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Everything posted by jennilyn77

  1. In a perfect world people would be judged as individuals. But that's not always the case and to pretend otherwise is being either willfully ignorant or completely in denial. It's hard to understand what's happening today if you refuse to understand and acknowledge what happened yesterday. - Jenilyn
  2. I posted this on my FB page. It brought me to tears.
  3. I wouldn't either. I was just pointing out that it wasn't a riot. The attack was a planned attack and it happened during a peaceful protest.
  4. They weren't rioting in the street. It was supposed to be a peaceful protest. This morning on Facebook I saw pictures of the some of the officers smiling standing next to some of the protesters. It was peaceful until someone decided to murder those cops who were just doing their jobs.
  5. I'm curious as to why a cop would feel a need to ask for the passenger's identification over a simple broken tail light.
  6. For some it's a lot easier to be cynical and protective than it is to be human and objective. As you can see there has been very little response to your topic about the man who was murdered in Minneapolis. Nobody can justify it so they will bury their heads until the next incident with a shadow of a doubt, and then they will come out blindly swinging again.
  7. "The continued focus on black-on-black crime is a diversionary tactic, whose goal is to suggest that black people don’t have the right to be outraged about police violence in vulnerable black communities, because those communities have a crime problem." http://blacklivesmatter.com/11-major-misconceptions-about-the-black-lives-matter-movement/
  8. "Cops who can't get over their fear of black people should not be cops" - guy on the internet.
  9. I'm making Brunswick stew with the leftover smoked pork butt that we made on Monday. And grilled cheese sandwiches.
  10. There was lots of lightning in The Crossroads area. I was coming out of Kroger as the rain was winding down but there was still a lot of lightning going on. It was a little scary wheeling a metal cart throughout a wide open parking lot and then having to load up everything into my car. I thought I was a goner.
  11. Hmmmm...I bought ingredients to make salsa today. I've made it several times in the past but I never thought to cook it. I think i'll try it! It makes sense that it would help the flavors meld together. I'm not going to can it though.
  12. I'm sure there are lots of cops who are animal lovers. I'm not sure about the process of placing a K-9 with an officer, but perhaps more steps should be taken to make sure the officer has experience and love for dogs first.
  13. Would he stand by the courts decision? I'm mean really. I would laugh if it wasn't so sad.https://www.washingtonpost.com/video/politics/ted-cruz-says-supreme-court-gay-marriage-ruling-fundamentally-wrong/2016/02/06/48dde6b0-cc6b-11e5-b9ab-26591104bb19_video.html
  14. I know plenty about Ted Cruz. I'm the rare person who actually listens to all of the candidates before I decide which one I hate most. Ted Cruz is no friend to the gay community. Never has been, and never will be.
  15. My son has always been scared of fireworks because of the noise. This was our first year shooting them off and his first year watching them. He liked them but after we shot off for a while, he said we should take a break because we don't want the noise to hurt anyone's feelings. <3
  16. This might be a dumb question but I'm curious as to why they're evacuating people? Wouldn't people be safer locked up in their homes? I remember when I was a kid I was spending the night with a friend and there was a domestic hostage situation in the neighborhood. We were told to lock ourselves inside and stay away from windows.
  17. If you were that worried about the gay community you wouldn't have supported Ted Cruz. I know quite a few gay people and it's not the muslims that make them feel less than.
  18. This is so tragic. My thoughts are with their family and friends.
  19. I can't decide if my curiosity of the allegations is worth $18 or not.
  20. A friend of mine got home from the Gulf a week ago and now she has a staph infection. Her doctor thinks she got it from swimming in the water.
  21. Not only should we think of animals, we should think of our neighbors who might be veterans with PTSD. Thanks for the scarf tip, Brian. My poor Marley is terrified of fireworks and pretty much any loud noise.
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