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Everything posted by LaurBar

  1. Just one of those days, I guess! I swear I can't wait for kindergarten to start...
  2. LaurBar

    My sister

    Sorry to hear that...P&PT!
  3. Inhale...exhale... Just trying not to lose my mind over here. That's all...
  4. While it was sad watching Jim Bob tear up and talk about how it was about to change their lives forever...at the same time, I was thinking how incredibly lucky they are. They haven't had a miscarriage since their 2nd pregnancy that prompted them to stop using birth control. That is an amazing thing to be able to say. And none of their children have medical problems. But eventually, if you keep having kids something is BOUND to happen eventually, be it accident, illness, or a premature birth with possible long term consequences. I just hope this baby has no lasting problems. I wonder if it has
  5. Hmm...they must have gone down on their prices because when my son got into martial arts, Pil Sung Do said 70/mo. I ended up going with Choi Kwang Do with ladythatkicks. They used to be next to the new Walmart. Anyway, I went with CKD because the facility looked better, and I had heard that the PSD male instructor is hard on the little kids. I wanted my son to want to go, not be scared or intimidated. But that is just what I heard from people...I have also heard good things about it. I say just visit each one and see which works for you.
  6. If I ate frozen peas for snacks, I'd have to eat the entire bag! LOL!
  7. I would really stay away from any type of cereal as a snack. Whether it's made from whole grains, sweetened or unsweetened, it is still basically nothing but carbs, which will not satisfy you nearly as long as protein would. Granola is great for you, but it's actually mentioned quite often as the "diet killer," so to speak, because people tend to always eat too much of it...a 3/4 cup serving contains almost 400 calories and around 20 grams of fat!!! They do have healthier varieties, but granola is still a higher calorie food. I would personally stay away from that if you are looking to lose we
  8. No idea, but I'd like to know too...that sounds like an introductory price or a huge typo. Lol. The cheapest place I have found for that type of activity is around $100/mo.
  9. LaurBar

    Please Pray

    Said a little prayer for ya! Car problems totally suck...I've had more than my share of bad luck with them the past few months and just found out my "reliable" one has an oil leak today. So...I feel your pain, and I do hope you come up with the money somehow or find some solution to your issue. Good luck!
  10. ?? Did you call them and see if there is some sort of mistake? You have electric heat, right? Our power bill did go up (even though it normally goes down in the winter since we have gas heat), but only by about 20 or 30 bucks, and I think a lot of that had to do with Gavin leaving the bathroom light on ALL the time now...ugh...and just generally using more energy in the house. Our bill was $100, gas bill was $100.
  11. Hey now, watch it! I would agree with you a few years ago when nearly everything in Hollister, Abercrombie, etc had nothing but "Hollister" or some other words printed on it. But now they actually have regular styles vs just some wording. My mom buys hubby stuff from Abercrombie a lot...lol. Mainly the hoodies. But I love Abercrombie and Hollister jeans. They last a long time.
  12. Hot dogs! Thanks to the lovely hot dog thread yesterday.
  13. Well, that's a given! Lol. They sure are, though. I love hot dogs, but I only eat one of them when I make them...I don't even want to look at the nutrition info on the pack in my fridge. :-D
  14. I will check out your rec of The Attic, thanks...not looking for gold as I said it would be duplicates, but I don't want junk, either. Will have to check them out!
  15. I read the Facebook page...she has a collapsed lung secondary to pneumonia...if I am not mistaken. I believe that is what it said in a nutshell.
  16. Prayers said for Anna and her family...what a terrible thing to go through.
  17. I'm guessing it's a thrift store of some sort, but they always have baby stuff out in front...cribs, swings, strollers, etc. It looks like nice stuff when I'm driving by, but I have never stopped and wondered if it would be worth stopping for? I was thinking of going there because after I buy the baby stuff that I need, I was thinking of getting an extra swing, pack n play, etc for our office so that I don't have to carry things down there all the time.
  18. 99% of the time I buy Hebrew National hot dogs after seeing a special on tv about their company and the procedures and precautions they use in their factory compared to others. I only don't buy them if they are out of the beef and only have chicken.
  19. Why can't you eat them?
  20. Slow cooker chili with crackers, cornbread, or grilled cheese. It depends on what hubby wants with it.
  21. Well, I did more searching and didn't find the exact one. I actually did, but it was already sold. Grr... This one is Carter's, has brown hair, and has a dress http://cgi.ebay.com/Carters-Just-One-Year-Dress-Pink-Green-Doll-Toy-NWT_W0QQitemZ120430851156QQcmdZViewItemQQptZBaby_Toys?hash=item1c0a3cf454 It is not the same, obviously, but perhaps you could tell your daughter that she grew into a big girl
  22. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002MN1FOI/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_sr_1?pf_rd_p=486539851&pf_rd_s=lpo-top-stripe-1&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_i=B001F58LO6&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0PR5M017GHW82G5K7BYD The clothes are a bit diff, but I found that in about 2 seconds. If you Google Carter's My First Doll, tons of results come up. That was just the first one I clicked on...I'm sure you can find the one that you are looking for. Perhaps just not on eBay.
  23. You must be really bored. Lol. Or REALLY thinking about those hot dogs! I eat mine exactly the way that you do, and so does hubby. It's funny because I used to only eat them with ketchup or with chili, but my hubby brought out the mustard and onion in me. Lol.
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