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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Like subby's, I too spend a LOT of time alone in my job, so please don't tell the little men. I never win an argument with myself. After several events involving my wife and her kid's and assorted in-laws and other family members; I say when trying to get them all ready and headed in the right direction on time; It is like herding cats! My son after the step-daughter's wedding last year said; now I know what you mean by that dad.
  2. Here are 10 great things to know when you are age 5, 25, 50, 75 or 100. 1. Share everything. 2. Play fair. 3. Don't hit people. 4. Put things back where you found them. 5. Clean up your own mess. 6. Don't take things that aren't yours. 7. Say you're SORRY when you hurt somebody. 8. Wash your hands before you eat. 9. Flush. 10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you BONUS If it is not yours, don't touch it.
  3. Whatever the case, it is sad for the family. I respect their right to their privacy. On a seperate note, apropos to nothing in particular, a rule I learned when in kindergarden seems to be a good rule for the rest of my life. If it is not yours, don't touch it. That works all the way through life and has kept me out of a lot of trouble.
  4. Least we forget, the only Super Bowl the Falcons have ever been in took place while Taylor Smith was in charge of the team. Taylor Smith also hired the coach of that team, Dan Reeves and it was under Taylor Smith that they drafted Micheal Vick. (ok, that didn't work out so great, but nobody could knew that when he was drafted) Rankin and JR made a lot of mistakes, I mean a LOT, but Taylor seemed to be a little sharper. As far as Blank goes, see what the long time season ticket holders have to say about him. It is as bad or worse than it was with Rankin. At least Rankin screwed everyon
  5. Am I happy with the record so far, yes, how could you not be? They beat the teams that were on their schedule, good or bad, those were the teams they had scheduled to play for the first five games. That is all they can do. How they will play from here on out I am not sure, my crystal ball has been foggy for many years. Do to what I think are some weaknesses with the team and do to conditioning from the Falcons' play for the past 40 years, I remain cautiously optimistic. But I can promise that walking out of the stadium after a win is a heck of a lot better than walking out after a loss.
  6. Well there goes my 3-way and big money. Oh yeh, the wife saw this and ain't real happy at the moment. (we recorded the game, so I just found out who won)
  7. If you think that is bad you should know how it is in my house! Here one person controls ALL the wealth, but I still love her.
  8. Ahhh, so if I say it or type it, it will happen. In that case, I expect to have a threesome with two 20 something beautiful gals...oh and win the lotto...and my wife is not mad about the 1st one.
  9. Ahhh, old Chipper. He is a very loving and giving guy, just ask any Hooter's waitress. I remember the weekend the story broke, that Sunday the Falcons had a home game and before the game started, Chipper and his wife walked around and around and around the dome holding hands. His personal life is his personel life, but don't try and wee wee on my leg and tell me it's raining. Keep it to yourself. I wish him no ill will in his career, I just have no respect for him as a person. Not that he knows or would care if he did know.
  10. Braves, GA Tech & GA lost. Any bets on the Falcons and Redskins? I think it will be a clean sweep on the GA teams this weekend.
  11. Between me and the bulldog there is a lot methane production at our house. (my poor wife )
  12. Look, I am going to settle this internet question once and for all. It was invented by a guy named Murry who lived in his mother's basement. In between rounds of Dungeons and Dragons, Murry and his best friend Phil invented the internet using 2 Pepsi cans and some string. The reason no one knows this, is because the goverment stole the plans from Murry and Phil and now both are working at one of the last Blockbuster Vidios left.
  13. If this is serious question, the answer is no. In fact, I am a big believer in what at one time was an accepted legal defense; they needed killing.
  14. First, for those who felt bad about my upbringing, thank you for your thoughts, but it was not as bad as it may sound. Like I said, the worst whippings I ever got were at the school. There are those who do experience real abuse, some have mentioned it here and those are the ones that have to overcome distrust and other things that I cannot know. To them, I am sorry that happened to you. As I said, the last time I smacked my son's rear was when he was around 4 years old. For some reason he found the whole thing funny; before during and after the spanking. As he was over my knees and I
  15. He is an idiot when he is not speaking generally.
  16. I call it my 'god' voice. Mine still works on my son. My dad used his till he died. There I was almost 50 years old and when my dad used his 'god' voice, I immediately would respond with a meek, yes sir. I knew he was dead serious and not playing around. I sure wish it worked on the wife, it tends to have the opposite effect on her.
  17. First, thank you all for your opinions. Second, I am aware that sometimes abuse is done in the name of punishment, so I am not 'hiding my head in the sand". As I said in the OP, I do not think that how I/we were punished was child abuse. This was done only when we had done something major or kept doing something we shouldn't over and over. Like I said, this was standard punishment for most, if not all, the kids in my neighborhood and it was administered by any parent on anyone's kid. Worst part about that was sometimes you got it from the parent on the scene and then you got it again wh
  18. I wrote this in another thread: I drove down ATL Rd almost 10 years ago and I hadn't even reached Campbell High School (the old CHS) and there were all these homes listed at $750K and up with the signs saying Vinings. I called my Mom, who still lives in Smyrna, and asked what was the name Vinings doing on all these $750K+ houses in Smyrna? She replied; well, if they put Smyrna on the signs they can't get $750K+ from the transplants.
  19. Glad you are ok. Everyone is right about the shock wearing off and feeling the feelings later, you probably already are. Been there and it is not fun. My guy got away from our robbery, but did the same thing the next week and shot it out with the cops, they killed him, so no trial was needed. Do not let this change the way you live your life, don't let the *! have that power. You behaved bravely and kept your head under extreme circumstances, so remember that part and know you are stronger than you probably ever thought your were. Good job in helping get another preditor off our streets.
  20. This is a true story. My question to you is; is this child abuse? A child under 13 years old has been “whipped” repeatedly with what we used to call a switch, on his bare legs, if he was wearing shorts, which he was many times. Many times these “whippings” resulted in welts on the child’s bare legs and a few times these welts were visible the next day. One of these “whippings” was over the fact that the child was told not to leave the yard but he went into his grandfather’s yard next door to play with his cousins. These “whippings” started when he was around 5 years old and co
  21. I haven't seen a snake in the yard since I was a kid. (not counting the ex)
  22. And there ain't no such town as Smynings, or however this fictional place is spelled. Vinings is down near the Pot 'O Gold. If you don't know what that is and you are from Cobb, congrats, you are young.
  23. I can understand why he is not ashamed of what he did, he is a personal injury attorney, in other words, no ethics, morals or feelings. In fact I think I saw his picture in the snake thread. Heck as a personal injury attorney he runs every day, chasing ambulances. Disclamer: The above statements in no way are reflective of any personal injury attorneys that may be on Pcom, I am aware that the generalizations made in this post in no way apply to you. (Please do not sue me, please, I have so little as it is....and I have grandkids...who love their Pop pop, please if nothing else think o
  24. Ohhhh, it is so on now. VININGS? Granny, get my shotgun, we going hunting.
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