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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. I left my cash in the cash thingy at the Ingles down the road a while back. Remembered it as I started to drive off, parked and went back in. The self-checkout cashier saw me and started waving my money at me. I was lucky to have an honest person in line behind me and they turned the money over to the cashier. I hope they get the thief. It's real simple; if it ain't yours, don't take it.
  2. Being that I am a black pot, I would never think of making a serious comment about someone’s typo. But thinking about the SWAT team having assault “riffles” made laugh, is that like a baby ruffle? It struck my funny bone just right.
  3. I have been a student of crime and criminals since before I hit my teens. If you can find a copy of "Bloodletters and Badmen" buy it. It is a very large book, but as I said it is like an encyclopedia of crime and criminals. Some people have just a small paragraph, others have two or more paragraphs, others half a page or more. So you can pick and choose who you wish to read about and how long you wish to read. Like I said, a great bathroom book, if you like reading about crime and criminals.
  4. From the day that Dillnger was killed, just like with JFK, Amelia Earhardt and others, the stories that it was not Dillinger that died have been around. Crime author Jay Robert Nash was the main person that help keep this story going. Nash put forth the theory that Dillinger's lawyer, Louis Piquett, at Dillinger's direction had hired a "look a like" and that it was this "imposter" that was actually killed at the Biograph theater. The fact that Dillinger's father had the grave filled in with cement is also seen as proof that the man inside the grave was not Dillinger. However, there is n
  5. Being found not guilty does not mean he did not do the crime. Only someone with a mental defect or someone so delusional that they refuse to see the truth can say that OJ did not do the crime. The evidence was overwhelming and I do not intend to retry that case. I am just saying that maybe when picking a name to make the point that "the Mob" isn't always right you should pick someone who was actually innocent, Richard Jewel comes to mind and there are many others.
  6. Watched TV in hotel room, worked a little, watched more John Wayne movies, had vegetables from "japanese steakhouse". (not really a japanese steakhouse, but the closest thing to one on this area)
  7. The Andy Griffith Show. (but I really do like the girl on the Big Bang Theory, don't tell the wife)
  8. Not sure OJ is a good example to make your point. Next time maybe name someone that didn't do the crime.
  9. I apologize for being slow, but let me see if I understand what you are saying. That if my father, mother, brother, sister or whatever relative works for the county of Paulding and I, not they, post something on Pcom or any other forum that my relative’s boss doesn’t like, that said boss will “grill” my relative about my post and possibly fire or censor them for my actions? Presuming that my post does not contain privledge information that my relative told me and shouldn’t have, I refuse to believe this to be true and if it is true I would have to think it is actionable. My relatives cannot
  10. Doc Holiday was born in Griffen, GA before the civil war, then after the war he and his family moved to Valdosta, GA. After becoming a dentist he lived in Atlanta before moving to the west. He had TB and the best treatment at that time for TB was to move west where the air was dryer.
  11. Was your Dad from the Dallas, TX area? That was where Bonnie was from.
  12. Here are the answers to the Trivia questions. The question is: What crime had Dillinger committed that had the FBI chasing him and eventually killed him for? Answer: Driving a stolen car across state lines. This was the only federal crime that Dillinger committed and it brought the FBI into the case. Bonus question: How many people is Dillinger generally credited with killing? Answer: One, Officer O'Malley who was shot during a bank holdup. At the time, the FBI were hailed as heros by the media for "getting Dillinger". I wonder what the media would say today if the same
  13. Here is a trivia question for you. After months of chasing him, on July 22, 1934 outside the Biograph theater in Chicago, FBI agents shot and killed Public Enemy Number One, John Dillinger. Dillinger was leaving the theater with two women and when he supsected a trap, he started to run. While it is generally accepted that Dillinger had a Colt .38 pistol on him, he never fired a shot, but several agents of the FBI and East Chicago police gunned him down. The question is: What crime had Dillinger committed that had the FBI chasing him and eventually killed him for? A bonus questi
  14. Just for the record, I believe in climate change, I just do not think humans are the cause.
  15. Considering that the "little ice age" ended around 1850, the fact that the temp started rising in the later half of the 1700's is not suprising. Again, study the history of the earth. I thought saccharine caused cancer, oh wait, no it doesn't. Maybe it was eggs that are bad, no wait eggs are good/bad/good/bad???? It's meat! Yeh, that's the ticket, meat is bad. No, maybe it isn't meat after all. No, I got it! It was DDT! Yeh that was it. DDT kills, that's what is bad, that nasty DDT. No that can't be it, because the ban on DDT has helped cause more deaths in 3rd world countries than D
  16. I got the the air in my hotel room set on 70. No global warming here.
  17. Climax, GA is a very nice town. I go there several times a year on business. Nice people, small town.
  18. I agree with you last statement, we may (doubtful), kill off ourselves, but we will not hurt the planet.
  19. OK. Here is the solution to global warming. Turn the air conditioner up. (or down, whatever)
  20. The planet has been warmer and it has been cooler, it will continue to be warmer and cooler. Man has nothing to do with it. We ain't that big to the planet. The earth is approx. 4.5 billion years old, yep that is billion with a B, and mankind is approx. 500,000 years old. The dinasaurs started around 240 million years ago and were around for around for approx. 180 million years and the earth was going through some major changes at that time. Nothing to due with man, as he wasn't here.
  21. While I am not a professional therapist, I did stay in a Holiday Inn last night and that means I am qualified to say this: God Bless and keep working the professionals who stayed at school and not a hotel to learn about how to deal with these problems.
  22. Look it up, in the early 80's the weather experts were predicting the coming of the next ice age. That was before there was money in global warming.
  23. Study your history, it is part of the cycle of the planet. Anyone that thinks that humans have a major effect on the planet itself, are fooling themselves. This planet has withstood the continents splitting apart, major volcanic action over the planet, large meteorites smashing into it and small ones, giant glaciers moving across it and the list goes on and on. Mankind is but a speck and taking into account how long the earth has existed, mankind has only been on it a very, very small amount of time. (a minute, as far as the earth is concerned) It is man's ego that says he is capable of do
  24. Huh...Uhhh...Amen...uhh...I mean I vote yes...uhh...I mean I vote no...uhhhh Sorry, I fell asleep, what were we talking about? Oh God, his voice is just droning over and over in my head! Make it go away! Please, someone make it stop! Never mind, I found the stop button. (sorry Bill, but it's my truth)
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