stupid is a strong word in describing someone who chooses not to coddle
  10. Actually I am intelligent enough and responsible enough to ensure that my kids dress appropriately. The school system did not educate me on parenting as far as when to let my kids outside. When they do go outside they will be equipped to deal with it. They simply closed for the day so they can't attend. This is not an indicator that we are part of a woman's anatomy or that we are weak, despite the claim. However to refer back to the heading of the post, which involves my other children, our pets, they will sleep indoors because again, I am intelligent and responsible. My point was that I
  11. Said I was born and raised here, not border locked. I've spent time in Maine,Quebec, Michigan and a few other areas that experience some colder temperatures than Chicago ever sees a few times a year. So you're assumption is about 5 blocks off. Just as I know a few friends that are from Montana, New York etc that have been to south Georgia in August. They say it's hot as eternal hell, but they deal with it. You make sure you drink enough water, dress lightly and deal. I still think people need to suck it up, dress appropriately and complete their task. Difference of opinion I suppose.
  12. I don't set standards for anyone but my household. Never said I did anything otherwise. Obviously my standards have to be lowered to assimulate. I don't expect everyone to be as tolerant of cold temperatures. But there is simple reasoning that should be applied to decisions. Bad ass? Not quite, just a little stronger than some. I would rather have my kids emulate my standards rather than to simply conform. Conformity is not an attractive quality, so high five for not conforming to my standards. Now I have to run some errands in the cold weather, what to do what to do...hmmmm I will put on a
  13. Actually it's not apples to pears or oranges, mangos, figs or whatever. Rain/6 degrees, but what if it's 16, not 6 but the wind is so high that the wind chill is 5? What if it's 12, double tomorrow's temp, but the wind chill sends it below 0? See there a lot of things to consider. I mean a kid needs a heavy coat for 16 or even 26 , just like 6 I would think. But at 26 they can wear lighter gloves which are cheaper and more parents are apt to have bought them for their kid, so then they would go to school. Maybe it should be divided up between your regional birth. If you were born and raised in
  14. If you have to be told by the media to bring your cats and dogs in due to colder temps, you shouldn't have one to begin with. You may even be a danger to yourself.
  15. This makes sense now. It's the government's responsibility to open and close schools based on whether parents have purchased the proper attire. I'm all for it. I never see a lot of kids wearing rain gear when it's pouring rain, so that's the next weather system we need to work on. Cancel school on rainy days because not all parents are responsible enough or financially able to buy their kid a rain jacket or umbrella. As far as the "we never have it". I have scraped ice off of my windshield a few times this school year before taking my kid to school. It's been cold a few times, never an issue.
  16. Nothing is more entertaining in the winter around here than weather drama. It's funny to see reporters doing close ups of thermometers reading in the 20's and rubbing their hands on dry pavement while saying ice could form soon. They were off on the forecast by a few hundred miles. Temps in the 20's with no ice does not constitute closing schools. yeah yeah safe than sorry. The threat of a tornado is far greater in this area than a winter storm, I don't see them closed when those are in the forecast. People need to suck it up and stop being so soft, you're teaching that weakness to your kid. C
  17. Let someone else bring their sons and daughters home maimed or in flag draped coffins. Our country needs a long rest and to concentrate on our homeland for once. Hate to hear people are dying, but it's been happening for 1K years. Let them kill each other, not our business.
  18. The perp invaded someone's home. F--= em, good riddance. One less POS roaming our streets.
  19. I am sure, especially given the robber's age, that there are some that will cry tears about someone who had a hard life and was just trying to get through a bad time, which led to the crime. I've said it many times and stick to it to this day. Just as a burglar, robber, rapist or any other criminal takes the chance of being caught and arrested, they also risk the chance of having their life ended by the victim. They are in sense a dare devil testing fate, especially in these times. They placed themselves in the situation, no one put them there. If they enter a business or home, they may as wel
  20. I wish they required swim diapers for the adults.
  21. This thread is just one of the many reminders of why I stay away from certain people, buildings, clubs etc. To stand back and watch the rhetoric which is, this person is not a Christian because of this verse, but this verse says you are wrong and will burn in hell blah blah. The constant demeaning and seeing who can throw verses further just to condemn or prove a point. All of this from a book about a God who teaches love? But yet all I see is damnation and exclusion. What a group of principles to teach our young, excuse me, your young.
  22. Man, I came back to PCOM and here it is, a gay thread. What a surprise! Homosexuality is a choice, born that way, sinful, lifestyle, marriage, bible verses blah blah blah. Too funny. I have to agree with an earlier poster. I have smiled and laughed my ass off knowing that for decades there have been gay scouts, but somehow because there was never a rule allowing them, they didn't exist. I do think that private organizations should be left to choose the requirements of their members. If their morals and exclusions are questionable than maybe one should refrain from participating. I for
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