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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. OK, who kidnapped Go Blue and who is the new guy? He and I are agreeing waaaaaaay to much. I am making an DR appointment next week, one of us is sick. (keep up the good work GB!)
  2. They are all cute, but that SWAT guy looks ready for business. (poor puppy, you know all the other animals at the house will make fun of him)
  3. In THAT case, I for sure wish I was there. But then again I have my own wife to have those kind of conversations with. (but it's a lot more fun listening to others have them)
  4. I wish I was there for that. (as long as it was dark, so no one could see me sniffle)
  5. I am glad they didn't come by my house, I hate to get all weepy in front of people and I think that might have done it. Good for them!! ETA (over whelming cuteness factor you know)
  6. Sexist!! Who says a woman can't be a tow truck driver. (is she the tow truck driver?) (I know, I know, none of my business) (but is she?)
  7. Dang, that is one good looking group! And Batman looks as tough as Batgirl does cute.
  8. Ahhhh, that is why there is a 3 to 1 ratio between men and women.
  9. While i didn't know Mrs. Nelson or to my knowledge any of her family. I have to say that I wish I had. She certainly sounds like she was a wonderful lady and anyone who plays the piano at their own 102 birthday has to be someone that was a joy to know. A belated Happy 102 Birthday to Mrs. Nelson and my sympathies are with her family during this time of loss.
  10. The answer is YES, you are crazy. Now I have to go watch the video. ETA I had to turn my computer sideways to watch part of it.
  11. I am psychic and I see a divorce in her future. (and a small room)
  12. Soooo, does that mean that one woman is having car sex with three different guys?
  13. I person can be held without bail. I know, I know, there has to be extenuating circumstances, but they can be.
  14. Thanks, now I know who she is. Wasn't she the only one on The View that wasn't a left wing nut job?
  15. I love it!! Dang, we shoulda got him a real Tommy. (I know, these days not a good idea, back in the day, he woulda been the cats meow)
  16. Here is what I am wearing. Ohhh, you meant what we are dressing up as tonight? Never mind.
  17. Oh, you'll make a movie alright. And you will be the "star", but trust me, it ain't the kind of movie you want to be in. :shivers: Like low said, DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT!! And don't believe that story about there being fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.
  18. That is a very sweet story. I know that it meant a lot to all of you.
  19. I can't watch. Sick kids make me want to cry. They are so brave.
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