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Everything posted by PsychoMom

  1. YDC is underage to start with. A whole different realm. And why were underage children charged with statutory rape? They are not adults to start with. I am sure there are some cases where the situation is like you wish they are, but MOST are not. I am sure a wife would never lie about her husband's history. She would not have any trouble telling people he molested children if he did. Some of you live in a fairy tale world where all children lie, all parents go after innocent young men, and the state loves tossing lusty teens in prison. Not the real world, but as long as you feel better ab
  2. I am curious. Were you this guy's victim? On the jury? In the courtroom for the entire trial? Because if not, you do not know it for a fact. You can only have information that someone told you. I promise you, I hear it over and over. The same story. But, I know most officials do not even bother trying these cases because they are not worth the time or money. Too easy a chance for the jury to look the other way. Too easy for a girl in love to swear it never happened. Still gotta have real evidence. Mommy and Daddy have to have proof in the form of pictures or something if the girl denies it. Ev
  3. You REALLY need to check if you are going to. MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY, MANY times, "statutory rape" is a plea bargain deal down from the real crime. It is most of the time real, true, genuine child molestation, even forced rape of a stranger. The DA often agrees to it because it keeps a victim from having to testify in open court, and it gets them on the registry. No sex offender (or any one who covers up their crimes) will admit the truth. It was always the girl's (or boy's) fault. They always lied about him (or her). It was always a mad ex or a mad parent who made it up. That way, you re
  4. I had the problem a few weeks ago. It kept on for well over a week, so I called them to come check it out. I had to have a new sensor thingie put on the dish, and he ran a new cable. Haven't had the problem since. Did you try the reset thing first? Sometimes that can fix it if it is a little thing.
  5. Not defending this person at all. Guilty? Fry his sorry a$$. But, just because he may be slime, it does not immediately mean ALL police officers are bad. I've met some who are really sorry cops. I've met some who are burned out and do the minimum. I've met some on power trips. But, the majority of officers I have met have been extremely helpful and more than willing to go that extra mile to help out where needed. My point is just because one person in a certain field, or a certain color, or a certain sexual orientation, or a certain religion, etc., etc. is bad, it does not mean everyone e
  6. PsychoMom


    I did. My husband and I couldn't believe it. This is a very dangerous road for cars. People are killed on this road one or two times a month. Since it covers 3 counties in its 7 miles, people don't hear about all of them. Why would they encourage bicycles to use it?!
  7. PsychoMom


    I have nothing against people who ride bicycles. It is great exercise, and it is very green. However, I think SOME are idiots! I see them on Dabbs Bridge all the time. Nothing like a little narrow curvy road known for speeding drivers and large gravel and dump trucks to cause a little chaos when the cyclists come along. I know some have already been hit, and I am surprised at the number of others who manage to live after driving down this road. 20 years ago, they could do it without a big issue, but now, this is one of the most highly traveled roads in 3 counties. Only really stupid people wou
  8. My Droid has Gorilla Glass. It is really hard to scratch. I used to keep a screen cover on it, but I didn't like it. I took it off. I've had my phone since last November, and not one single scratch on the screen. And I am rough with it. I toss it in my purse with things like keys, fingernail files, emery boards, pencils, etc. As for using it? I chose the Droid because it had a full keyboard, too. I never use it. Touchscreen all the time. Only time I have had a problem is when I have wet hands.
  9. Well, don't trust fast food workers! One broke the law! http://www.paysonroundup.com/news/2010/jun/22/food-workers-arrested-using-fraudulent-ss-numbers/ Don't trust doctors! One broke the law! http://www.wdtn.com/dpp/news/doctor-arrested-on-rape-charges Don't trust mothers! One broke the law! http://www.ktvu.com/news/23975759/detail.html Don't trust truck drivers! One broke the law! http://www.kplr11.com/news/sns-ap-mo--truckercharged,0,857847.story Don't trust actors! One broke the law! http://blogs.kansascity.com/crime_scene/2010/06/actor-accused-of-beheading-neighbor-fo
  10. We will get a complete appraisal. We are painting now, trying to boost it up. But, we talked to the loan guy. They start with the tax assessments first. It may go up some, but I don't think it will go up 50%. We were pushing it after last year's drop. We may just be stuck with it.
  11. We had one house dropped 20%. The rental house dropped 50%. We owe twice what it is now worth. And of course, we had a buyer, but now they can't borrow the money on it. It isn't worth what we owe!
  12. The pinging thing is nothing. Sadly, while it can lead you to a direction, it is not exact. Easily off by 5 miles, and can be up to 85 miles off. http://searchengineland.com/cell-phone-triangulation-accuracy-is-all-over-the-map-14790 http://www.theinvestigatornetwork.com/profiles/blog/show?id=959023%3ABlogPost%3A1191 http://www.thehinkymeter.com/2010/03/14/understanding-cell-phone-pings/ And they really aren't saying anything about the homeless repeat sex offender who attempted to kidnap a boy from an elementary school less than 20 miles from where Kyron Horman disappeared just a fe
  13. Prayers sent! My daughter just got home from a mission trip across Eastern Europe. Their last stop was Istanbul, Turkey. They were stopped in the Ukraine and all Americans were searched due to a terrorist threat. She got home Sunday. Last night, a terrorist bombed a bus in Istanbul. Even though she was home safe, it shook me up to think she was just there 2 days before. I know how hard it is when they are far away and things are happening. I will say a few extra prayers that they are safe, warm, and dry.
  14. I was wondering if they were not talking about it because they want him to think he has gotten away with it. Hoping maybe he will slip up and say something. I just don't see the logic behind the SM doing it that way. She had too many other ample opportunities if she wanted to do it. Why take him to school and risk being seen trying to sneak him out when she could have easily had him disappear from somewhere less likely to have been seen, like simply outside playing? Everyone is harping on her saying she was going to the gym. The first time was before anyone knew he was missing, and the sec
  15. The police say they have no reason to think THIS http://www.kgw.com/n...l-95972554.html is connected. I would like to know why not? The FBI is checking into it. This is less than 20 miles from where Kyron disappeared. A known homeless repeat sex offender attempts to kidnap a boy from an elementary school less than 20 miles from where a boy disappeared from an elementary school and they DON'T think it is worth checking out?
  16. Huge storm just blew through here. Hail, power blinking off and on, lightning. It has eased off now.
  17. I washed the sheets and blankets from my daughter's bed and made her a gallon of sweet tea. I pick her up in a few hours at the airport. She has been on a mission trip to Europe for over a month. I am ready to get her home, and she is ready to be home!
  18. He has lived with his father and stepmother since he was an infant. She raised him. They state the visitation agreement with the bio mother has been very good, and they all work well together. I read more from the local boards over the last few days, before they turned nasty and closed down. The SM volunteered at the school all the time, and she was very involved with the kids. Someone that involved would have been seen leaving with him. They police are stating they are getting this info regarding the SM in order to completely eliminate her as a suspect. They have nothing to show she has done
  19. Geez! Heaven forbid they actually have to do their jobs sometimes. I hope this one doesn't slip through the cracks. I am not sure who did it, but they really need to check into ALL the possibilities and not just one the most convenient choice.
  20. Anything to cut down the work load! Kind of like Bartow county calling it a suicide when there was a very public fight, and someone runs through the woods up a hill at night, and then shot in the head. That way they didn't have to interview people or search houses or anything hard. Let's hope the FBI is more eager to do some work. Sorry, I wandered there. HWAM knows what I am talking about.
  21. Just that the FBI is looking for a connection. Nothing concrete yet, but it is interesting.
  22. Less than 20 miles away by roads. Pretty much follows the river from one to the other.
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