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Everything posted by fishnthec

  1. Let me respond to this please. I am in NO WAY complaining that I have to "raise" my child. If the school offered the course free or charge or for a fee I would still pay the money to have him trained by a professional. At the same time I am also doing my part as a parent to teach him to drive . AS far as "reaping the rewards" for sending him to this class, the only reward that I truly care to reap is the reward of his safety (and possible yours and your family's) while he is on the road. I am fully aware of my DUTY as a parent as well as what the duty of the school sysem is since I am an
  2. Hello, my name is fishnthec and I am a Farmtown addict...
  3. I'm not going to bust ya for it, because I understand what you are saying, but, in KY it was included as an elective in High School. Electives are usually non-academic so I don't see a problem with it. If you and your child chose to take Drama, Chorus, PE, Art, Etc. instead of driver's ed then that would be totally your decision. I would just like to see it offered an as elective in high school. A child may not get a scholarship from it but something they learn form it could save their life of maybe the life of someone else on the road with them one day. That is all I am saying.
  4. I graduated in 83 in Kentucky and it was free there. I no there is no way to put it back now. The liability insurance and all would be astonomical and the schools are getting by on a wing and a prayer now anyway. They would never be able to come up with the money to fund this kind of project even if the parent paid for part of it. It just seems like it would make it more accessible to the kids whose parents cannot afford the $450 it takes to send their kids to the course. I can affford it, but I will still complain about paying it. that is just how I am. But I know some friends of my son
  5. Thanks for the info. I will have to check into that. Any extra practice is a plus in my book!
  6. That is a funny but cute picture...looks like he is checking out the camera.
  7. You get a GA State Tax break too for taking the class, but the important part is the peace of mind to me. It is worth the money. He keeps complaining that he has to go because all of his friends are taking the online course because their families either don't want to pay the price or can't afford to for the class. I COMPLETELY understand why people would choose not to pay that price. That is why I wish the school system would offer the course.
  8. Monday my 16 yo son begins his driver's ed classes at a local driving school. Do you remember when we got this for FREE in high school? Makes me sick to pay $450. for him to take this class when I feel like it is something that the school really should offer. Since it doesn't benefit AYP of the SAT scores and the school system however they don't offer it anymore. I just wish that we could get back to what is best for the kids and not always what is best for the schools. I know there are going to be those of you who tell me that he should just take the online course because it is che
  9. I was wonering the samet thing. I also have berber and I want to know what the upcharge is. I am interested in haaving this done SOON! I have 4 rooms a hallway and 14 stairs. So does this mean it will cost $75+$28 for stairs+? for the berber upcharge? I am just trying to get an idea of how much I will be paying. I AM getting them cleaned by someone in the next week or two.
  10. What? Are you seriously saying that a person who has a party for their graduate and invites that many people should have expected someone to get shot? I think a mother should be able to have a graduation party, invite the whole damn school and not expect life flight to be called. Sorry, something about the way you worded that seemed as though the host was to blame. I am over my vent now.
  11. I watched it last night for the first time so I guess I am not really qualified to discuss them too much. But maybe she treats him like a kid because he acts like one. grown man cannot be FORCED to quit his job and stay home with the kids. I am sure that it was a decision that they came to together. I was a stay home mom for a while and I did not whine and complain so just because he owns a male private part doesn't give him the right to do so IMO. And as far as having an affair goes, if he wanted to do that he should have left her first! Nothing that she does at home justifies him st
  12. I have always thought The Apple's have the most beautiful baby girl!!! I remember when she first started posting little baby pictures of her, it does not seem like that long ago. I have 2 boys (almost grown now) but I think that if my husband and I had been blessed with a little girl she would have looked something like her so it is fun to watch her grow up. The pictures are great too. I am going to take my big old boys there to get a few pictures of them. That is such a nice park.
  13. Those are sweet pictures. The second one looks like a little pea in a pod. Too Cute!
  14. My son was in Heaven eating the crawfish last night. I left you a good seafood review in another thread. We will definitely be back! I got up this morning thinking about a fried oyster poboy.
  15. I talked to my son and he is excited about it. Both my boys were born in Louisiana and we lived in Biloxi, Mississippi while they were growing up so crawfish is one of their food groups! You can buy crawfish here, but they are never cooked the way we love them from the coast. We will try to see you tonight.
  16. I would love to bring my son in for the crawfish!!!! Does it come with sides?
  17. I would love to see it as a class in high school again. I believe it would save lives of some of our teen drivers. If it only saved one it would be worth it. I got most of my driving practice and all of the education that I needed to pass the test from my driver's ed class in high school.
  18. I did when I had to turn the oven on only to find out that our AC isn't working. Guess I'll be calling the repair man on Monday.
  19. I was wondering what hapened myself. I was on my way home from Kroger when I saw the blue lights and traffic backed up. I turned around and went another way.
  20. What a great testimony! I am so happy that your son and everyone involved is well. No one should ever underestimate the power of prayer!!
  21. See...that is crazy. I don't think Paulding County needs the crazy lady mascot enough for her to keep getting away with this stuff. There are plenty of crazy people who don't get violent in Paulding County. Surely one of you can step up and be the new mascot. Sorry, I'm cracking myself up today.
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