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Everything posted by MrsB

  1. This is totally something I would do. ahahahaha
  2. OMG. I am crying from laughing so hard!! That is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I have a close friend that owns an advertising company, and that first poster reminds me of his work. Haha... I am sending this to him!! LOL
  3. Yes, what Creative One said. It is not subject to the same rules as the rest of the board.
  4. Come on, why not? We need some life back in the tonk.
  5. MrsB


    Your welcome. I'm glad that made sense. LOL
  6. Have fun!! That is so exciting! I would love to be leavin' on a jet plane right now. However I'd prefer it to be heading to Cabo.
  7. MrsB


    I don't think that was the intent of the posters at all - to direct that response to you. I for one, felt the same way as they did when I read it, but in no way thought it towards you but just in general. Just because you asked the question doesn't mean you are actually using someone else's internet.... does that make sense? I asked my husband the same thing when he password protected ours, because I didn't know all that could happen otherwise - other than a neighbor using it for free.
  8. I don't know if this has anything to do with it or not, but just now when I hit "Recent Topics" I got an error saying that the server was too busy for response, and to please try again later. I waited a couple of minutes, tried again, and it did the same. I waited, hit the back button, and got back here. So I just thought I'd let you know.
  9. Gotcha! But that is sad, though. I don't like sticks in mud either. Socks worn with sandles.
  10. Pubby, I just did a virus scan and there was no virus detected. I think I caught it and shut everything down in time. I was updating my signature on my profile when it happened - I had just hit save changes, and it was right around the same time this thread was started, or actually a minute or so before. I am using IE, version 6 (yes it is very outdated), and the skin is Simple Blue (Import).
  11. So, if this is a virus attack, then my awesome anti virus did not catch it. I am getting off here now to run a scan. I shall return.
  12. Crap. I just had an issue with pcom freezing up when I tried to refresh and then a java app tried to open. I closed all browsers, and the java window shut down, but that was all. No warning from my anti virus. Is there an issue? Is this from the "member" that tried to link people away from pcom in the anitvirus thread?
  13. My husband does that. Not becuase he thinks he's too cool, but he absolutely hates to have his picture taken. He also thinks he looks funny when he smiles. I don't - I love his smile Some just don't like pics.
  14. Note to self: When a thread has "Gross" in the title 6 times, do not open it. It will be gross. And more than likely it will haave some gag-tastic responses as well (i.e. ^^). Stay out of this thread. Oh, and while I was making this note to myself, a gnat flew in front of the screen and into my face. I threw up a little in my mouth.
  15. I can't believe I forgot Alabama. Dixieland Delight is one of my favs.
  16. Thanks, RM. I promise myself I am going to do it. I think if I can make it to one week I will be safe. That seems soooo far away. Sorry for the hijack, Weatherboy.
  17. That is so wrong... I should not have laughed as hard at that as I did...
  18. Well, it's what I have assumed was your house! I could be wrong.... I promise I am not a stalker. LOL
  19. Poor thing doesn't have much left. Otherwise I would Bless his heart.
  20. Hey Subby! I drove by this afternoon/evening and noticed a lot of activity! Good for you!
  21. Well, your response gave me a good chuckle, so that is better than advice Thanks, WB I forgot to say there is no help for him anyway.
  22. I know, right? It was totally my fault. But I really cound't finish my dinner after reading that. It did turn my stomach.
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