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Everything posted by PsychoMom

  1. We managed to get into the carriage house with the tour guide alone. He ended the tour, then we stuck around and he let us go upstairs in the carriage house and explore a bit. Nice guy! This window was in the main house in the basement. Far side away from the carriage house. If looking at that wall the dark painted windows are on the right side of the same wall, and this one is on the far left. And it was early in the day, I think before lunch. They were doing some remodeling at the time and plastic was hanging down near the right end, and in the carriage house, they were refinishing the f
  2. NINE with the tongue? lol! Sorry. Good typo though. How about people who let their kids help themselves at the buffet? And let the run around the restaurants? UGH! And those pictures people posed with their mouths wide open. WTH? I have seen one girl with EVERY picture is her with her mouth agape. Not this one, but an example:
  3. Couples who dress alike. Naming your kids with all the same initials. (That one has bitten me in the butt when griping about it to one friend. Guess what her kids were named . . . Chad and Chase!)
  4. LOL! I guess I went back to look at the full picture at the same time. And I agree, to each their own. I wasn't looking for something when I took this picture, it just popped out when I was looking through them. And since I remembered the woman in front of me, I knew it wasn't her reflection. I really initially thought it was something on the brick wall itself. It wasn't until I had the other picture to compare to that I realized it wasn't. Who knows? Maybe someone else caught a similar pic that day. I would love to find that!
  5. Ah! She was not in white. She had a blanket over her shoulder. She had a baby in her arms. Correction! She does have on a light colored jacket. Had to look again. But the baby is all wrapped up in front of her.
  6. Which is why I was glad someone was going to get a new picture to compare. And if I can get hold of the other person's pics of the same area, you can get a different look of the same area that day. If you don't see anything, that is fine. I see something, but I have had a comparison shot to look at, so it helps. Only reason I mentioned it at all was because someone else mentioned the area and the same type of person. It may have to do with the experiences you have, or don't have. One thing to note, this is not the area the man discussed hauntings. That came later. This picture was just an inte
  7. Yes, that pane, but not the bright flash. lol! That was the camera. Try this:
  8. naturegirl, you are right. That is where it is. And if you look in the top left corner of the 3rd pane, you can almost make out a hand. And that is similar to the hat I see, too. More like this: I don't know what it is for sure because I was just snapping pics on the day tour. I do find it interesting, and it resembles something appropriate for the era. And it was the domain of one of the women who died.
  9. So they can have winter up north. I am with the local renegade groundhog! No more winter!
  10. Oh well. Might help to know what the wall looks like normally. And I know I see things better on a higher resolution screen, because I miss lots on my old crappy computer monitor. The new laptop screen helps me see lots more, then I can zoom in on it better. lol!
  11. Bless his heart, and yours. Make sure you find a good counselor for him. Someone he can talk to and say the words he wants to say without worrying about hurting someone's feelings or getting in trouble. Someone who won't tell everything he says. Why? Because part of him loves his father (it's a child's nature) even when they spout hate. And part of him is afraid he is like him. And all the horrible things people say about his father hurts like hell, not because he doesn't believe it, but because he does. And he knows he is part of that man, so he fears part of him may be that person. And he wi
  12. General Lee wanted OUT. That was one ticked off groundhog. But, so far, no shadow.
  13. I was checking for the same reason. I know several kids in that age range and in that area. Always worry, even when they aren't mine.
  14. Googled the address and came up with this link: http://www.redfin.com/GA/Dallas/96-Powder-Mill-Dr-30157/home/24507767 I just hope they are okay.
  15. I found where the house this happened in sold in Nov 2009. They may not have been living there long.
  16. Latest: 2 teen boys (approx 16). Grabbed grease pan on fire and grease got on them. Airlifted to Atlanta hospitals. No info on names. Powder Mill Sub.
  17. Awesome! I think my husband will pay for those! LOL! He just said it sounds good as long as he can come to all the recitals.
  18. AW! I'm sorry. But you can maybe send her a calling card or something so she can talk longer to you.
  19. Enjoy! I have recently found my younger sister on Facebook. I haven't seen her in about that long! And it turns out, she lives here in Paulding, too. We never lived together because we have different mothers. I kept my distance for lots of reasons, but none of them had to do with either of my sisters.
  20. I guess Henry's is going to be short of food this week.
  21. It was last February. Wrong door though. Same wall, but on the far left side, not the right side.
  22. YES! Please do. There is a fireplace there, but this is not part of that.
  23. It's more of an outline of someone in a cap and wearing an apron on the other side of the door against the back wall. The curve of the fireplace is much lower than the cap, and there is nothing else on the wall. Someone else has the other pics that show nothing on the wall, so I can't get those as easily. It's an anomaly that I couldn't explain, but it matches what was said earlier. I hope to get back in there and take another picture of that wall myself. Just have to see when my budget will allow it.
  24. Here it is cropped and made black and white so it stands out more. No other changes were made. Other pics of the same area did not show the shape or anything similar. I thought something was on that wall, but there isn't. I'll post the original pic, too.
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