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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. Pubby, you have brought me over to your side! I am all for the pink gun program. It just makes sense, it tells everyone who you are and what you are and that you are legal. I love the idea! In fact, I love it so much that I can see where we can use a similar system for other things. Perhaps having someone who commits adultry could were a scarlet A on their clothes? I got it, if you are convicted of rape, you get a black R branded on your forehead! Those who receive goverment assistance would have to wear a scarlet W. This is great! Give me my pink gun as soon as we start branding thos
  2. I am guessing that my recommeding the McRib at Chez McDonalds is not along the line of what everyone is looking for. PS I pair it with a large Diet Coke
  3. PM sent Concerning the furniture: Neat stuff! Congrats!
  4. I showed this article to my cats and told them if they wanted to keep eating to get busy. They suggested I invest in clown shoes. Anyone know someone that works at a Chinese restaurant close by? (for the animal lovers out there, just joking)
  5. Wow, 33 posts and I was just goofing off. That is a better responce than when I try and be serious. Hmmm, maybe like George Castanza from Seinfeld, I should try the opposite thing. But thanks to the weather guy for making this a real thread.
  6. Several thoughts come to mind. First, since everyone was saying it wasn't about all guns, why the rally at Glock. Second, as long as we got em grouped and they are in front of a gun manufacture, wouldn't this be a great time to.....well you get the idea.
  7. Glad you are on the mend. And like mei lan said, you are truly an old journalist.
  8. As LR said, your hair is longer than I thought it would be.
  9. I tried to join Al-Gebra back in the early 70's. I failed.
  10. Aren't in wonderfull downtown Dothan?
  11. The best mexican restaurant in the area, for my money, is Taqueria Jalisco in the Kroger shopping center on Hospital Dr in Douglasville. When I started eating there around 10 yrs ago, I was usually the only "gringo" there. The wife who is from out west says that it is the closest to the mexican food she is used to from back home.
  12. The wife keeps trying to infect me, but I keep fighting it off.
  13. I have met nature girl (ok I know I've said this before, but it is true) she is a nice lady. And RNG is also.
  14. It is 55, my buddy was telling me a few years ago that the cashier at Kroger asked him for his ID. He asked why she needed it as he wasn't buying anything that was age required. She told him that if he was 55 he got the senior discount and that was why she asked. He said it made him mad (he was 55) and in his words; "but I took it."
  15. All these posts are good, but I really need an answer to my Natalie question. My neck is really sore.
  16. I have a Ruger LCP, which as you can see is a very small .380 auto. After my buddy and I were done shooting it one day he said to me; Most of the time you want to stay away from the bad guy when you are shooting at him. But with that gun, your best bet is to run towards him shooting and when the gun is empty, throw it at him as you run away. I thought it was funny. By the way, it is just fine for what I would use it for.
  17. Not that it matters....but is this young lady named Natalie cute? I have noticed some tightness in my neck and shoulders.
  18. I forgot Subby. I met him several years ago, he fixed a weed eater I had. He has since fixed our riding lawnmower and gave me some repair tips over the phone. Nice guy. Raclay and I are neighbors and while we haven't met, I would be shocked if she was anything but a wonderful person. After all, just look at her tag line. (I think that is what it is called)
  19. Ok, I gotta say it. (my tongue is mostly in my cheek) Another good reason to just shoot em.
  20. As far as pcommers I have met: pubby - well he is pubby LPPT - lots of fun and super nice Sports Source - very nice lady, good sense of humor Cape Crusader - nice guy, funny Glassdogs - nice guy, he speaks his mind on here and in person (we have been friends for quite a few years) Citizen Cain - nice guy, he helped me out years ago when I needed some help, a lot funnier than I remember, but I still use his "how mechanics and doctors are a lot alike" line (also a lot more liberal than I remember) Lady Raider - I think the fact that I have never seen a negative word about her on pcom
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