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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. You mean that when I order a pizza and the two delivery girls show up....that's not going to happen? I guess I can cancel tonights pizza.
  2. Am I the only one who doesn't know who Tyler Perry is? I thought it was Matthew Perry's brother.
  3. I have cable TV, I have had all the education I need.
  4. When I am at the dr's on Monday, I will again have to ask them to take a pound off my weight, due to my pistol.
  5. I remember him when he had that doctor TV show.
  6. I thought you said no one wanted to ban guns. So this report must be wrong.
  7. Then we know your real name isn't Linda.
  8. That's the story I would stick to also, surepip.
  9. But always remember, the goverment is not after our guns. The anti-gun people have told me so.
  10. I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree hugger.
  11. I am sure it is just a phase and she will grow out of it. Tree hugging that is. (I had all my tounge in my check on this one)
  12. As a "frump" I am thankful that women are not as shallow as men.
  13. Why call a cow with no legs? It can't come anyway.
  14. I surrender. Angry ladies scare me. Edited to change Mad to Angry. (didn't want anyone saying I meant crazy)
  15. I'll let her know tomorrow how it was.
  16. Has Blondie counted her ducks lately?
  17. Ohh crap, I thought I was liking them. Tree huggers! Some worry their kid will grow up gay, I worry mine will become a tree hugging "Save the Planet" person. I know he would tell me if he was gay, but I am not so sure he would if he was one of "them". (typed with just a small part of my tounge in my cheek, just a small part)
  18. You mean that they still did a show after Johnny left? You had great hosts before the "master" (Steve Allen and Jack Paar) and then.......what...... ..standup comedians as hosts? I think not. I have watched some of Letterman, Leno and whatever that tall redheaded guy's name is. It is mostly miss, with very few hits. They all make the show about them, also the level of "stars" are nowhere near whar we used to have, so that hurts. Rant over......for now. He is the only one that is original.
  19. I don't know where you can but or buy 1/2 a cow. Just wondering though, do you wish to but or buy the front half or the back half?
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