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Hee Haw

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Everything posted by Hee Haw

  1. Mostly land acquisition and improvements to make a piece of land into a park- and the buildings on it, any tennis courts, basketball courts, etc. All stuff that has to be maintained and staffed to some degree.
  2. Isn't Plumley the lawyer that all the people who can't speak English go to get their alcohol licenses?
  3. ELOST is a different 'SPLOST' tax. You are already paying that now- along with a school bond for capital improvement so that we can have modern gyms- in addition to the current SPLOST you are paying for (the one that pays for things like cars so everyone that works at the sheriff's department can have a car to drive back and forth from home to work). You'll get a chance to vote to keep that school ELOST again in the not-too-distant future and we'll all go through seven pages of this again.
  4. Seems to be a recurring theme- people don't mind paying for what is needed, but many of us now see the SPLOS as a bit of a combined needs/slush fund, buying some things we really need and some things that the politicians or special interests just want. Either way, regardless what is bought and why, the general fund has to be used for its upkeep. You can buy a pretty big house with a good mortgage, but the money to keep it up may break you. If it is really needed and justified then let the politicians take the steps necessary to get it- even if that means raising taxes- and explain it to us. Th
  5. Sorry, but between all the public parks, the trails, the different ball fields and that huge piece of greenspace we all bought I think we have enough parks to last us through the next SPLOST cycle.
  6. Maybe I'm missing something but I don't think the shelter manager reports to the human resources manager. Seems more like they report to the county manager.
  7. And I'd like an equestrian center to take my horse and ride, and a skateboard park for my kids, and a dog park, and a BMX trail park for my kids and a lazer tag park...
  8. Oh, come on...... I'm not inclined either, but I'm open to hearing some good reasons for or against.....
  9. You've got my curiosity up Pubby. Are you going to put your investigative reporting hat on and get to the bottom of it? Hope so.
  10. Don't disagree with the wondering what is up with the rescues, but it just seems that so many feel that animal control should function as the humane society. I don't understand how that came to be, but I understand the current commission seeing the need to separate the two. I know that most of the staff that is there on a regular basis, and is ultimately responsible for getting the work done, is county-paid staff. The two organizations would seem, on the surface to have a mutual interest, but in the end I think out of necessity they may often find themselves on opposite sides of the street. I'
  11. Maybe I'm missing something here- I thought it was the government's role to 'control' the animal population to the extent necessary that they do not become a public health or public nuisance problem; not save every animal that comes through the door. The other places I have seen have the government role that 'control' the problem and the private/charity role that handles the adoptions, spay and neuter, vaccinations, etc. programs and campaigns. My impression from reading the related posts here is that the 'control' function managed to get taken over by the 'humane society' function and the loc
  12. Find me a residential develoment with Tommie involved. Does he rent mini-storage units, yes. Does he develop residential propertries....NO. Does David Barnet sell goods to homebuilders in some other county....YES. As I understand his biggest customer base right now is around Auburn, Alabama. Todd sells houses, lots, and land....to whomever wants to buy. I guess per your comment that is now a tainted industry as well ? No, just that they too drink/drank from the same trough.
  13. Tommie Graham stated that he had Developed commercial Property on Highway 278, And the Cadillac Parkway area that has provided local jobs for citizens of Paulding County What about those storage buildings that he owns and operates? Who do you suppose uses those- maybe people moving into the county? David Barnett stated that he also has not developed a sub division, and, furthermore was not currently a member of the Paulding County Builders Association, and had not been for a few years. He does own a business across from the New Courthouse that provides jobs for Paulding County Resident
  14. Let's get down to the real issue here: Will they be serving ham or turkey?
  15. Since I've been admonished for being a big meanie in another thread let me take a stab at mending my wicked, insensitive and uncaring ways: You people are cold and heartless. It's for the children, for goodness sakes!
  16. Just tired of bearing yet more burden of the welfare state. Read the other thread about our national debt. If you don't think you too will pay for it you are dreaming. We all have our problems- had mine and never lined up for the gravy train. Church is exactly right. Charity should come from the churches and other charities- not the government. It irritates me that the OP comes on here to advertise it too. One can tell that she is affiliated with the program and probably benefits from having as many people show up as possible. The naive other posters who support it as 'good thing' are just as
  17. I'm sorry. I meant: It's a wonderful social welfare program. Which end of the spoon are you on, by the way- getting the free lunch or drawing a paycheck by scooping up the free lunch. My bet goes on the scooping end- hence, why you are here making your PSA.
  18. Wow! Absolutely FREE! How does the federal government manage to grow, harvest, package, distribute, prepare and serve all that food for absolutely nothing. Turns out there is such a thing as a FREE lunch after all! Save me a place in line.
  19. Amen. I would rather have a bunch of uneasy enemies on that board than a bunch of too easy friends. At least that way they keep one another honest- and when they do actually do something they agree on it is something that is necessary- and not scratching some buddy's back. When King J does a $49k deal with the former county manager it is an impeachable offense. When King D does it no one bats an eye? Why would he settle a case for $50k if there wasn't something to it? Obviously, we know that legal expenses mean nothing to the county. Exhibit: Holland and Knight's $750k bill for Surepip's
  20. Didn't they just some kind of grand opening? So isn't the terminal open and someone there to..... keep it open?
  21. Maybe Beverly is a student of King Jerry, maybe not. I heard an interesting conversation the other day about Pownall also- One gentleman said that Pownall was Van Westbrook's business partner and worked on his campaign when Van was running against KJ. Then that he was Austin's campaign manager when Austin was running against KJ. If that was the case then I don't exactly think the Pownall was 'standing up the people' when he was supposedly taking on KJ. Would have been what PT Barnum would have called a shill. Another good example of smoke and mirrors. Seems that few things in politics are
  22. Plus, even if they were inclined to comment I don't think any of them have enough information to make a call or commitment one way or the other.
  23. Hee Haw


    Impact fees sound interesting. Why doesn't our BOC put those in gear now before the builders get back in thick to donate against oppose them? Seems to me the SPLOST for DOT provides the infrastructure for the developers to latch onto to build more houses. The county builds or re-paves a road and wham- up goes a subdivision. Or the reverse happens- a subdivision goes up, a developer gets rich and we get to foot the bill for repaving the road the subdivision is on after all the construction traffic and new residents have eaten through what was left of the existing road. I drive across some
  24. Why do you suppose this is so? Are we getting what we ask for, what we pay for or what we deserve?
  25. Hee Haw


    If I remember right from the last time this came to a vote, they are locked in to what they commit. They can't reallocate some of the advertised percent of, say, parks and rec to transportation. And at the time that the last vote was up I seem to remember that they had not spent all of the money from the SPLOST before (they got around to it). The only other thing I can remember about it is that it is for capital items only- they can't spend it on salaries or maintenance items. Since I've never known of a politician to put away any money for a future use I don't think that will be one of our wo
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