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stercus tauri

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Everything posted by stercus tauri

  1. I'm not sure I get what you're saying. Are you saying that protecting everyone so that government doesn't advance any one religion is a bad thing?
  2. Sadly, that is the point of the TIME article and I'm afraid many people in this thread don't even recognize their own bigotry, very much like the Old South and the racism of the pre Civil Rights Era.
  3. You've proven the point the TIME article was making. In this day and age, Christians in the developed world are edcuated and realize that their "Scripture" doesn't mean it is blasphemous to draw a picture. At one time, it was only the radical Christian who did not believe killing the offender was the right thing to do. You would, at one time, been considered a heretic by nearly all of the Christian world since you see no problem with drawing such depcitions. In the Muslim world, most of the followers are not well educated, poor and have little understanding of the outside world, just l
  4. The same as Christians used to impose. Death.
  5. That's not an apples to apples comparison and you should know better than that. Christians do not believe (today at least) that it is blasphemy to caricature Jesus, while Muslims believe it is blasphemous to draw Mohammed. If you are a serious Christian you would know that Christianity already fought that theological battle because at one time it was considered blasphemous to draw anything that could characterize God or Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Christianity decided a long time ago there was no problem with it and that it did not violate the commandment against idolatry but for 1000 years, Chr
  6. The same with Islam. Maybe if folks had a better understanding of Islam they could make their points better. Not all Muslims believe Christians and Jews should be exterminated and the US should become the United States of Islam. BTW, Jews today don't believe gays and witches should be killed either so you might want to re-phrase that "Old Testament is Jewish law" thing. Is that not the same Christian God as the Old Testament God? This is what society is having to deal with and the article makes a good point, but what I'm reading on here is the epitome of the article's point. That ki
  7. I don't think you're quite following the line of thought here. At one that is what the overwhelming majority of Christians believed and they used the Bible to support their views. They also condemned Copernicus when he said he earth was not the center of the universe because the church said the Bible taught otherwise. I don't want this to turn into a religious discussion because God knows I am no scholar in that, but the whole book of Philemon was Paul saying the runaway slave is property and was beggin the owner to not beat the living tar out of the slave even if he did have the right to do s
  8. Isn't that what the Muslims say about Christians and Jews?
  9. Your interpretation doesn't say that but there are many groups that do/did believe that way. Slavery and the Bible The largest Protestant denomination's view of slavery (at one time) and women. History of Women's Rights The Curse of Ham David Goldenberg's book, The Curse of Ham Catholics believe that birth control is a sin. Surely as an educated society we have moved past those out-dated prejudices and superstitions and begin to actually advance other people who are still in (almost) the Dark Ages. Wouldn't that help everyone?
  10. There's where I can agree with you completely. I disagree with the Muslim faith. I don't believe it to be "true" or the "right" way. I am a Christian and that is how I view faith. That doesn't mean I think Muslim people are evil or immoral or even crazy. I see all religions and even non-religious people as all having their fair share of crazy people. I do think we do need to consider that (in under-developed world, at least) where the Muslim faith is predominate, there is also an extremely low literacy rate and very poor economic conditions. Let's be real because a lack of education and li
  11. You mean like the Christians that think gays should be discriminated against? You mean like the Christians of only 150 years ago that thought slavery was Biblical? Or the Christians (even today) that think non-whites are "cursed" by God and should "know their place?" You mean like the Christians that believe women should be servants of the men? You mean like the Christians that believe it is a sin to use birth control? You mean like the Christians that believe the Bible should be the main frame of American law? Every week in “America Acknowledges God” the Foundation for Moral Law highlight
  12. Just like most Muslims try to distance themselves from Sharia Law. At least the sensible ones, do. We have some Christians who do the same thing with wanting to put their religious ideas in our laws. Let's hope society is more educated than that.
  13. Doesn't the Christian view of God demand his law be followed? The Bible says that rebellious teens should be killed, gays killed, adulterers killed, slavery is perfectly fine, women are property, interracial marriage is prohibited, and a million other things that most Christians don't practice. If the argument is that a "true" Muslim believes in Sharia law, then we must also say the same about Christians. The point is that not all Muslims follow the idea that violence is a part of the faith, just like Jews and Christians don't follow that idea about theirs. The TIME magazine article wa
  14. I don't think we're talking about Islamic law. That is something that is in countries where the religion runs the government. The TIME article is about Islamophobia toward people simply because they are Muslim.
  15. None of the discussion has anything to do with the origianl post that said an athesit group got crosses removed. That's not what happened but the discussion about makeshift memorials is a better topic anyway.
  16. The current TIME magazine has an article that asks, "Is America Islamophobic?" The story is culled down in the online version but says in part --- Although the American strain of Islamophobia lacks some of the traditional elements of religious persecution — there's no sign that violence against Muslims is on the rise, for instance — there's plenty of anecdotal evidence that hate speech against Muslims and Islam is growing both more widespread and more heated. Meanwhile, a new TIME–Abt SRBI poll found that 46% of Americans believe Islam is more likely than other faiths to encourage viol
  17. Bascially you're telling us this is a Tea Party rally, compliments of Virgina Galloway, under the guise of a Republican meeting, right?
  18. That's not exactly what happened. The case involved the Utah Highway Patrol Association when it put up on public land some 13 crosses, each 12 feet high, as memorials to Utah Highway Patrol members who were killed in the line of duty. These are hardly "simple" crosses. The court concluded that the Christian crosses,as permanent displays on government land, were government speech, even though the Utah Highway Patrol Association, a private group, retained ownership of the memorials. The court went on to find that the memorials violated the Lemon test because "the cross memorials would co
  19. It was a crappy format. Glad to know the morning news can be caught on an FM frequency now.
  20. Those are some mean little bastards! They remind me of some baptists on Saturday nights after revival. (Don't tell Father Adrian I said that because he will laugh and then give me some serious words of correction!) I agree with the Liquid Sevin. Several days worth. Gas as needed.
  21. Thankfully we are trying different things to see what works because it obviously wasn't working 2007-2008.
  22. Your post here says a lot about your character. I'll not bother to respond and let your own words stand for everybody to see.
  23. I would say it is people like Blazing Saddles that has run people off intead of "management," whomever that is. I was on the original Highway and it collapsed because non-right wing views were completely thrashed, discouraged and all-around not wanted. When the whole place is all of the same philosophy, there is no discussion. Whatever it is that is "new" will falter as well. Good riddance to rude rubbish, IMHO.
  24. The Republicans have turned to Extreme Right Wing Very Near Fascist.
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