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Everything posted by kwood

  1. I won't be convinced until it hits central time zone. I'm sure the Myans were aware of time zones.
  2. Is that normal to lay in a be for 30 minutes at a store? we just got a new traditional mattress with a memory foam top. I can't remember the brand off the top of my head, but I love it.
  3. so some people just deserve killin?
  4. I have little sympathy for Adam Lanza's mother. It is coming out that she is a "prep-er", and was stock piling weapons despite knowing that her son had a mental illness, she also made sure he learned how to shoot. I will respect that she may have had a hard time with her son, but I don't think surrounding him with weapons was her best parenting move. Maybe she is/was mentally ill as well.
  5. So now they are describing the shooter as a "gamer". Gamers seem more dangerous than a public school education or legal gun ownership.
  6. making gun illegal only keeps guns out of the hands of law abiding people. people intent on evil will get guns.
  7. We are desensitized to violence. If you watch enough movies, games, tv shows that glorify the taking of human life then you become immune to the emotions. Mentally stable people can process that and separate reality from fiction, but who is there for the mentally unstable? There is nothing bad about attending public schools. I went to public school and got a great education. Hiding our kids at home does not prepare them for the world they have to live in. You cant legislate crazy. You remove moral values from a society you will get a place that is scary and deadly.
  8. I think you people are nuts. I ate at Rodney's and Bensons and the only thing different was the name on the place.
  9. I have a Kindle Fire and Kindle Fire HD, I never use it off the wifi network. I would recommend them both.
  10. Are you high Clarice? Lets see how it's different. The govt. pays unemployment benefits. The money to pay those benefits is taken from tax payers by rule, not by choice, and handed out. CFA takes money freely given by customers and offsets free meals to public servants.
  11. I'm confused, I thought the one on 92 was just changed name, same owner. No? I didn't know the one on 92 closed, but I haven't been back in Hiram since September.
  12. I think they did that with Michael Jackson The rest of the movies mentioned in this thread should just be burned and never watched again
  13. So we can expect a large influx of pot smoking hippies?
  14. What is it with Paulding County and naming everything after someone. Lots of self obsessed people
  15. That's more understandable. But someone said she wanted to know about arrests of their neighbors. People get arrested, doesn't mean they are guilty, also people do stupid things and change. To me if it doesn't directly affect your life you shouldn't go digging into other peoples lives. You don't know what they have come through.
  16. The world ends in a few days. I'm not worried
  17. It's state by state so they probably do it to cover their ass in all state without having to figure out which ones do and don't do it. They talked about it on the TV this morning in regards to the Australian DJ prank gone wrong.Apparnetly it's illegal in Australia but not in England, or vice versa, I wasn't listening closely
  18. Then take them to Goodwill.
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